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COVID-19 UK & Beyond


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UK Covid figures for 22/01. 40,261 new infections, 1401 Covid-related deaths. Total deaths 95,981.

R number stated has having fallen now to between 0.8 and 1.0. Covid hospitalisations at 37k+.

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Bojo briefing now. Suggestion that new, more transmissible variant may now have a higher mortality rate across all age groups. 30 to 70% more transmissible. Infection rate still rising noticeably in 20 - 30 age group. Situation said to be "precarious".

Evidence shows Pfizer vaccine shown to be effective against UK variant but some data from Israel suggests that 1st dose may not be as effective as first thought. 

Whitty says Govt still committed to 2 vaccination programme. Longer application interval is to allow more people to have first vaccination. Stressing that vaccination does not give instant immunity and restrictions must still apply to those vaccinated. Bojo says that no consideration can be given to unlocking yet. More measures may have to be considered.

Infections now said to be 1 in 55 people, a slight fall, but in London 1 in 35.

7 day rolling average of over 1000 deaths per day and expected to continue to rise.

S. African and Brazilian variants may have resistance to vaccines, evidence still being gathered. Between 44 - 71 cases of SA variant now found in UK, results still awaited. No evidence yet of greater transmissibility but it is spreading fast in Israel.

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14 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Infections now said to be 1 in 55 people, a slight fall, but in London 1 in 35.

7 day rolling average of over 1000 deaths per day and expected to continue to rise.

Worrying. This is very far from over. These vaccines just have to work, and soon.

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Media reporting death of US chat show host Larry King at age 87. Cause not yet revealed but it is known that he was being treated for Covid. Follows on from the similar circumstances of the death last week of music producer Phil Spector.

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Matt Hancock announces that "We are a long, long way from being able to lift restrictions".

Professor VT advises that scientists are still working to assess the efficacy of the vaccines in stopping transmission, it is therefore essential that the vaccinated continue to observe restrictions and distancing.

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Police bust 300 person rave in Hackney at 1.30AM Sunday, £15,000 in FPN handed out to the 70+ they managed to apprehend. Another similar event reportedly found in Chelsea too.

Events described as "not rare" as restrictions continue to be ignored.

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5 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Police bust 300 person rave in Hackney at 1.30AM Sunday, £15,000 in FPN handed out to the 70+ they managed to apprehend. Another similar event reportedly found in Chelsea too.

Events described as "not rare" as restrictions continue to be ignored.

I am sure that it isn't rare, and I feel that it will only become more frequent as the days grow longer and the temperatures rise. Frustration, resentment and financial need for many of the poorer and younger in society will trump legislation that the authorities have few resources to enforce. it is now a race to vaccinate the vulnerable before the government are forced by events to loosen restrictions. Anybody's guess how 2021 will pan out.

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Today's (25/01) UK figures show a welcome drop in both infection and death numbers although this needs to be tempered with the usual weekend reporting lag, tomorrow's figures should correct.

New infections number 22,195. Deaths number 592. Total UK Covid-related deaths 98,531.

Over 37,000 Covid bed cases with 4000+ of those also on ventilators.

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5 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

EU now raising questions over the transparency of the marketing and sale of the AstraZeneca vaccine (Sky News).

Important to explain why. Apparently they’re only going to supply 40% of contracted volume in Q1 2021. That will affect vaccine delivery and administration. Including in UK and IOM. 

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I know the average man on the street doesn’t really give a toss about such trivial things as the dire financial consequences to future generations perpetuated by the Covid pandemic but this IMF graphic is really quite alarming.

There are some truly horrific times coming. I’m glad I’ll not be around to witness it.

Anyone else reading about the third night of rioting in the Netherlands over lockdown restrictions? 

No, you wouldn’t - it’s not being widely reported in the MSM.


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