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43 minutes ago, quilp said:

I still don't understand why teacher's aren't somewhere near the top of the vaccination list, both here and in the UK. 

Because the vaccination committee have worked out that if you vaccinate a few hundred thousand teachers ahead of a few hundred thousand old folk it will cost lives. I don’t necessarily agree with that principle myself - I’d like to see the full calculations because by vaccinating teachers you might reduce spread and overall numbers and so save more lives - but it seems to make sense when comparing covid death rates in youngish teachers compared with older people. 

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I suppose I'm focusing more on our local teachers rather than the UK. I tried to find numbers of teachers and support staff in the Island's schools but couldn't find any. How many are there, 500? 1000? How long would it take? 

Wrong thread probably... 

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A funeral that can only be the cause of many other funerals. Ultra-orthodox Jews take to the streets to mark the death of a celebrated Chief Rabbi. Total disregard to the potential of mass outbreak in the name of religious observance...




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9 hours ago, quilp said:

I still don't understand why teacher's aren't somewhere near the top of the vaccination list, both here and in the UK. 

Where do you draw the line though?

What about checkout operators and shelf stackers where we buy our food?

Milkmen, postmen and parcel delivery people?

Pretty well everyone who has had to go in to work as usual during lockdown. 

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Yep. Everyone that we demand goes to work as usual, has the right to expect to be protected when doing that to the best of our ability. The oldies, with their pensions, can shield. The person who keeps the lights on, or the sewage treated, or your cupboards stocked with food. And teachers are expected to run the gauntlet of hundreds of little germ factories every working day of their lives...........

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On 2/1/2021 at 5:03 PM, Non-Believer said:

Another variant now arises in California. They were apparently testing for the UK strain and discovered that they had one of their own.....


Great reporting about UK genome research in the UK at Cambridge. Very descriptive and an eye opener.

Suggests that immunocompromised patients are giving rise to the new variants around the world.

This is the sort of think the UK does not report on well at all.

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Preliminary WHO report suggests that it is "unlikely" that the original Covid outbreak resulted from a lab leak and was more likely to have made the "jump" to humans via an intermediary species.

Also that there may be no definitive location for the initial outbreak and it may have been present in other locations previously.

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Hancock gets tough on UK-inbound travellers from "Red-List" countries.

Mandatory Covid testing and a compulsory £1750, 10 day hotel quarantine package in one of the Govt's "commandeered" hotels to be booked before travel, booking site to go live on Thursday. £10,000 fine for quarantine breaking. Prison sentences of up to 10 yrs for falsification of travel/personal details.

That should work wonders for UK tourism 😂

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I'm rather uncomfortable with this Ministerial Decree which brings in to force a law where the UK government can imprison you for ten years for visiting certain countries. 

This is simply being added to the Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, no voting or scrutiny. It will remain on the statute books permanently and can be used at any time! Remember the temporary licensing restrictions during WW1 to prevent munitions workers from going to the pub before shifts? It wasn't repealed until the 1990s. Laws to deal with IRA terrorism which were again temporary following the Birmingham pub bombings in 1974, were voted into statute permanently just recently.

Britain is rushing in all sorts of new laws to deal with Covid-19, you can bet they will never be repealed. We used to think the Communist bloc was restrictive, we are heading the same way. Governments do not like to give up powers once they have managed to get them! 


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On 2/9/2021 at 11:12 AM, Non-Believer said:

Preliminary WHO report suggests that it is "unlikely" that the original Covid outbreak resulted from a lab leak and was more likely to have made the "jump" to humans via an intermediary species.

That is exactly what I would say if reporting from inside China, not if I wanted to make it back home afterwards.

 Don't want to upset the locals.

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