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  • 3 weeks later...

A lot of people, especially youngsters can't grasp that suicide means forever. Japanese culture has a weird nuance to suicidal acts as it is. Isn't there an infamous macabre wood in a park in Tokyo where loads of people kill themselves every year? 

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23 hours ago, quilp said:

A lot of people, especially youngsters can't grasp that suicide means forever. Japanese culture has a weird nuance to suicidal acts as it is. Isn't there an infamous macabre wood in a park in Tokyo where loads of people kill themselves every year? 

Yes, quite eerie, the only clue is that their car has not moved and many just lie around for ages.

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Goods news on the horizon...?

Molnupiravir is a potential oral / capsule Covid treatment awaiting approval in US.

Made by Merck.

Let's hope it works and gets approval. 

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  • 2 months later...

I certainly wouldn’t want to be getting ill in the UK any time soon. 

40 hour A&E waits do not sound pleasant. 


In the short term, I think it’s going to be incredibly difficult for trusts as they try and cope. In the medium and long term, it likely highlights that the NHS really needs more capacity. More than 20 trusts have declared critical incidents now.

Of course, declaring incidents allow them options they might not otherwise have, but I don’t think the government saying it’s “not necessarily a reliable indicator of performance” is quite the truth.

The other ongoing problem throughout the pandemic has been a lack of out of hospital social care. Beds are left occupied when nowhere else can take people. 

Whilst with any luck, things will only be this bad for the short term, and Omicron might well be the key to the end of the pandemic, that doesn’t make the immediate future any less harrowing for this impacted now or up until now. 

On the bright side, lots of stuff coming out now about HEPA ventilation evidentially reducing transmission, even in hospital COVID wards.

Of course, if they’d have brought in some filtration for schools and workplaces last year when things weren’t so bad, they might never have been in quite the mess they are now. 

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Whilst I admire some of the optimism in your comment I can't help but feel that things will not improve with the NHS until there is a change in Government. 

The party now in charge is one that has apparently had talks with the previous US Administration about privatising the NHS.  They pay lip service to supporting the NHS.

Remember the manifesto pledge to build new hospitals?  Well apparently giving an existing hospital a lick of paint means its now "new".

They made a commitment to bring in new Doctors and Nurses but I don't think that happened either probably because of the combination of Brexit and COVID-19 so I may give them the benefit of the doubt here. 

As for filtration in schools and workplaces expect that to be introduced as guidance as the Government won't want to legislate otherwise they may be forced to fund it in schools and some workplaces.

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Novak Djokovic: victim or perpetrator?

I'm not in favour of mandatory vaccination but very much agree if you aren't you can find your freedoms curtailed for the health of those around you. So basically think he's received his just desserts. Disagree?

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25 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

Novak Djokovic: victim or perpetrator?

I'm not in favour of mandatory vaccination but very much agree if you aren't you can find your freedoms curtailed for the health of those around you. So basically think he's received his just desserts. Disagree?

Requiring a vaccination to enter a country is about the only thing I can even get close to agreeing with (I don't, but I do understand it) regarding vaccine passports. And if they're going to have those rules then they should apply to all. 

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12 hours ago, Chinahand said:

Novak Djokovic: victim or perpetrator?

I'm not in favour of mandatory vaccination but very much agree if you aren't you can find your freedoms curtailed for the health of those around you. So basically think he's received his just desserts. Disagree?

I don’t think it’s one thing or the other, in the case of Novak Djokovic he clearly isn’t going to risk putting himself or others at risk, it doesn’t make any difference if he was vaccinated or unvaccinated, he’s going to isolate himself from others naturally and focus on the game, this was an example of Australia not making exceptions to the rule, which on that basis I agree with, either let all unvaxxed in or none.

I personally don’t think unvaccinated/vaccinated makes any difference in the actual spread of Covid. My theory is someone triple vaxxed is more likely to have lesser symptoms than someone unvaxxed and will be more likely to spread it.

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17 hours ago, Annoymouse said:

I don’t think it’s one thing or the other, in the case of Novak Djokovic he clearly isn’t going to risk putting himself or others at risk, it doesn’t make any difference if he was vaccinated or unvaccinated, he’s going to isolate himself from others naturally and focus on the game, this was an example of Australia not making exceptions to the rule, which on that basis I agree with, either let all unvaxxed in or none.

I personally don’t think unvaccinated/vaccinated makes any difference in the actual spread of Covid. My theory is someone triple vaxxed is more likely to have lesser symptoms than someone unvaxxed and will be more likely to spread it.

Bollocks. He has already shown himself to be perfectly happy to put others at risk. 

According to court documents released on Saturday ahead of the hearing, Djokovic’s Covid-19 infection was recorded by the Institute of Public Health of Serbia on 16 December, which provided the basis for the medical exemption he received from the Tennis Australia and Victorian state government medical panels. He was granted his exemption on 30 December.


However, pictures on social media of Djokovic attending indoor events without a mask shortly after his Covid-19 test was recorded raise questions about Djokovic’s infection.

On 16 December, Djokovic attended an event commemorating his own personal stamp. Pictures were posted of Djokovic a day later at the Tennis Association of Belgrade for an award ceremony.

Djokovic was additionally pictured on the streets of Belgrade on 25 December despite Serbia’s rules requiring 14 days of self-isolation.


He may yet get kicked out (again) tomorrow and actually be deported, which would bar his entry to Australia for three years. Australia's immigration minister Alex Hawke will decide tomorrow (Tuesday) whether or not to re-revoke his visa and deport him. 

Oh, and his mum is claiming he was "tortured" whilst in detention.

Perhaps they made him read Rob Callister's blog or Cretney's newspaper column. 


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4 minutes ago, Zarley said:

Bollocks. He has already shown himself to be perfectly happy to put others at risk. 

According to court documents released on Saturday ahead of the hearing, Djokovic’s Covid-19 infection was recorded by the Institute of Public Health of Serbia on 16 December, which provided the basis for the medical exemption he received from the Tennis Australia and Victorian state government medical panels. He was granted his exemption on 30 December.


However, pictures on social media of Djokovic attending indoor events without a mask shortly after his Covid-19 test was recorded raise questions about Djokovic’s infection.

On 16 December, Djokovic attended an event commemorating his own personal stamp. Pictures were posted of Djokovic a day later at the Tennis Association of Belgrade for an award ceremony.

Djokovic was additionally pictured on the streets of Belgrade on 25 December despite Serbia’s rules requiring 14 days of self-isolation.


He may yet get kicked out (again) tomorrow and actually be deported, which would bar his entry to Australia for three years. Australia's immigration minister Alex Hawke will decide tomorrow (Tuesday) whether or not to re-revoke his visa and deport him. 

Oh, and his mum is claiming he was "tortured" whilst in detention.

Perhaps they made him read Rob Callister's blog or Cretney's newspaper column. 


And not forgetting the four Balkan nations tennis tournament he organised in June or July 2020, which he had to cancel after he, and several other participants went down with covid.

He’s succeeded on a technicality, an important one - if you are a decision maker and agree a time limit for legal representations - you can’t renege and make the decision early, before the lawyers make their submissions.

But, as I read the Federal entry requirements, Australian citizens can enter with a recovery certificate, but not foreign non resident passport holders. The Tennis association participation rules and the state border rules are irrelevant for entry to the country, which is a federal matter, and not devolved.

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What do you make of the analysis of the VAERS data by Craig Paardekooper of Kingston Uni? Plausible?

In essence his analysis of vaccine batches suggests 5% are toxic, and it is those batches are causing the vax fatalities and adverse events. Is there someone who can look at this? He is using a VAERS database and plotting adverse events v batches. It should be possible to replicate his results.

It might make sense to check your vaccine batch number, just in case. 5% means perhaps 1 in 20 batches may harm you, here:


A summary of what he alleges:


And a longish video which highlights the patterns detected. He suggests the patterns of deployment for the toxic batches by Moderna, Pfizer, and J&J are not a coincidence.


Hopefully there are no toxic batches being deployed here. Check your batch number.

Someone with good analysis skills can confirm or deny his assertions.



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On 1/9/2022 at 10:22 AM, Chinahand said:

Novak Djokovic: victim or perpetrator?

I'm not in favour of mandatory vaccination but very much agree if you aren't you can find your freedoms curtailed for the health of those around you. So basically think he's received his just desserts. Disagree?

So, he's expelled for a second time!  I suspect more successfully this time but no doubt the lawyers will earn some of their huge fee!

I think the Aussies can exclude him. Their country their rules. But once this is all over it'd be unfair to continue to exclude him. 

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