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Minister for Patient Safety - symptoms developed on Friday, held a surgery for constituents on Saturday, came to work and spread it about all day Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. If she managed that then she has it very mild - but the U.K. will be in deep trouble if people continue with this blasé attitude. If you experience the symptoms stay at home.

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On 3/8/2020 at 12:25 PM, Freggyragh said:

The deaths of 323 of the crew were tragic, but in the circumstances, who is to blame? The fascist dictatorship that sent a mostly conscripted crew to sea in an obsolete warship to support an invasion of another country’s territory? The Argentinian navy that provided no support (the supposed escorts didn’t know of the attack until the next day)? The Argentinian communications that allowed the Brits to decide their attack plans? The Belgrano’s officers who didn’t have the water-tight doors shut? Or Thatcher, whose job it was to make decisions about the safety of British service personnel, merchant navy crew and Falkland Island civilians? 


On 3/8/2020 at 1:27 PM, P.K. said:

Thatcher. Her stupid policies sent out the political message that the UK was abandoning the Falkland Islands which precipitated the invasion.

As for the Belgrano it's sinking also sank any chance of a peace plan which would have had Thatcher out of Downing Street. How convenient. Anyway the lies about the Belgrano from no 10 were leaked by civil servant Clive Ponting. He appeared in court charged under the Official Secrets Act. The judge directed the jury to find him guilty. They promptly declared him innocent. The reasoning being that exposing the lies coming from the government was most definitely in the public interest.

Boris Johnson take note....


So in PK-land this is justification for the invasion of the territory of another country and all blame rests with the aggrieved? Idiot.

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That’s done and dusted. The Belgrano has orders to attack British shipping, it was only 30 odd miles from the exclusion zone, there was no  promise to limit action to the exclusion zone, the air-tight doors were left open, losing the Belgrano frightened the rest of the Argie navy back to port, winning the war brought down the facist dictatorship in Argentina that were torturing and disappearing people in their thousands. How PK can spin anything anti-Thatcher from that is a mystery. Anyway, this thread is about the dickhead in number 10’s moronic response to the virus - discuss Margaret on another thread please. 

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6 minutes ago, P.K. said:

So dispute the facts.

The FACTS are that the sinking of the Belgrano was entirely justified and the correct course of action as has now become crystal clear.


There has to a limit just how far a thread can stray on ANY forum.

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9 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Minister for Patient Safety - symptoms developed on Friday, held a surgery for constituents on Saturday, came to work and spread it about all day Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. If she managed that then she has it very mild - but the U.K. will be in deep trouble if people continue with this blasé attitude. If you experience the symptoms stay at home.

Surely BSE would have been more appropriate....?

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13 minutes ago, Rog said:

The FACTS are that the sinking of the Belgrano was entirely justified and the correct course of action as has now become crystal clear.


There has to a limit just how far a thread can stray on ANY forum.

Don't like facts, do you Roger?

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 In a crisis it’s important to feel you can trust your leaders. But we live in Britain, so here are the chancers and idiots standing between the country and disaster.

Matt Hancock, health secretary

The man who said the NHS would have ‘no privatisation on my watch’ then tendered out 21 contracts hasn’t even been able to prevent coronavirus in his own ministerial team. Expected to advise that the best treatment is a satsuma and plenty of press-ups.

Grant Shapps, transport secretary

Vital supplies must keep coming during a pandemic. And by ordering under all of his different online aliases, Shapps has already cornered the Westminster handwash market and is selling it to cabinet members for £30 a bottle.

Liz Truss, secretary of state for international trade

Notorious moron who was shocked and furious to discover that Britain imports cheese. It’s good to know Liz will be on hand if there are food shortages, perhaps suggesting people tuck into a healthy, locally-sourced salad of wolfsbane and foxglove.

Priti Patel, home secretary

Patel’s bullying, authoritarian streak could prove useful if coronavirus causes civil unrest. That’s if she hadn’t thoroughly alienated the police as the Tories tend to these days. Also she’d round up Remainers first and rioters second.

Dominic Raab, foreign secretary

Has a brilliant mind for geography and logistics, correctly noticing that Britain is an island and the Calais-Dover route is important for trade. Even as you read this he is studying the feasibility of sending people with the virus to the Falklands in rowing boats.

Boris Johnson, prime minister

Hardworking, honest, reliable – none of these words apply to Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson. He now has the added responsibility of a new family to abandon, so coronavirus is probably about ninth on his list of priorities, after proving definitively that it’s not his fault.

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