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Just now, quilp said:


It shouldn't surprise you by now.

I don't think any honest observer could draw any conclusion other than an honest attempt is being made to make the best of a very difficult situation that is facing the country. Anything else is simply mischief making at absolutely the wrong time.

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1 minute ago, TheTeapot said:

I disagree, stark is the only way. 'Lots of you are going to get ill, some of you are going to die'. Tell the truth,it's what you've been demanding he does for god knows how long. Sugar coating it just makes him the liar you hate.

Very good point indeed. Excellent!

ETA: But of course Johnson could bring ten new commandments down from the mount and PK would still not be happy, so that's where we are.

Edited by woolley
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8 minutes ago, woolley said:

We all know that you have a totally jaundiced view of Johnson and will never forgive him for either winning a large Tory majority, or for finally enacting the Brexit referendum result. Nor would I expect you to, to be fair, but don't let the accumulated festering bile of historical events seep into every single commentary on every single unrelated subject even to the extent that you are now disparaging honest attempts based on the best science available to keep people alive during a global health pandemic. It's infantile.

Hyperbolic nonsense. Johnson's majority doesn't bother me as the opposition have been shit anyway. The brexit result was fixed when the referendum count ended. You're getting as bad as Quilp for inventing things about what sort of person I am.

I'm not convinced as a country the approach is correct. After all, we're out on our own with this one. Take keeping schools open. If one kiddywinkie gets it - they all do. All parents know this. The teachers get it and the school will need a deep clean. So the school closes anyway.

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7 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

I disagree, stark is the only way. 'Lots of you are going to get ill, some of you are going to die'. Tell the truth,it's what you've been demanding he does for god knows how long. Sugar coating it just makes him the liar you hate.

How would you react if you're 80+ and an insincere arsehole tells you on national tv that you're going to die?

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9 minutes ago, P.K. said:

How would you react if you're 80+ and an insincere arsehole tells you on national tv that you're going to die?

Well if I was 80 I'd consider myself a grown up and have the maturity to be able to comprehend and rationalise it.

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59 minutes ago, P.K. said:

How would you react if you're 80+ and an insincere arsehole tells you on national tv that you're going to die?

Well you're in the high risk category now, as am I, so it behoves me to be the person to tell YOU that you're likely to die in this pandemic.

So how do YOU react to that news?  My reaction when I realised that my cock was on the block was a bit of a shock as realisation came crashing home but then I set about to make sure that as far as I could to sort out loose ends. 

I believe that most people will have done the same.

Edited by Rog
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Don’t you wish you had a government like those of Japan, China, South Korea, Macau, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore? They seem to have taken the necessary measures to protect their people and stop the spread. The U.K. response seems to be defeatist in the extreme - I appreciate Johnson explaining the thinking behind it, but I can’t help thinking that he is taking a different path from the rest of the world, particularly the countries of the Far East who have experience of these diseases, because he’s lazy and doesn’t give a shit about anyone but himself.  

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3 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Don’t you wish you had a government like those of Japan, China, South Korea, Macau, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore? They seem to have taken the necessary measures to protect their people and stop the spread. The U.K. response seems to be defeatist in the extreme - I appreciate Johnson explaining the thinking behind it, but I can’t help thinking that he is taking a different path from the rest of the world, particularly the countries of the Far East who have experience of these diseases, because he’s lazy and doesn’t give a shit about anyone but himself.  

I don't believe that is the case at all.  I DO believe he is taking advice from experts in the field of highly communicable disease though.

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21 minutes ago, Rog said:

Well you're in the high risk category now, as am I, so it behoves me to be the person to tell YOU that you're likely to die in this pandemic.

So how do YOU react to that news?  My reaction when I realised that my cock was on the block was a bit of a shock as realisation came crashing home but then I set about to make sure that as far as I could to sort out loose ends. 

I believe that most people will have done the same.

I thought it was crass. And unnecessarily harsh. Which is fair enough. Or should be.

Loved the way all the usual suspects piled in with all their usual nonsense though.

Johnson is so obviously out of his depth that he deferred to the adults on either side of him, who actually could be trusted. But I still think schools will be forced to close.

I'm fatalistic about it but also realise we have to get back to the UK before it arrives here simply because I don't think the island has the resources to deal with it. As for the government, well.... So as we have options and we're going to make use of them. It would be stupid not to.

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13 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

The U.K. response seems to be defeatist in the extreme - I appreciate Johnson explaining the thinking behind it, but I can’t help thinking that... ...he’s lazy and doesn’t give a shit about anyone but himself.  

Country before party, credit where credit is due. How would corbyn have dithered?



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3 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Say what you like about Boris, at least he isn't Trump.

"National emergency, two very big words"

Donald Trump stood accused of making “the most expensive speech in history” after global stocks markets suffered one of their worst days ever following the US President’s decision to block flights from 26 European nations travelling to America.

The US President's attempt to reassure the American people that he was on top of the coronavirus crisis backfired spectacularly as traders around the world were sent into panic mode.

In New York not even a $1.5trn injection of liquidity by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York could halt the slide of its major indices.

While the three tranches of $500bn midway through New York’s trading day initially arrested the market slide, stocks soon returned to their slump. At the closing bell the Wall Street had also suffered its worst day since Black Monday almost 33 years ago. The Dow Jones ended the day 10 per cent down, while the S&P 500 was 9 per cent down, officially entering a bear market after a record-long bull run.

Luca Paolini, chief strategist at Pictet Asset Management, did not hesitate to put the blame for the global crash squarely on the shoulders of Mr Trump.

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