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COVID-19 UK & Beyond


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8 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Unless P.K., wooley, and Rog put a sock in it and stop the interminable and boring sniping, about each other, Brexit, BoJo ( serial philanderer or not ), coronavirus etc they’ll all have an enforced quarantine lock down for the health of the forums.

Unfortunately what they have caught isn't fatal to them and the rest of us haven’t got herd immunity protection.

But I might miss them all having a go at me.

I guess I'll find out....

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2 hours ago, Rog said:

The advice given REPEATEDLY is very clear.

The decision to hold off mass bans and why that has stood has also been made very clear.

The fact that so many bloody stupid people ignored it and so put the strategy on flattening the sombrero in jeopardy is why the additional measures into effect.

Do you really not understand?

And from next weekend mass gatherings will be banned.  Didn't last long did it?




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1 minute ago, manxman1980 said:

And from next weekend mass gatherings will be banned.  Didn't last long did it?




And no doubt there will be further changes as the situation develops and the response ratchets up. That seems quite natural. As for Johnson, he is human too with no special immunity from the virus. He has been in close proximity to infected individuals. He isn't in the first flush of youth and is obese with an unhealthy pallor. He is not exempt. He could be dead next week.  

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There is an assumption being made that may well make the current measures unviable. Time will tell...

I am an epidemiologist. And I'm not quite sure what to think - other than this may be a well informed gamble on the part of the government; infect our children in order to protect our elderly.

The thinking would be that by keeping schools open and allowing unrestricted movement, there will be a fast increasing rate of infection amongst children and younger adults (who will nearly all recover). Once recovered, they are then immune. This will then increase the herd immunity of the whole population until the reproduction rate of the virus is less than one. And once the reproduction rate falls below one, then an exponential decline in new cases will follow.

The idea has some merit, because aggressive eradication of the virus through quarantine measures can only prevent new outbreaks if restriction on freedom of movement is maintained. In contrast, a population with herd immunity would not need to stay locked down.

With a vaccine 12-18 months away, a strategy of containment and isolation may well become highly problematic.

But should the gamble fail, and the reproduction rate stays above one for a long time, then we will face a biblical public health disaster.

However, although fraught, I do see the logic in play. My real problem with it at the moment is that there is a big assumption being made. There have been multiple reports of people who recovered, and then became re-infected.......

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Interesting suggestion there from "Rog" in the locked thread that UK Govt has suggested that the over 70s could be banged up in isolation in requisitioned accommodation for up to four months to ride out the Coronavirus. Rog is concerned as he's implicated, age-wise.

This is the same Rog who suggested confining the unemployed and financially disadvantaged a couple of weeks ago... :lol:

Sweet Karma.

Edited by Non-Believer
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10 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Interesting suggestion there from "Rog" in the locked thread that UK Govt has suggested that the over 70s could be banged up in isolation in requisitioned accommodation for up to four months to ride out the Coronavirus. Rog is concerned as he's implicated, age-wise.

This is the same Rog who suggested confining the unemployed and financially disadvantaged a couple of weeks ago... :lol:

Sweet Karma.

Where did I even hint at that?

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1 hour ago, Rog said:

Where did I even hint at that?

"So the UK is Finished" thread. February 20th 2020. Suggestion of "communal living" for unemployed etc.

Responded to by quite a few posters including myself.

Sweet Karma. Get that coronavirus shipped to Norfolk.

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Unbelievable! If this is true I think I'm going to throw up....

"Writing in the Alternative Reality so-called "newspaper" the Sunday Telegraph, Mr Hancock said the Government had a "clear action plan, listening to the best science".

He said: “Our generation has never been tested like this. Our grandparents were, during the Second World War, when our cities were bombed during the Blitz.

“Despite the pounding every night, the rationing, the loss of life, they pulled together in one gigantic national effort."

So the cities will be OK then?

What a grandiose twat....

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2 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

PK what is your issue?  Where in the quote you have posted does it mention that “the cities will be ok?”

My issue is I'm getting fed up with our government treating us like children.....

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