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COVID-19 UK & Beyond


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I have a friend in Italy. She took a video of her local newspaper for me to see. Normally the inside page has maybe half a page of obituaries. Yesterday there were twelve pages just of obituaries, mainly the elderly. She was sad to see us making jokes about it and told me it was no joke for them. This is what lockdown looks like. Be careful what you wish for. 

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6 minutes ago, ecobob said:

I have a friend in Italy. She took a video of her local newspaper for me to see. Normally the inside page has maybe half a page of obituaries. Yesterday there were twelve pages just of obituaries, mainly the elderly. She was sad to see us making jokes about it and told me it was no joke for them. This is what lockdown looks like. Be careful what you wish for. 

I posted a very similar video in the coronavirus thread in general chat.

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24 minutes ago, ecobob said:

She was sad to see us making jokes about it and told me it was no joke for them. This is what lockdown looks like. Be careful what you wish for. 

This explains it better than me.


Even when you know a raft of potential shit is heading your way (and it is, we are currently only 3 weeks behind Italy), humour helps us survive.

I have parents in their 80s that could easily be taken out by this.

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It doesn't help when they warn of 8m hospitalised and then have to backtrack and say it's a worse case scenario.

I have no faith in them anyway but even those who do must be wondering about all the mixed messages....

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Just been chatting online to a mate off-island who does business in Italy with regular trips down there. From what he describes it's nothing to be light or casual about. The symptoms are "dry-land drowning". Lungs fill with fluid and you asphyxiate in your bed. Often in a couple of days. Not nice.

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49 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Just been chatting online to a mate off-island who does business in Italy with regular trips down there. From what he describes it's nothing to be light or casual about. The symptoms are "dry-land drowning". Lungs fill with fluid and you asphyxiate in your bed. Often in a couple of days. Not nice.

If you notice...the 'humour' is mostly about the governments approach/indecision and people panic buying. Not the disease and what it does.

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43 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

If you notice...the 'humour' is mostly about the governments approach/indecision and people panic buying. Not the disease and what it does.

I was referring to the effects of the illness AT. Fear not, I fully appreciate what's being directed at the herd and the great and good :D

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Surely not a lack of kit!

Frontline NHS staff are at risk of dying from Covid-19 after the protective gear requirements for health workers treating those infected were downgraded last week, doctors and nurses have warned.

Hospital staff caring for the growing number of those seriously ill with the disease also fear that they could pass the infection on to other patients after catching it at work because of poor protection.

Doctors who are dealing most closely with Covid-19 patients – A&E medics, anaesthetists and specialists in acute medicine and intensive care – are most worried.

A doctor in an infectious diseases ward of a major UK hospital, who is treating patients with Covid-19, said: “I am terrified. I am seriously considering whether I can keep working as a doctor.”

Shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) appear to be widespread across the health service and include GP practices as well as hospitals. Doctors are angry about Public Health England’s new advice issued last week which reduces the level of the PPE that staff need to wear. Medics believe the change in advice was driven by the lack of equipment rather than a change in the clinical evidence about the risks from the virus.

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GP practices got 2 masks per practice, hospitals have been told not to wear PPE (hazmat) gear. The U.K. government has had weeks to prepare, seems they were believing #sirnigefacts and entirely ignorant of events in the rest of the world. I’m disappointed that the IOM Gov are so enthralled to Westminster that they couldn’t think for themselves. They are flying blind because they haven’t tested people or treated the virus seriously - and that is completely down to following the journalist clowns running the U.K. 

Edited by Freggyragh
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5 hours ago, quilp said:

Couldn't you see anything positive in what the totally amoral, narcissistic, serial philanderer and inveterate liar said? What about the content rather than the dance steps? 

The amusing thing is that had Corbyn won the election, the policy, which is led by government scientists in conversation with the wider scientific community, would have been precisely the same.

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