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COVID-19 UK & Beyond


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3 hours ago, P.K. said:

It doesn't help when they warn of 8m hospitalised and then have to backtrack and say it's a worse case scenario.

I have no faith in them anyway but even those who do must be wondering about all the mixed messages....

No. That was always a worst case scenario.

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9 hours ago, woolley said:

Just a progression of the existing policy. It was always going to be a process. Where is the U-turn?

You're having a laugh. They have gone in a few days from "go to the match and infect a few people" to "isolate yourself" and they keep mentioning that we are "three weeks behind Italy" or whatever. We are three MONTHS behind China who may actually have it under control. Similarly those who followed their strategy like S Korea, Taiwan etc.

But not the UK who have come in for a lot of criticism as a consequence.

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9 hours ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Saw Newsnight. Worrying indeed.

Surely though if they get their fingers out they can get this into production and distributed fairly quickly?

Apparently masks are made in France.

After 10 years of underfunding the NHS you can be pretty sure that would have included cutting back on inventory.

Of course, none of the alternative reality so-called "newspapers" have pointed this out.

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This sums up my impression of the last Press Conference:

At his last appearance at the podium, on Thursday, Boris Johnson had seemed anxious, if not overwhelmed, by the scale of the problem engulfing the country and, therefore, his premiership.

Since then, there had been confusion and worse – a weekend of tangled messaging over “herd immunity” and rising bafflement as to why Britain seemed to be out of step with the rest of the world in enforcing social distancing, along with anger that the UK is testing for coronavirus so much less thoroughly than other countries.

The prime minister did not exactly sweep away those concerns as he addressed the press – there were still gaps and contradictions in his message – but he probably did just enough to persuade the doubters that he and the government have a plan, and thereby buy himself more time and patience from a worried public.

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40 minutes ago, quilp said:

What did you expect? In the absence of information and conflicting advice from experts the least you might say is that government are now moving in the right direction.


Having followed the science the whole time. It's exactly what you'd expect them to do. Any politician of any colour at the end of this wants to be able to point to the paper trail from the scientific advisor and say that they followed it to the letter. They don't want mud sticking to them. So if the science alters course slightly then so does the government. 

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19 minutes ago, woolley said:

Having followed the science the whole time. It's exactly what you'd expect them to do. Any politician of any colour at the end of this wants to be able to point to the paper trail from the scientific advisor and say that they followed it to the letter. They don't want mud sticking to them. So if the science alters course slightly then so does the government. 

You funny. 

It's a complete turnaround in the face of lots of criticism.

Face it, the virus hasn't changed....

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21 minutes ago, P.K. said:

You funny. 

It's a complete turnaround in the face of lots of criticism.

Face it, the virus hasn't changed....

Nothing has changed. It's a development and expansion of the policy as the scientific community has absorbed the growing data available from around the world. There isn't a political angle to this at all despite much attempted mischief making. 

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

Nothing has changed. It's a development and expansion of the policy as the scientific community has absorbed the growing data available from around the world. There isn't a political angle to this at all despite much attempted mischief making. 

What political angle?

Shroud everything in as much bs as you like but as far as I'm concerned this summed it up perfectly for a lot of folks:

 There had been confusion and worse – a weekend of tangled messaging over “herd immunity” and rising bafflement as to why Britain seemed to be out of step with the rest of the world in enforcing social distancing, along with anger that the UK is testing for coronavirus so much less thoroughly than other countries.


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Boris is only interested in the market. If Healthcare was a private market, he would be all over this like a fly on shit. 

What will come out of this is an insistence on his part that a private healthcare system will generate additional hospital capacity, and prevent anything like this ever happening again. And voters will eat that up because they'll have lived through the biggest health scare in living memory. 

Until the next one ....

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4 minutes ago, Flubbergump said:

Boris is only interested in the market. If Healthcare was a private market, he would be all over this like a fly on shit. 

What will come out of this is an insistence on his part that a private healthcare system will generate additional hospital capacity, and prevent anything like this ever happening again. And voters will eat that up because they'll have lived through the biggest health scare in living memory. 

Until the next one ....

About the most creative and fanciful interpretation of recent events imaginable.

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