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34 minutes ago, woolley said:

What is the alternative? Who would pay the cost of ignoring the signs of distress?

Someone asked the question and Johnson went into "wiffle-waffle piffle-paffle" mode where a lot of words come out but no actual information.

Some of it is a grant, some of it will have to be repaid, some of it is still subject to negotiation.

Buy a decent newspaper to find out....

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11 minutes ago, woolley said:

That would be pure logic based on cool perspective and experience. Nothing to do with the inanities of Fleet Street.

Did you see the PC?

Someone quite reasonably asked about why the schools are staying open?

The reply from Johnson?

"It's under review. Next..."

Not fit for office...

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1 minute ago, Freggyragh said:

I’m wondering where Sir Nige is with his reassuring advice that everyone’s a snowflake. He hasn’t been heard of since his shipment from Italy arrived. 

Oh dear. I hope he didn't inadvertently ship something nasty in.

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Just now, TheTeapot said:

He'll be absolutely shitting himself over this. Old, ill, paranoid and full of hate.

I actually have a mobile number for him back from a previous life.

It's in a "Personal Organiser" which dates it. But back in the YUK.

I might give it a ring when I get back.

Genuinely sorry about your employment circs. Hope it pans out for you.

Have to say the "measures" outlined today have some massive holes in them. Mortgage holidays for those that have them. F-all for renters as far as I can tell. The good tory BTL brigade must be pissing themselves laughing. Zippo for the gig ecomony as well.

Same old same old...

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