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COVID-19 UK & Beyond


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Today's Google Doodle is in honour of Ignaz Semmelweiss who was the first doctor to really publicize handwashing! So next time you're singing "happy birthday" to yourself while rinsing soap suds think of him!


Trying to tell Doctors to wash their hands may have driven him mad - his end was a sad one!

Edited by Chinahand
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Interesting. If we can convince people of the importance of social distancing then we may see an earlier plateau. I would have thought this alone would to enough to convince most but somehow I’m not sure. This is why the government directives have to be entirely clear.

“Testing for both active infections and recovered individuals will be vital for coping with this epidemic“

 I really do hope we’re ‘on’ this. 

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One thing is for sure, I'm bloody glad the Conservatives won by such a large margin at the last election, enabling them to smash these actions out. Time will tell if they are the correct ones, but honestly I'm not hearing much opposition to them - I don't think anyone in Labour or Lib Dems wants this on their head. 

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22 minutes ago, Manxberry said:

One thing is for sure, I'm bloody glad the Conservatives won by such a large margin at the last election, enabling them to smash these actions out. Time will tell if they are the correct ones, but honestly I'm not hearing much opposition to them - I don't think anyone in Labour or Lib Dems wants this on their head. 

Imagine Corbyn and Covid. *shudders*

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3 hours ago, Manxberry said:

One thing is for sure, I'm bloody glad the Conservatives won by such a large margin at the last election, enabling them to smash these actions out. Time will tell if they are the correct ones, but honestly I'm not hearing much opposition to them - I don't think anyone in Labour or Lib Dems wants this on their head. 

There is very little opposition as most of the actions being implemented are socialist policies!!

The ones who would normally object to them are the Tory party.

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16 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Good news - The EU has not banned outright the export to non-EU countries of medical supplies crucial to the fight against coronavirus. Exports to countries such as Serbia and the U.K. can be authorised by individual member states. 

Fake news. Exports and imports to and from the EU and UK are unchanged until the transition period finishes at the end of the year.

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@Rog   :)

You'll like this:

Home Office releases 300 from detention centres amid Covid-19 pandemic

Release follows legal action that argues Home Office is failing to protect immigration detainees

The Home Office has released almost 300 people from detention centres in the last few days because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Guardian has learned.

The speed and scale of the release is unprecedented in recent years. Detainees and charities estimate that more than a quarter of those currently locked up have been set free.


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9 minutes ago, P.K. said:

@Rog   :)

You'll like this:

Home Office releases 300 from detention centres amid Covid-19 pandemic

Release follows legal action that argues Home Office is failing to protect immigration detainees

The Home Office has released almost 300 people from detention centres in the last few days because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Guardian has learned.

The speed and scale of the release is unprecedented in recent years. Detainees and charities estimate that more than a quarter of those currently locked up have been set free.


Hooray indeed, provided they have been immediately deported.

Tell me, why the hell do you (or anybody) rejoice in these CRIMINALS being set free to walk freely in OUR country?

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