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COVID-19 UK & Beyond


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2 hours ago, mojomonkey said:

Locking down a nation outside of a time of war, if that's not earth shattering news I struggle to think what you would find earth shattering. You're inflexibility only weakens any point you try to make.

You think so?

6 hours ago, P.K. said:

When dealing with Joe Public when you factor in the fuckwit numbers KISS wins every time.

"Stay In Your Homes" leaves no existential issues that might concern one...

It's such an obvious step, already taken place in other countries, so it should have been done a week ago.

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British Problems - When the Prime Minister grounds you and you can't storm out shouting "Your'e not my real dad!" because it's Boris Johnson and he might be.


Other things in the UK seem to be savage overcrowding on the tube. Glad I'm not in London. People really need to sort themselves out, its only a step or two before there will be troops on the streets. No one wants that.

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56 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

British Problems - When the Prime Minister grounds you and you can't storm out shouting "Your'e not my real dad!" because it's Boris Johnson and he might be.


Other things in the UK seem to be savage overcrowding on the tube. Glad I'm not in London. People really need to sort themselves out, its only a step or two before there will be troops on the streets. No one wants that.

Oh I don't know, let's see how many of the extremists spit in the face of a British squaddie (and get to keep their teeth)

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Strange, isn't it? One inch of snow on the ground and everybody rings work and stays off.

Then people are told to stay at home because of a potentially lethal pandemic and you can't get them off the streets or the sides of Snowdonia...

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1 hour ago, Manxberry said:

Erm no.  It is still illegal to pay someone of a different gender a different amount for the same work.

All that has been suspended is a requirement for a company to report the average pay (for all the varied jobs employees do) of its male employees and its female employees.

This is a very very different thing - and a rather crude metric for a gender pay gap, because it isn't comparing apples with apples.  A modelling agency specialising in female super-models, and employing a disproportionally male number of quite lowly paid photographers to do the stock photos will have a ratio skewed one way, while a light manufacturing company with 1000 predonimantly female employees on the shop floor and a small management team of 20 - lets say this is really progressive with an 80% female managers will have a skewed ratio the other way as the high salaries of the 4 or so male managers will look disproportionally high compared to the 1016 female salaries where the high salaries of the female management team are swamped by the low pay of those on the factory floor.

It is basically a useless metric to understand gender inequality.

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Finally someone in our incredibly shallow government showing some common sense:

Off-licences added to essential businesses list by UK government

Other shops that sell alcohol, including within breweries, can stay open during Covid-19 crisis

Well "phew!" to that...



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More or Less, the Radio 4 programme looking at statistics and the use of quantification in society, has an excellent interview with Professor Sir David Spiegelhalter, Professor of the Public Understanding of Risk at Cambridge University on Coronavirus and the risks it presents.

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Looks like the Dickhead has been shamed into accepting help from the EU with sourcing ventilators - just in case the all-eggs-in-one basket deal for medical tech with Malaysian hoover company Dyson doesn’t go to plan. Multi-millionaire Brexit nut James Dyson needs a bit of a bit of a leg up after his attempt to bring an electric vehicle to market fizzled out completely last year. Let’s hope he got the ventilator contract ahead of the companies that actually make ventilators because there’s as much synergy between hand-dryers, hoover and intensive care ventilators as there is between a super-wealthy political donator with deep pockets  and a corrupt bullshitting politician. 

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