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40 minutes ago, woolley said:

Can't exactly self-isolate as PM can you?

He managed it during the Tory Party leadership campaign and isolated himself in a fridge during the election campaign...

Why was/is he still having face to face meeting with advisers etc?  Why not use Skype, zoom, MS teams or a whole host of other solutions that business are using right now to work from home and socially distance.


ETA:  I don't wish him or his family any harm and hope he makes a full recovery.

Edited by manxman1980
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He’s probably been incubating it for at least five days. Probably got it when he was shaking hands at the hospital and talking about taking it on the chin. There’s a lot you could say about this, but for now he is a patient, an expectant father and fiancé hoping not to become a statistic, so let’s just wish him and his good luck. 

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Andrew Raynor of MEC Medical, a medical parts manufacturer says "nothing" happened when he contacted the govt offering to make ventilators.

Instead the government have given lucrative ventilator contracts to Brexit backing tory donors such as Dyson and JCB.

The country clearly faces a severe outbreak of Cronyvirus ...

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