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COVID-19 UK & Beyond


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It's not a nightmare here, but it is annoying. We've got loads of food here, not many cases, no graffiti. A lot of foreigns have escaped home. So all in all, it's not bad. Just little nazis on the doors of shops. 

I kind of hope we go a bit like norfolk to be honest, we're too placid here.

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2 hours ago, Rog said:

FWIW police are now very active enforcing the rules regarding Kung Flu rules over here, drones are being used to monitor what people are getting up to.  A number of mobile shops have sprung up and are doing a roaring business.

Almost over night signposts have been stripped of village names or been swapped over and "go home you're not wanted" signs and graffiti are all over the place. 

Lots of things in short supply in the shops too. Even fresh veg, 

"County Lines" would seem to have changed radically with our local produce being taken to the crap holes rather than drugs being brought from the crap holes to us.

I just hope you guys are getting through this nightmare OK, we seem to be a few days ahead on the shit highway but otherwise from following your press the route seems as near as dammit to being very similar. 

Stay safe, really.

It's lovely thanks, Rog. Supplies in shops not so bad and the panic buying seems to have abated. Sun shining. Almost warm out of the wind. Very little traffic. Birds singing. Wavelets kissing the fairy shore. Green hills by the sea. Borders closed, so no riffraff getting in. Yes. Most agreeable. Shame we need to start earning a living again at some point.

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7 hours ago, Chinahand said:

Evidence for that statement Freggragh?

1. He ignored the Chinese Government’s urgent warnings and requests for a meeting until he was told off by his dad. 

2. When asked about the need for social distancing he said “I shook hands with everybody, you’ll be pleased to know, and I continue to shake hands.”

3. Talked about ‘taking it on the chin’. 

4. Didn’t sign the U.K. up to the EU equipment help scheme because he didn’t want to embarrassed about accepting help. Didn’t get round to organising production of tested ventilators until a few days ago.

5. After issuing new guidance on social distancing he ignored his own advice, 

6. Didn’t get enough PPE equipment despite NHS workers begging for it. 

7. Didn’t arrange for adequate testing, even for NHS staff. 

He’s either trying to use trump virus to commit genocide, or he thought he thought dealing with it would be easy. He’s not trying to kill anyone, least of all his core supporters, so it must be that he thought it would easy. 



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3 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

1. He ignored the Chinese Government’s urgent warnings and requests for a meeting until he was told off by his dad. 

2. When asked about the need for social distancing he said “I shook hands with everybody, you’ll be pleased to know, and I continue to shake hands.”

3. Talked about ‘taking it on the chin’. 

4. Didn’t sign the U.K. up to the EU equipment help scheme because he didn’t want to embarrassed about accepting help. Didn’t get round to organising production of tested ventilators until a few days ago.

5. After issuing new guidance on social distancing he ignored his own advice, 

6. Didn’t get enough PPE equipment despite NHS workers begging for it. 

7. Didn’t arrange for adequate testing, even for NHS staff. 

He’s either trying to use trump virus to commit genocide, or he thought he thought dealing with it would be easy. He’s not trying to kill anyone, least of all his core supporters, so it must be that he thought it would easy. 




This is sorta - well something. :- https://www.euroweeklynews.com/2020/03/21/french-police-in-bid-to-confiscate-130000-face-masks-bound-for-uk-nhs-doctors-and-nurses-battling-the-coronavirus/ 

On top of that the French ordered a business that was in contract with HMG to manufacture PIP to withdraw from that contract and make PIP for the French instead. https://www.euronews.com/2020/03/06/coronavirus-french-protective-mask-manufacturer-scraps-nhs-order-to-keep-masks-in-france 

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4 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

3. Talked about ‘taking it on the chin’. 

No, he said

“one of the theories is, that perhaps you could take it on the chin ... But I think it would be better if we take all the measures that we can now to stop the peak of the disease being as difficult for the NHS as it might be, I think there are things that we may be able to do.”

Your blinding yourself in your hatred. 

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2 hours ago, Chinahand said:

No, he said

“one of the theories is, that perhaps you could take it on the chin ... But I think it would be better if we take all the measures that we can now to stop the peak of the disease being as difficult for the NHS as it might be, I think there are things that we may be able to do.”

Your blinding yourself in your hatred. 

If so I'm beginning to think Freggy is not the only one...

On 3/28/2020 at 11:31 AM, Chinahand said:

I do find it interesting that the left represented by the Grauniad and Independent are so ideologically blind they think Boris is the same as Trump. While the reality is that that the U.K. response and the US one have been totally different. 


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