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COVID-19 UK & Beyond


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3 hours ago, Chinahand said:

No, he said

“one of the theories is, that perhaps you could take it on the chin ... But I think it would be better if we take all the measures that we can now to stop the peak of the disease being as difficult for the NHS as it might be, I think there are things that we may be able to do.”

Your blinding yourself in your hatred. 

So, he talked about taking it on the chin, albeit as one option, but jees. 

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My opinion is unchanged since this post:

In 6 weeks the UK has gone from being a liberal democratic market economy to having the state mandate the almost entire shut down of that economy with it introducing huge government support of basically the entire economy.  The first cases in the UK was on the 29th of January - up until the 11th of January it wasn't even known if the virus could spread from person to person, rather requiring an animal vector from a wet market to spread it.

Freggyragh says we ignored the Chinese warnings and Boris needed telling of by his dad.  Read contemporary reporting from Hong Kong on this and a very different picture emerges:


Speaking at a briefing to journalists in London on Thursday, Liu said there was no issue regarding lines of communication with the British government.

He said he had spoken to the prime minister at a new year celebration at Downing Street, and that British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab was in touch with his counterpart in Beijing.

Britain confirmed a third case of the disease on Thursday and its Foreign Office said in a statement it had sent detailed instructions to its citizens still in China, advising them to “leave if you are able”. The statement said “it may become harder to access departure options” after airlines including British Airways and Virgin Atlantic suspended flights to and from mainland China.

Liu said there was “frustration at the overreaction” of Britain’s travel advice, but he said that “there is no issue with regard to disappointment or displeasure with the government response” and that “the channel of communication on government level is very open, not just at the top level but on a working level”.

China saw the UK response as an overreaction as flights were suspended to China.

This was when there were less than 100 cases in the entire UK and no deaths until the 7th of March - it was on the 12th of March the government advised anyone with symptons to self isolate with the shut down beggining.

Freggyragh wants to paint a picture of incompetence and denial, but the fact is the UK's response has been pragmatic, expert led and has changed as the evidence has advanced.

I'm not going to say it was perfect - testing has failed to advance as needed and yes there were muddles over sharing ventilators wth the EU - since sorted out, but ideology has not trumped pragmatism, quite the opposite.

Freggyragh's list is massively personalised and biased, and often factually wrong.  I'm not going to be accused of bias for pointing that out.


Edited by Chinahand
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1 hour ago, Freggyragh said:
4 hours ago, Chinahand said:

No, he said

“one of the theories is, that perhaps you could take it on the chin ... But I think it would be better if we take all the measures that we can now to stop the peak of the disease being as difficult for the NHS as it might be, I think there are things that we may be able to do.”

Your blinding yourself in your hatred. 

So, he talked about taking it on the chin, albeit as one option, but jees. 

Freggyragh - seriously you cannot for ideological reasons accept Boris would say and mean the second part of the quote and so obsess on the first.  He is rejecting taking it on the chin, but rock on clinging to it.

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In the event that no vaccine emerges soon and if the Chinese loosening of restrictions on movement results in a resurgence of infection we may yet be faced with "taking it on the chin" as the only viable "least worst" option. The current state of affairs cannot be maintained indefinitely because it leads eventually to economic and societal collapse. Country by country the world will start to go back to work come what may.

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On 3/4/2020 at 7:30 PM, Freggyragh said:

The U.K. population is 68 million.  Hubei province, which has been on lock down for weeks is 56 million. The U.K. is saying workers entitled to sick pay should get sick-pay from day one. The self employed, zero hours and part-time workers the U.K. economy relies on only have recourse to universal credit, which takes five weeks to get. Johnson seems to think a few sound bites are going to keep Britain together, when it might be better to think about rationing, emergency hospital building and rejoining all European agencies connected with healthcare and medical supplies right now. Unless, of course, the plan is to cull the elderly? 

I posted the above on March 4th. Have a look at what Johnson was up to and saying about herd immunity and the virus then. I follow news in Asia quite closely, but I’m not a doctor or any kind of expert on viruses. By the end of January China was being extremely honest and clear about the nature of Covid-19 and what they were saying was being studiously ignored by the U.K. government. I can’t stand the CCP, and at this stage I don’t want to engage in I told you so’s but Johnson dithered through the first few weeks of this, let’s hope his Damascus moment wasn’t too late. 

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They shared everything they knew with the WHO - which is how South Korea was able to act so fast. The CCP are thugs in their own country and a menace to freedom throughout the world - but they told the world what was happening. Three weeks from now Trump will be telling people no-one knew how bad the virus was in mid-March, that the Chinese, Italians and Spanish covered it up - and Chinahand will be nodding his head, and telling anyone who remembers the truth of three weeks previous that they are blinded by hate for the Orange Overlord. What a whopper. 

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24 minutes ago, woolley said:

In the event that no vaccine emerges soon and if the Chinese loosening of restrictions on movement results in a resurgence of infection we may yet be faced with "taking it on the chin" as the only viable "least worst" option. The current state of affairs cannot be maintained indefinitely because it leads eventually to economic and societal collapse. Country by country the world will start to go back to work come what may.

The virus seems to effect some groups worse than others. Jews make up over 5% of deaths in the U.K. and seem to be suffering as bad in the US, reports in China say people with blood type O stand a better chance of survival, certainly older people, men and smokers are all at higher risk, as are the immuno-suppressed. one thing it doesn’t seem to care about is income. Sooner or later you’re going to understand this isn’t cholera and it’s as much about YOUR life and death as anyone else’s. Rog at least gets that. 

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12 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

This is to be known as trump virus, just like trump hats, trump ties and Ivana Trump fashion tatt it may have originated in China, but its got Trump’s name all over it. 

Just about the most contorted logical gymnastics possible. Don't be ridiculous.

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3 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

The virus seems to effect some groups worse than others. Jews make up over 5% of deaths in the U.K. and seem to be suffering as bad in the US, reports in China say people with blood type O stand a better chance of survival, certainly older people, men and smokers are all at higher risk, as are the immuno-suppressed. one thing it doesn’t seem to care about is income. Sooner or later you’re going to understand this isn’t cholera and it’s as much about YOUR life and death as anyone else’s. Rog at least gets that. 

I know it is. Nature does not discriminate. What has that to do with what I posted? The world must go on and in the end that will trump the effect on any individual. To be blunt, it will be a case of which course of action causes the most damage.

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4 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

The virus seems to effect some groups worse than others. Jews make up over 5% of deaths in the U.K. and seem to be suffering as bad in the US,

Do you have a source for this claim please? I read something earlier about ultra-orthodox groups in Israel appearing to have higher incidences (probably due to their continued attendance at large scale funerals apparently) but I can't seem to see anything about the UK.

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