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COVID-19 UK & Beyond


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13 minutes ago, P.K. said:

So your comment above, does it somehow change the numbers?

Of course not. The pay should be higher. It's the context of the message. The principle is that the UK should not be importing foreigners except those on high salaries who can pay their way, which is quite correct. We need to train our own medical staff and reward them appropriately rather than importing cheap labour.

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20 minutes ago, woolley said:

Of course not. The pay should be higher. It's the context of the message. The principle is that the UK should not be importing foreigners except those on high salaries who can pay their way, which is quite correct. We need to train our own medical staff and reward them appropriately rather than importing cheap labour.

So on the same basis we should be paying unskilled agricultural workers a lot more presumably starting at £25k so they can enter the country? Because the indiginous population won't do that kind of work...

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46 minutes ago, P.K. said:
48 minutes ago, woolley said:

Hmmmm. "Corbynista teen". No agenda there then.

So your comment above, does it somehow change the numbers?

I'll make a few comments.

Firstly the figures are bogus, secondly the claims about unskilled workers are also bogus.


Quelle surprise.


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4 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

Does pointing that out make me biased, PK?

Of course not.

But then aren't the figures bogus because they're too high?

Still waiting for your opinion on this for starters:

1 hour ago, P.K. said:

After a weekend of being pilloried for the stupid "Herd Immunity" nonsense Johnson was back on the box with the next "phase" of the "strategy" as if abandoning the policy of a few days ago was all part of the plan. Remember the "avoid going down the pub" and all the rest of the BS? I call that indecisive dithering. What would you call it?


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36 minutes ago, P.K. said:

So on the same basis we should be paying unskilled agricultural workers a lot more presumably starting at £25k so they can enter the country? Because the indiginous population won't do that kind of work...

Well, the work should carry the pay that the market dictates, but it should never be an option to sit back on state benefits when work is available, and there has been far too much of that in the past. If you can better yourself to work for a far better salary then fine, but if not, you take what work there is before holding your hand out for the dole. If there genuinely is full employment then time limited work permits should be issued such as we have on the Island.

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19 minutes ago, P.K. said:

the stupid "Herd Immunity" nonsense

And I will say once more, as you appear not to have noticed it, that herd immunity is not stupid or nonsense, and it may turn out to be our most potent and only viable defence against the virus.

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Just now, woolley said:

Well, the work should carry the pay that the market dictates, but it should never be an option to sit back on state benefits when work is available, and there has been far too much of that in the past. If you can better yourself to work for a far better salary then fine, but if not, you take what work there is before holding your hand out for the dole. If there genuinely is full employment then time limited work permits should be issued such as we have on the Island.

Not quite true.

As in the case of unskilled agricultural workers in places like, say, North Norfolk the employers were obviously willing to take on Eastern Europeans who undercut the level the indiginous workforce would turn out for. If they could be arsed that is.

Now that the Eastern Europeans have been made to feel thoroughly unwelcome and gone to catch Covid-19 elsewhere the employers find themselves caught in a trap of their own making.

So the cost of the replacements, wherever they come from, will dictate the market rate and the final selling price of the product.

"Taking back control...."

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6 minutes ago, woolley said:

And I will say once more, as you appear not to have noticed it, that herd immunity is not stupid or nonsense, and it may turn out to be our most potent and only viable defence against the virus.

So you know better than the WHO?

Don't think so.

It may be the position of last resort possibly reached by default. But absolutely no way should it have ever been the start point. Unless you put economy before people of course...

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