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5 minutes ago, pongo said:

^ the voice of doom - crackling in through the ether. Fading in and out.

By contrast - I'm expecting a quick recovery and a boom when this thing is snuffed-out. Innovation driven and partly funded by increased liquidity. And a new belief in the value of core services and the people who keep them running. We will come out of this stronger.

I sincerely hope that you're right.

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15 minutes ago, woolley said:

I do like Pongo"s indefatigable optimism.

Here are some of the things I have been thinking about:

Historically shock is often followed by boom. 9/11 was an obvious example. 

The emergency is already driving innovation - itself a powerful economic driver. Arguably it drives demand.

And there will be pent-up demand - and pent-up demand to get back to normal.

Govt liquidity.

Also - the month on month figures are going to quickly speak of boom as the economy starts up again. And boom drives boom.

Cheap oil.

Cheap office space.

ETA: it's obviously going to be important that the population has confidence that the virus has been snuffed out. Economic recovery depends on that. It's all or nothing IMO - no point in a partial end to the measures as that will create a mood of limping on. The thing needs to be declared done.

Edited by pongo
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9 hours ago, woolley said:

OK. I have tried to reason with you about policy and failings in a non-partisan way but you cannot see past blind hatred of the current UK government. That's me out of arguing with you for good. No doubt others will be relieved that there will be no more circular spats between us. Ever. 

You have to stop this nonsense that everything a politician does, or in this case does not do, is somehow a "political act" because it simply is not. You only do it to try and give the impression that those critical of their manifest failings are politically motivated. Then you can claim that these critics are "blinded" by their political leanings. If only that were true eh?

I'm motivated by people suffering unnecessarily due to this administration's incompetance.

You cannot defend Johnson and his administration because the facts speak for themselves. Which only gives you one option...

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10 hours ago, woolley said:

OK. I have tried to reason with you about policy and failings in a non-partisan way but you cannot see past blind hatred of the current UK government. That's me out of arguing with you for good. No doubt others will be relieved that there will be no more circular spats between us. Ever. 

I am relieved but I wouldn't like you to stop giving your views altogether.  Until very recently I knew nothing whatsoever about politics and the UK or across the pond.  Your posts have helped me catch up with whats been going on.

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15 minutes ago, P.K. said:

You have to stop this nonsense that everything a politician does, or in this case does not do, is somehow a "political act" because it simply is not. You only do it to try and give the impression that those critical of their manifest failings are politically motivated. Then you can claim that these critics are "blinded" by their political leanings. If only that were true eh?

I'm motivated by people suffering unnecessarily due to this administration's incompetance.

You cannot defend Johnson and his administration because the facts speak for themselves. Which only gives you one option...

Then don't vote for the Conservative candidate come the next General Election.

Thing is who could have done better as PM any time since Mrs Thatcher?  I certainly can't think of anyone.

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10 minutes ago, ecobob said:

I am relieved but I wouldn't like you to stop giving your views altogether.  Until very recently I knew nothing whatsoever about politics and the UK or across the pond.  Your posts have helped me catch up with whats been going on.

No. I've just tired of banging my head against that particular wall. 

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35 minutes ago, Rog said:

Then don't vote for the Conservative candidate come the next General Election.

Thing is who could have done better as PM any time since Mrs Thatcher?  I certainly can't think of anyone.

I think my perfect administration would have been a hung parliament, the Lib Dems hold the balance of power and John Smith (1938 - 1994) is Prime Minister.

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10 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

This woman is a hero. Lions led by donkeys. 

What is interesting now is that people are able to see clearly who the important people in society are. 

I think people have always been able to see this. Meanwhile Premier League clubs are furloughing their staff falling back on the taxpayer to fund 80% of the cost while at the same time continuing to pay players an average 60k per week. 

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3 hours ago, woolley said:

Are there any means to travel? 

Yes, as pongo has pointed out there are still flights (albeit a reduced number).  The Channel Tunnel remains open as do the sea ports as far as I am aware.  The biggest restriction on travel at the moment is being able to travel from your home to a port/station but the borders do remain open. 


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