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COVID-19 UK & Beyond


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7 hours ago, woolley said:

I think people have always been able to see this. Meanwhile Premier League clubs are furloughing their staff falling back on the taxpayer to fund 80% of the cost while at the same time continuing to pay players an average 60k per week. 

Come on, have you seen the PCP rates on a Lamborghini?

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It's all because of 5g didntcha know.


Beyond belief were it not for the deliberate sabotaging of emergency service vehicles and supermarket delivery trucks taking place across the country. 

Arm the police time.

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1 hour ago, Rog said:

It's all because of 5g didntcha know.


Beyond belief were it not for the deliberate sabotaging of emergency service vehicles and supermarket delivery trucks taking place across the country. 

Arm the police time.

Some days I wonder how as a nation we could be stupid enough to vote for BREXIT. 

And then there are days like today...

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1 hour ago, Rog said:

It's all because of 5g didntcha know.


Beyond belief were it not for the deliberate sabotaging of emergency service vehicles and supermarket delivery trucks taking place across the country. 

Arm the police time.

When you have morons spitting in the faces of nurses, anything is possible.

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4 hours ago, GD4ELI said:

And it's not looking very good for him.

Where do you get this from? Wishful thinking? After searching for your descriptive of "not looking very good for him," all I could find was, “admitted for tests..." "as a precaution..." 

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18 minutes ago, quilp said:

Where do you get this from? Wishful thinking? After searching for your descriptive of "not looking very good for him," all I could find was, “admitted for tests..." "as a precaution..." 

  • Age
  • Not being able to shake the virus off after 10 days
  • Stress of being PM
  • Comment from a friend's wife who's a doctor working with Covid-19 at the main hospital in Truro

You don't go to hospital if you're healthy.

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*Age- Plenty of octagenarian's surviving the virus. *10-day term- again, many have survived beyond this 'time-limit' even after three weeks or more of suffering it. *Friends wife, who's a doctor- lol, another expert ffs, has she been treating Boris remotely or summat?

"You don't go to hospital if you're healthy." Wow! Boris has been admitted on the advice of his doctor, for "further testing" and, "as a precautionary measure." Boris contracted pneumonia as a child, which may have left him, like other childhood sufferers, slightly more susceptible to the symptoms and subject to a longer recouperation period. The scarring of lung tissue from pneumonia can be extensive. I qualify this from personal experience as a consequence of the bilateral pneumonia I acquired following an operation at Noble's, it very nearly saw me off and my lung-function has never been the same since.

I might be hair-splitting but I recognise unfounded drama-queenery when I read it... 

Edited by quilp
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22 hours ago, woolley said:

When you have morons spitting in the faces of nurses, anything is possible.

It should be straight to jail for them. The world also faces a growing threat from various ideological morons also. The ultra-orthodox Haredim in Israel still turning up to synagogues, prayer-meetings and religious schools around the country, with Israeli security services having to disguise themselves as Haredim to gain entry to break them up and bust them. Mosques in the UK and around the world still patronised daily, with congregations for Friday prayers actually on the increase! 100+ muslim mourners attending a funeral in Birmingham ("we fear Allah more than coronavirus"), attended also by the local Muslim MP, who was later forced to apologise (I noticed very little reportage and disclosure about this in the MSM when compared to the furore over that Scottish minister's "second home" faux pas, who's actions put more people in danger?) but not required to resign or face the force of the law. This Insha'allah-fatalism and blatant defiance of the EPA. needs to be recognised and stopped. Christians of all strains in America and Africa, globally, still crowding into churches to pray together and handing their fate to their imagination, even against papal instruction- I mean, what the actual fuck!?!? And the idiot Trump says fuck-all to the nation about it. This is wilful ideological ignorance and considering the current global emergency should be clamped-down upon everywhere.

Dear God help us all.


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Quote "The world also faces a growing threat from various ideological morons also. The ultra-orthodox Haredim in Israel still turning up to synagogues, prayer-meetings and religious schools around the country, with Israeli security services having to disguise themselves as Haredim to gain entry to break them up and bust them. End Quote.

That lot are something else.  And not something good.

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