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1 minute ago, Freggyragh said:

Some good news:

The Bundeswehr (German land defence army) has donated 60 top of the range ventilators to the U.K. free of charge. No need for PK to wax political about it. It speaks for itself. 

I should hope so too!

We guarded their borders for long enough...

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13 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Rog, Sir Nige, and all the other wierdos are not going to like me saying this, but so many in the Muslim community are bloody heroes, we’re so lucky to have them:


ONE MORE TIME. My issue is with the so called religion (which is actually a mind destroying cult far worse than the Roman Catholic 'church' which is bad enough) and not with the majority of the poor sods trapped in it.

The way that so many of them rather than skedaddle back home to relative safety have stayed to support our NHS can only be admired, I certainly do.

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14 hours ago, P.K. said:

I should hope so too!

We guarded their borders for long enough...

Having bombed the sh*t out of them in a succession of war crimes such as the unforgivable Dresden Fire Storm which was a deliberate attack against civilians - and Dresden is just the best known example.  Let's not kid ourselves, the principle reason for BAOR and American military presence was about keeping the Erics under the thumb and protecting mostly American investments.

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@ Rog's triggering post


Having been to Peenemünde , the museum there showed that the reality would have been that they would have targeted every single UK city and its civilian population had the technically amazing V2 been flying 1-2 years earlier with sufficient numbers. There is little doubt this would have changed the outcome of the war they started.

In fact after development and production was moved to Nordhausen they were trying to work out if they could increase the range as far as New York. Mind you with a fuel burn of over 2 tonnes a minute, it might have been quite a technological challenge.

Dresden was wrong but let's not get misty eyed about the Nazi intention. They would have done much worse to us had this truly awesome weapon been available earlier. 


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Good post BB. The Nazi's toyed with the idea of developing the launching of V-weapons from converted U-boats to attack the yanks.

Dresden was a marshaling area for rail transportations to the east. It was not as insignificant a target as Rog makes out. I think the full realisation, by then, of what was going on in the camps induced a show-no-mercy attitude in the allies. 

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Total war makes all barbaric. 
What happened to societies between 37 and 45 in some ways gives me faith that this pandemic won’t be too damaging - it isn’t laying waste to cities and creating conditions where industrial mass murder is a norm. 
That said seeing mass graves in NY is sobering. 

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We think we're clever and we've built a lot of stuff, but in the end we're as fragile as anything else that nature constructs. We are made of water, a few carbon compounds and other elements. We don't understand how those components are brought to life as humans. Then something like this comes along and shows us we are entirely in the hands of natural events far beyond our control. We can be thankful for now that this episode is not much more deadly than it is. 

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"If you have ten thousand regulations, you destroy all respect for the law."

"We contend that for a nation to fine itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle."

"You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."

Rahm Emanuel
Wall Street Journal, November 19, 2008.

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