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COVID-19 UK & Beyond


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35 minutes ago, woolley said:

That's precisely what happened anyway. Individual countries were doing their own thing, shutting their own borders while Brussels was stamping its feet screaming you can't do that. It will be interesting to see what sort of EU emerges from all of this. When the chips are down nation states will always look to themselves. 

Yes, interesting to see what happens everywhere after this. What do you make of the EU's combined €1250bn Corona package?

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42 minutes ago, woolley said:

Individual countries were doing their own thing, shutting their own borders while Brussels was stamping its feet screaming you can't do that

In reality, of course, Brussels wasn't stamping its feet screaming you can't do that.

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8 minutes ago, pongo said:

In reality, of course, Brussels wasn't stamping its feet screaming you can't do that.

OK, perhaps not you can't do that, but certainly you shouldn't do that. It was scrambling in the wake of events to put in alternative EU wide measures. Initially it was in paralysis. As I said, the future will be interesting and I think this is recognised in the grovelling apology issued to Italy.

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56 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Which is why we and other countries will continue to neglect other areas whilst pumping billions into defence spending.  

Sad isn't it?

Don't complain.

Thanks to the MOD you now have organised deliveries of PPE and some Field Hospitals with exceptionally large capacity.

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10 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Come on, be serious. The EU and the ECB do have money, or are you saying that the money doesn't exist?

It comes from the member states so, big deal, they give some back and spend it how they wish, not necessarily how the contributors would wish. Or the ECB prints it just like any sovereign state bank could do. There's no magic money tree. Well, not one that's unique to the EU.

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5 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

If only we had sufficient capacity in our existing hospitals...

There may be enough capacity. But the level of infection in the UK is a big unknown.

So it's a "prepare for the worst, hope for the best" strategy...

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17 minutes ago, pongo said:

It’s unsurprising. Who in their right mind really believed that Johnson was an incisive, committed, purposeful and intelligent leader? There’s a juvenile with a costly education in charge.

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1 hour ago, pongo said:

It's true all right.

The Cygnus exercise in 2016 was a rehearsal for a pandemic hitting the UK. It drew conclusions all too common to us now. An NHS under extreme stress, a lack of ventilators and a lack of PPE.

Surely, at that point, PPE and equipment like ventilators should have been made "strategic" - but they weren't. Once it became clear what might be going to happen they still had a chance to learn the lessons from Cygnus, But apparently not.

So the British Public were left like sitting ducks....

53 minutes ago, Uhtred said:

It’s unsurprising. Who in their right mind really believed that Johnson was an incisive, committed, purposeful and intelligent leader?


Only all of the brexiteers it would seem.

After all, he is their cheerleader....

@Shake me up Judy

Maybe you're the one who should wind their neck in....


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