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COVID-19 UK & Beyond


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6 hours ago, ecobob said:

It’s not a pleasant way to go though and we have no idea yet as to then long term damage done to the deep alveoli in the lungs.

I’ve been wired up for fifteen minutes a day with a nebuliser filled with colloidal silver. I’ve read everything that tells me I’m wasting my time but with that and my Wim Hoff breathing (and throwing myself in the river once a day) I feel as though my lungs are as clear as they’ve ever been. Placebo or no, I’m carrying on. Frankly, I’ve got fuck all else to do anyway. 

:w00t: Careful you don't turn blue - people who see you out walking will think it's covid-related cyanosis.


I've also been doing the Wim Hof breathing thing. Can't hurt, might help.

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Well who would have thought it...?

Public trust plummets in Britain's handling of pandemic, new poll reveals

Doubts focus on failures over testing and whether government acted quickly enough at outset 


Just 7% of people think the level of testing for Covid-19 has been sufficient, while 71% think it has been insufficient – a finding barely changed since two weeks ago, despite the government’s huge efforts to “ramp up” the number of tests to 100,000 a day by the end of this month.

With more doubts raised over the past week about ministers’ handling of the crisis, particularly in the early stages when other countries were introducing contact tracing and lockdowns while the UK adopted other approaches, those leading the government’s drive to contain the virus – Dominic Raab, the foreign secretary, and Matt Hancock, health secretary – have both seen falls in public trust.


As a reminder a timeline from The Daily Mash.

It would be funny if it wasn't so lethally accurate:

All the government's coronavirus f**k-ups, a timeline

LOSING track of exactly which government f**k-up came when? Follow our pandemic timeline: 

January – Government issues official guidelines to stop talking about some virus in China and instead celebrate a Tory victory and Brexit!

February 6th – Brighton man who has infected ten people given very stern dressing-down

February 21st – Italy locked down. Whitehall responds by ruefully shaking its head at their Latin foolishness

March 10th – Outbreak declared a pandemic. Boy chancellor Rishi Sunak makes major concession by mentioning it in his budget

March 12th – Risk raised from moderate to high. Government reluctantly advises over-70s with pre-existing medical conditions to avoid cruises, but promises the restrictions will stop there

March 13th – London Marathon, football, the Six Nations and local elections all cancelled. Cheltenham allowed to continue because it’s not people, it’s horses

March 16th – Boris Johnson tells everyone not to go to pubs while leaving them open, because that makes sense

March 18th – Schools closed from the end of the week because you can’t just finish school on a Wednesday

March 20th – The prime minister closes pubs and restaurants, though emphasises what a shame it is and if everyone has one last night on the sauce he certainly wouldn’t blame them. Everyone goes to the pub

March 23rd – Full lockdown announced. Britain trailing only France, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland, Croatia, Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and a few others

March 27th – The prime minister tests positive for coronavirus. Britain informed this is sad and unfortunate, not a dickhead ignoring his own advice

April 1st – The government begins its rigorous programme of not doing nearly enough testing and being offended when journalists point it out

April 6th – Boris Johnson goes into intensive care an hour after Dominic Raab claimed they had been shooting hoops together

April 12th – Johnson leaves hospital for a well-earned country break

April 15th – The Care Minister suddenly remembers care homes

April 22nd – Targets for tests continue to be missed by 76 per cent, PPE continues to be shipped abroad and then slowly back here, and deaths continue at the level we were told was the peak a fortnight ago. Raab reassures Britain everything is fine.

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12 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

Amazing the difference a few years makes...  Now we all stand outside on a Thursday evening and clap our 'NHS Heroes'.  I hope after this crisis we never forget what the NHS staff, every single one of them, have been through to help keep us safe.


There's no need to ever mention that scumbag or the malicious rag he lied for. 

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Sobering COVID19 news from Brazil on Sky this morning. 13,000 graves being dug outside Sao Paulo alone, authorities admitting that what little battle they were able to put up has been lost.

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On 4/26/2020 at 1:27 PM, P.K. said:


Well who would have thought it...?

Public trust plummets in Britain's handling of pandemic, new poll reveals

Doubts focus on failures over testing and whether government acted quickly enough at outset 


Just 7% of people think the level of testing for Covid-19 has been sufficient, while 71% think it has been insufficient – a finding barely changed since two weeks ago, despite the government’s huge efforts to “ramp up” the number of tests to 100,000 a day by the end of this month.

With more doubts raised over the past week about ministers’ handling of the crisis, particularly in the early stages when other countries were introducing contact tracing and lockdowns while the UK adopted other approaches, those leading the government’s drive to contain the virus – Dominic Raab, the foreign secretary, and Matt Hancock, health secretary – have both seen falls in public trust.


As a reminder a timeline from The Daily Mash.

It would be funny if it wasn't so lethally accurate:

All the government's coronavirus f**k-ups, a timeline

LOSING track of exactly which government f**k-up came when? Follow our pandemic timeline: 

January – Government issues official guidelines to stop talking about some virus in China and instead celebrate a Tory victory and Brexit!

February 6th – Brighton man who has infected ten people given very stern dressing-down

February 21st – Italy locked down. Whitehall responds by ruefully shaking its head at their Latin foolishness

March 10th – Outbreak declared a pandemic. Boy chancellor Rishi Sunak makes major concession by mentioning it in his budget

March 12th – Risk raised from moderate to high. Government reluctantly advises over-70s with pre-existing medical conditions to avoid cruises, but promises the restrictions will stop there

March 13th – London Marathon, football, the Six Nations and local elections all cancelled. Cheltenham allowed to continue because it’s not people, it’s horses

March 16th – Boris Johnson tells everyone not to go to pubs while leaving them open, because that makes sense

March 18th – Schools closed from the end of the week because you can’t just finish school on a Wednesday

March 20th – The prime minister closes pubs and restaurants, though emphasises what a shame it is and if everyone has one last night on the sauce he certainly wouldn’t blame them. Everyone goes to the pub

March 23rd – Full lockdown announced. Britain trailing only France, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland, Croatia, Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and a few others

March 27th – The prime minister tests positive for coronavirus. Britain informed this is sad and unfortunate, not a dickhead ignoring his own advice

April 1st – The government begins its rigorous programme of not doing nearly enough testing and being offended when journalists point it out

April 6th – Boris Johnson goes into intensive care an hour after Dominic Raab claimed they had been shooting hoops together

April 12th – Johnson leaves hospital for a well-earned country break

April 15th – The Care Minister suddenly remembers care homes

April 22nd – Targets for tests continue to be missed by 76 per cent, PPE continues to be shipped abroad and then slowly back here, and deaths continue at the level we were told was the peak a fortnight ago. Raab reassures Britain everything is fine.

The worrying thing is that despite talk of easing lockdowns and returning to work, in a couple of days the UK will have the worst level of deaths due to Covid-19 in Europe, reporting fewer cases than Italy and Spain but their testing is a weakness which is leading to misreporting. Far from being a success, the Johnson government has really screwed this up.

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1 hour ago, Max Power said:

The worrying thing is that despite talk of easing lockdowns and returning to work, in a couple of days the UK will have the worst level of deaths due to Covid-19 in Europe, reporting fewer cases than Italy and Spain but their testing is a weakness which is leading to misreporting. Far from being a success, the Johnson government has really screwed this up.

Managed to watch Bozo on the box yesterday without throwing anything at the screen. Quite an achievement actually.

He tried to give the impression that probably the worst death rate in Europe is a "success" in which case I dread to think what a failure would have looked like....

They keep banging on that they're following the science which is just another Bozo lie. First off he was all for herd immunity presumably because it would cause the least damage to the economy. Imperial College ran the numbers and concluded that even if the NHS wasn't overwhelmed, which it would have been, then there would have been upward of 250k fatalities. Bozo then did a 180 ASAFP. Now if Bozo was following the science how is it he was unaware of the scale of the fatalities that would have followed his disastrous "herd immunity" nonsense?

He and his "brexit" team have a great deal to answer for...


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