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COVID-19 UK & Beyond


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On 5/9/2020 at 9:32 AM, wrighty said:

UK to introduce quarantine for incomers. Seems bizarre to think about it now when UK has probably got the highest viral load in the world, except for maybe the US. Closing the stable door after the horse has bolted has never been more apt. 

Well said indeed. It will be a disaster for us as well if our masters open our borders or don't test incomers.

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52 minutes ago, doc.fixit said:

Well said indeed. It will be a disaster for us as well if our masters open our borders or don't test incomers.

A short intelligence test wouldn't go amiss either....

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Here's a report from the CDC in the US looking specifically at New York and death. For the period covered they would have expected ~7000 deaths; they got 32000. Kind of matches up a bit with the info the ONS have been releasing, that there is a substantial rise in all case mortality that is not officially diagnosed as Corvid. Have a read https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6919e5.htm?s_cid=mm6919e5_w

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Bozo and his Bungling Brexiteers have a great deal to answer for:

UK coronavirus death toll passes 40,000, official figures say

Almost 10,000 care home residents included in latest update on fatalities from ONS 

The Office for National Statistics said on Tuesday that 35,044 deaths involving Covid-19 were registered in England and Wales up to 9 May. Adding the latest figures for Scotland and Northern Ireland and more up to date fatalities announced daily by the government that occurred in NHS settings, the total official UK death toll now stands at 40,011.

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7 hours ago, Manxberry said:

I'm pretty sure after the lockdown in the UK that the Conservatives have fucked themselves in elections for the next twenty years as the voter base will remember it was Tories that locked them away.

Should have stuck to their guns and done a Sweden.

I do wonder about this.

The theory of " herd immunity" relies upon a proportion of the population becoming immune via either a vaccine or immunity by antibodies generated by actually having caught the disease and survived it.

Now on the 12th March Bozo held a briefing in Downing Street to address the nation. I remember thinking thank goodness they're only letting him out when accompanied by two responsible adults. In this case Vallance and Whitty.

Bozo then told the nation that building "herd immunity" would be the policy to get through this. That's the policy chosen by him. NOT his scientific advisers (I hope).

Now Whitty and Vallance plus others MUST have known at that time that there was NO evidence that surviving the disease meant inbuilt immunity. And with no vaccine the "herd immunity" policy was a leap into the unknown with possibly catastrophic consequences.

Over the following weekend the catastrophic consequences were calculated out to be between 250,000 and 510,000 fatalities by Imperial College.

Bozo et al, almost certainly mindful of an inevitable Public Inquiry, have since been at pains to mention that at all times their decisions have been "guided by the science".

Putting aside for a moment that they should have done the modelling before reaching any conclusions did Bozo's scientific advisers fail to tell him that "herd immunity" was a totally uncertain path to follow or did he just ignore their "sage" counsel?

Personally I think he chose the option that caused the least damage to the economy and the consequences didn't really enter the equation at that time.

A dangerous fool...

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Bozo caught out again lying to the HoC. Dominic Cummings must be tearing his hair out!   :)

Unfortunately Bozo's default setting, when in trouble lie your way out of it,  just will not cut it when faced with Starmer. After Bozo blurted out this latest nonsense Starmer wrote to him asking for Bozo to "clarify" the situation to the House. Bozo responded by claiming he didn't need to as it was all true.

But apparently not.

PMQ's should be lively...

Review contradicts Boris Johnson on claims he ordered early lockdown at UK care homes   

 Prime Minister Boris Johnson told Britain’s parliament on Wednesday that his government moved swiftly to protect the country’s vulnerable care homes. Under increasing pressure to defend his record on fighting Covid-19, he said: “We brought in the lockdown in care homes ahead of the general lockdown.”

An examination by Reuters of the guidance issued to care homes, as well as interviews with three care home providers, has provided no evidence that any such early lockdown was ordered.


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Another amusing PMQ's with more Bozo looking like a rabbit in the headlights.

Two or three times Starmer asked the question, Bozo answered with much obfuscation and bluster as per and Starmer then had to say "The Prime Minister has not answered the question..."

Now Bozo, Hancock, Raab and Shapps all voted against NHS staff getting a 1% pay rise. Which with their "Clap for our NHS Heroes" campaign has surely pushed the word "hypocrite" down to an all time low. However PMQ's may have created a new tory NHS nadir.

Starmer took Bozo to task over the levy on foreign NHS workers. Bozo replied it was worth £900m so obviously worth doing.


It turns out that was FOUR YEARS worth of the surcharge! Not only that but it included EVERY levy not just those working in the NHS!

Rees-Mogg wants parliament to resume with MP's assembling in the HoC.

@Shake me up Judy

You're obviously a massive Bozo fan so what do you think of Rees-Mogg wanting the HoC to reconvene so the baying tory masses at PMQ's can somehow make Bozo look less vulnerable? I personally think that to ignore social distancing in the HoC sends out all the wrong messages...

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