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50 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

At least we now know where he ended up after he was seen running out of 10 Downing Street like a scolded cat.

Think the UK alternative reality right wing press will splash the story across their front pages like they did with epidemiologist Neil Ferguson...?

Neither do I....

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7 hours ago, P.K. said:

Think the UK alternative reality right wing press will splash the story across their front pages like they did with epidemiologist Neil Ferguson...?

Neither do I....

It's lead story on the daily mail and lead story BBC radio news (the right call the BBC lefties and the left call them rabid right). I don't think Boris will sack him, but it is very enlightening.

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1 hour ago, mojomonkey said:

It's lead story on the daily mail and lead story BBC radio news (the right call the BBC lefties and the left call them rabid right). I don't think Boris will sack him, but it is very enlightening.

When John Major had a pop at Bozo to "get rid of the advisers" he must have enjoyed the sight of Cummings scuttling down the street like a priest speeding from a brothel.

Major's passionate about it though:

“We have seen over-mighty advisers before. It is a familiar script. It always ends badly. I offer the prime minister some friendly advice: get rid of these advisers before they poison the political atmosphere beyond repair. And do it quickly.”
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1 hour ago, mojomonkey said:

I don't think Boris will sack him, but it is very enlightening.

Boris does not like making difficult decisions so I think you are right unless he is placed in a position where it would be the popular decision to make. It is possible it will come to that as I don't think that Cummings is that popular an individual and I am sure many in conservative MPs and ministers would not be sorry to see him go. I expect that there is almost zero support for him across Whitehall.

Cummings quite simple won't care so he won't resign and Boris will try to simply ride out the storm for a couple of weeks by disappearing. It is the UK parliamentary recess for the next couple of weeks so the chances are he won't be seen, certainly not to face any questions. It is his modus operandi. Despite being the UK PM he has barely fronted the daily Covid 19 press conferences. It would also appear that No.19 will have known about this for weeks and has helped cover it up so they will not want to have to answer questions or see Cummings go as that would put them in the firing line. i.e. why did you only take action when the matter become public 

Whilst I don't think Cummings will go, after all being found in contempt of parliament was not sufficient to stop Boris appointing him, my view is he should. He is Boris's principal adviser, sits in on the SAGE meetings so in such a position you should not be caught breaking the rules. The SNP's health advisor was forced to resign when she was caught and that despite apologising and not suspected of having Covid 19. It is not in Cummings nature to apologise and I think he and his wife were suspected of having Covid 19 so it is, in my view, a slightly more serious case than SNP's health advisor. Also whilst she was the SNP's advisor her role was as an independent expert, Cummings role is wholly political so in terms of providing expert health advise to Govt in respect of Covid 19 she had considerable expert knowledge which might have been useful to the Scottish Government to still have access to, Cummings has Zilch     

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I think he should go. You can’t have different rules for different classes of people. They emptied out that Scottish public health woman for visiting her second home around the same time. And in this case he actually had suspected Covid. If that isn’t a sackable offense then nothing is. 

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The last PMQ's had Bozo claiming that the Great British Public wanted Starmer to get behind the government which I thought had Cummings rat-claws all over it. If Cummings gets the boot, as he most certainly deserves, then PMQ's will get even more amusing.

Mind you, the last one was funny enough. Bozo et al have been clapping our "NHS Heroes" while planning to put the NHS levy up from £400 to £624 pa pushing the word hypocrite down to an all-time low. Starmer very calmly (which is obviously really getting to Bozo) asked about the cost of the NHS levy with a view to making NHS workers exempt. Bozo didn't know how much it is, because he just doesn't care, so he told the HoC from his crib sheet that it was "worth" some £900m. Which really surprised Starmer because that was nothing like the figure he had!

It turns out Bozo had given the HoC the TOTAL contributions from ALL those paying into it for the last FOUR years!

Not surprised Bozo did another 180 and will now exempt NHS workers because Starmer would have taken him apart.

Nice to see Her Maj's Opposition being effective enough to really make a difference. Mind you it's about bloody time! Little wonder Rees-Mogg wants the baying tories back in the HoC because Bozo is looking more and more ineffectual...

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Don’t have a problem with Cummins but many would like to see him out of the way as they fear him to much, also because he’s a lot brighter than the likes of media hungry soundbite ex labour specialist Alister Campbell , Cummins is no mug but what does p%ss me of is the sanctimonious journalists and presenters running all over the country plus there small entourage possibly spreading the virus around sensualising story’s, all Hungry for this breaking news culture. ( not aTory)

Edited by GreyWolf
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