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I really can't remember a bigger load of horseshit than Cummins' statement this afternoon. 'Drove thirty miles to test his eyesight' He must have plenty on Boris to still be in the tent pissing out. Anybody else would be long gone and wouldn't have survived the weekend. This is only going to get worse for Boris and the Government now. 

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Cummings’ statement this afternoon did little or nothing to address the issues facing the government, according to Dr Michael Head, a global health expert at the University of Southampton:

The statement from Cummings really only reinforced his clear disregard for public health guidance, with regards these movement of hundreds of miles by Covid-infected individuals. It seems curious that apparently no one offered to help Cummings and his family during their time of illness in London, bearing in mind he is close to many of the most powerful and wealthy politicians in the country, including the prime minister.

There are also issues of taking up emergency healthcare resource in an area of the country where you are not resident – this makes a mockery of healthcare planning where ideal number of intensive care beds are based on population numbers in the local area. It is also very poor public health practice to put your family in a car and go for a 60-mile drive in order to test your eyesight.

There are still Covid-19 deaths in care homes and hospitals. The pandemic can only finish if there is strong leadership from the government and compliance from the general public. Going forward, we have real potential issues around trust in the government from the general public. However, it is of huge importance important that the public do try and stay on board with the expert-led advice, to support themselves, their families and the general population.

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The Cummings fiasco is a classic dead cat designed to cover up 3 huge moves last week that will profoundly change the UK for decades to come. 

1. Customs checkpoints are to be built at Larne, Belfast and Warrenpoint - the border controls between NI and the rest of the UK the brexiters promised would never exist. From now on NI voters will have absolutely no political representation when it comes to the setting of the rules of the market they will be part of.

2. Under emergency legislation the government has committed to bailing out and subsidising large corporations to the tune of £100B. Very few details of any quid pro quos, or who, how or why each company is to be awarded the cash are available. 

3. To enable a trade deal with the US the government defeated an attempt to maintain British food standards for imports. UK farmers (not NI obviously) will be switching to US farming practices too. 50% of the UK chicken market is now US owned, so there'll be no holding back. The £3.5B subsidy farming got under the EU system that the brexiters promised would be maintained until 2025 has been cut to £25B, and with the standards protection voted away with a 51 vote margin, British farming as we know it has been voted into history. 

So, stay angry about Cummings breaking lockdown - even the Telegraph, Times and Spectator are onboard with that manufactured outrage - and just ignore the broken brexit 'red line' to keep free trade between NI and the rest of the UK, the coroprate-socialist smash and grab and the broken promises to maintain food standards and protect British farming. 




Edited by Freggyragh
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Cheers Freggyragh, I did wonder. Heard about the NI border issues and was surprised it hadn't made more noise in the press, just assumed like everyone else that big business was always going to get paid out well and hadn't heard about the farming thing recently, even though thats the worst bit. Opportunity there for the IoM to keep, even enhance their food standards and market accordingly.

More on Cummings and lying - check out what Faisal Islam is chatting about


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I think it is the juxtaposition of Phil Mitchell and Harold Shipman that completes it.


Meanwhile, in the world of honourable politicians I see that the Dutch media are reporting that the Dutch PM did comply with his government's lockdown rules, even to the extent of not being able to visit his mother for several weeks before she died. Tough times call for tough decisions and strong resolve, not weak leaders that bend or break the rules to suit their own personal ends.

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2 hours ago, Chinahand said:

This visualisation does a really good way of showing the impact of Covid-19.

It has killed more people this year than any other cause.




Find a Covid / Mosquito free pub, drink plenty of Guinness and eat the odd packet of nuts, refrain from unprotected sex and drugs.

Thats, Covid, Malaria, Malnutrition, Maternity, Drugs and Drowning sorted already.



Edited by Manximus Aururaneus
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21 hours ago, Chinahand said:

This visualisation does a really good way of showing the impact of Covid-19.

It has killed more people this year than any other cause.




There are different figures on Worldometers.info. Cancer for example has killed 3.4 million apparently. 24 million deaths altogether so far this year, so covid most definitely has not killed more than any other cause. Even in the UK there’s been about 250,000 deaths this year so far - covid is about 40000 of them. 

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I think it assumes cancer isn’t a single illness and so doesn’t lump them together. 

I don’t know if that is reasonable or not. Even so the fact it has outpaced malaria is quite something!

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Health officials make last-minute plea to stop lockdown easing in England   

Senior public health officials have made a last-minute plea for ministers to scrap Monday’s easing of the coronavirus lockdown in England, warning the country is unprepared to deal with any surge in infection and that public resolve to take steps to limit transmisson has been eroded.

The Association of Directors of Public Health (ADPH) said new rules, including allowing groups of up to six people to meet outdoors and in private gardens, were “not supported by the science” and that pictures of crowded beaches and beauty spots over the weekend showed “the public is not keeping to social distancing as it was”.

Jeanelle de Gruchy, president of the ADPH, said her colleagues across England were “increasingly concerned that the government is misjudging the balance of risk between more social interaction and the risk of a resurgence of the virus, and is easing too many restrictions too quickly”


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