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COVID-19 UK & Beyond


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2 minutes ago, woolley said:

I think they fled to Bury in fear.

For the "world famous" market and the best black pudding in the universe?

If only I had a gaff there....

Or is this just more of your "conspiracy theory" nonsense?

Have to say the more you pillory the likes of the Beeb with ever more ridiculous claims the more you send out a very strong personal message of just how very right wing you are. Despite all your protestations to the contrary.

Not exactly news on here though is it...?

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1 hour ago, Uhtred said:

That pictures loses something when you realise that Putin is about 5 foot nothing. He’s probably unaware that it’s classic homo-eroticism too. The door handle Novichok smearers probably like it though.

Even the horse has a "FFS" look on its face.

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53 minutes ago, P.K. said:

For the "world famous" market and the best black pudding in the universe?

If only I had a gaff there....

Or is this just more of your "conspiracy theory" nonsense?

Have to say the more you pillory the likes of the Beeb with ever more ridiculous claims the more you send out a very strong personal message of just how very right wing you are. Despite all your protestations to the contrary.

Not exactly news on here though is it...?

I despise most right wing economic philosophy. If it's not Bury then it's some other traditional Lancashire town that has sadly been subsumed into the nondescript North Manchester suburban broth.

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

Have to say the more you pillory the likes of the Beeb with ever more ridiculous claims the more you send out a very strong personal message of just how very right wing you are...

And I have to say that the more you trot out your Guardian-think and virtue-signalling nonsense the more you reinforce the very strong message of just how much of an idiot you are. 

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35 minutes ago, woolley said:

I despise most right wing economic philosophy. If it's not Bury then it's some other traditional Lancashire town that has sadly been subsumed into the nondescript North Manchester suburban broth.



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UK under Bozo the Trumpette definitely "world beating".

Coronavirus: UK hardest hit by virus among leading G7 nations

The UK was the hardest hit of all the G7 major industrialised nations in the weeks leading up to early June, according to BBC analysis of the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic.

Analysis also showed that England fared the worst in Europe, just above Spain. The research compared 11-week periods for each nation as the virus hit its peak in each country.

The analysis of Covid-19 deaths and excess deaths - which compared countries in three different ways - showed the UK worse off than the US, Germany, France, Italy, Canada, and Japan.

Graphs and stuff: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-53222182

A "world beating" Track, Trace and Isolate system was promised by Bozo the Trumpette to replace the Lockdown by 1st June. As there is no sign at all of the system and with the easing of the lockdown, with Bozo counting on "the good solid British common sense" (something he clearly lacks like many others) the inevitable "cluster" in Leicester means it has to be locked down. Because there is no world beating tracking system to replace it. Like they were told there wouldn't be several months ago....

Just more suffering due to Bozo and his Bungling Brexiteers...

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UK deaths now back to the long term average. We need to accept that they will be somewhat higher in future as the restrictions end with local lockdowns where necessary. Unless there is a cure or a vaccine we will have to live with it as one more thing out there that might get us. It will no doubt have a marginal effect on life expectancy, but for the young and fit life will be normal. The rest of us will have to set a level of risk that we personally are comfortable with. Living is risky and never ends well. 

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19 minutes ago, woolley said:

UK deaths now back to the long term average. We need to accept that they will be somewhat higher in future as the restrictions end with local lockdowns where necessary. Unless there is a cure or a vaccine we will have to live with it as one more thing out there that might get us. It will no doubt have a marginal effect on life expectancy, but for the young and fit life will be normal. The rest of us will have to set a level of risk that we personally are comfortable with. Living is risky and never ends well. 

Where have you been? It is nothing like "marginal" in any care home where the virus gets in! The Spanish Army found a care home with the staff gone and every resident dead. Some still in their beds.

What is required going forward are the right strategies and tools to avoid "unnecessary" deaths. Something this shambolic Administration has singularly and spectacularly failed to do.

The government of the day have a duty of care to ALL of their citizens. Just because Thatcher totally ignored that important facet of government it doesn't mean they should ignore it now.

Every effort should be made to reduce the level of risk as an ongoing exercise. There should be no "that will do..." attitude AT ANY TIME. Accepting they're useless is accepting a level of risk that could be and should be much lower.

However this is the excuse of a government who claimed they  “tried to throw a protective ring around care homes right from the start of the pandemic" when the reality is they actually did f-all. 

It was just another lie....

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No. I am talking about life expectancy worldwide. This virus from China will have an adverse effect everywhere unless and until there is a vaccine or a cure, neither of which can be guaranteed. We must recognise that it will be one more disease among all of the others that can kill us one day. We have a choice which really isn't a choice. We either try to hide from it for ever or we make sensible compromises and get on with living. 

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6 minutes ago, quilp said:

Err, doesn't the "& Beyond" stand out?

Must try harder...

Indeed. What's the point in arguing?  We either get used to the reality of a new cause of death on the scene, or we don't. Yes, it will kill some people. So does every other cause of death. 


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