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Johnson was disembowelled by Starmer at PMQs today. A measure of just how miserable Johnson’s performance was, is that even his personal fanzine the Daily Telegraph pointed out that he was the subject of a ‘drubbing’. And oh boy, was he.

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Starmer is picking his ground and doing his homework - and it shows. An example:

Last week Starmer complained that Bozo's "world beating" track and trace system was not reaching 66% of those who tested positive for the virus. This week it was now failing to reach 75% of those infected. Cue usual bluster from Bozo. This many folks had been traced, thanks to the sound common sense of the British people etc etc.

Starmer pointed out Bozo's answer means there is a growing problem and Bozo just can't see it. Which is a polite way of saying that the "world beating" track and trace system is a shambles, it's totally failing to meet the requirement and the virus is getting away from it.

Bozo's performance was just pitiful....

ETA Starmer even referenced one of Bozo's speeches and said "Amongst the usual bluster..."

I laughed. Bozo didn't...

Edited by P.K.
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Did anyone else notice that Johnson kept reaching inside his jacket?  Almost as if he was trying to find a speech in his inside jacket pocket or for his glasses.  Seems a strange little twitch to have developed.

Starmer was very good again although almost lost it with the heckling from a backbencher but manage to catch himself and remain calm.  Watching PMQ's is a fascinating clash of substance and bluster.  If Starmer keeps quoting Johnson back at him then it will become increasingly amusing to watch Johnson struggle for a reply.

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Scenes from various urban centres (e.g. Soho) last night illustrate the serious risk of a major ‘spike’ now occurring. And who else saw the classy ‘Don’t pee in the street’ mobile illuminated sign deployed in Hackney? What a grubby little hole Johnson’s England has become.

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1 hour ago, Uhtred said:

Scenes from various urban centres (e.g. Soho) last night illustrate the serious risk of a major ‘spike’ now occurring. And who else saw the classy ‘Don’t pee in the street’ mobile illuminated sign deployed in Hackney? What a grubby little hole Johnson’s England has become.

Well, there's no need for that kind of behaviour while there are telephone boxes about....

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3 hours ago, mojomonkey said:

Whilst it is funny and looks legit, that is made up and not actually in any of his diaries.

I know lots of the Pepys quotes flying around, and from others, are false. As was posted on the FB thread that I lifted it from...

But it summed up the situation just so succinctly I posted it up anyway. Like the author was more important than the message? Don't think so...

Bozo and his brexiteers are fucking idiots. As if the crowds on Bournemouth beach didn't demonstrate only too clearly that Bozo's faith in "good solid British common sense" is wildly optimistic. FFS we voted for the totally stupid and unnecessary brexit! So the crowds in Soho and so forth should have come as no surprise to anyone with any nous.

These are the idiots who will then allegedly navigate their way through the brexit negotiations to get the fantastic deal for the UK that Bozo has promised. 

Strange but true on their current track record of bungling mismanagement, poor decisions and a total lack of any understanding of the issues I suspect the brexit deal won't be the stunning success that Bozo has promised the gullible...

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1 hour ago, mojomonkey said:

It is quite a good parody of Pepys. The fact they were more bothered about opening the pubs than the schools says quite a lot to me.


None of it good....

Whittey looked very uncomfortable at the briefing and was obviously at pains to say "Everything is a risk" rather than "This is fucking stupid" or similar. Hopefully as a country we will get away with it and the opening up of the Southern US states who then had to clamp down again will not be our experience.

Unfortunately Bozo shut down later than he should have done which gave the virus more time to spread leading to more casualties, a longer lockdown than we might have got away with and subsequently more damage to the economy. Hence their desperation to get things going again....

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2 hours ago, mojomonkey said:

It is quite a good parody of Pepys. The fact they were more bothered about opening the pubs than the schools says quite a lot to me.

It says that hospitality is struggling against an existential threat from lockdown. No secret. Same reason other countries are opening up to tourism. Schools being closed until September is not threatening livelihoods as the government is obliged to pay everyone in any event. 

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