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COVID-19 UK & Beyond


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On 1/7/2021 at 3:59 PM, monasqueen said:

"The last time England and Wales reported more than 600,000 deaths in a single year was more than a century ago in 1918, when the First World War came to an end and as the Spanish flu pandemic took hold."

An interesting article

Red herring. The population back in 1918 was around 43 million - now it’s 66 million. How is that a terrible death figure comparison?

The mortality rate for the UK hit a low point in 2011 and has been climbing steadily since then. Lifestyles have got far less healthy and obesity abounds. So the death rate in 2020 seems to be back where it was at the start of the 21st century.

living longer means living with more co-morbidities and life, at the end, becomes ever more precarious. An unseen virus hoovers up the less healthy, it’s nature’s way.

The real problem is provision of medical care and that is never sufficient in a normal winter; yet no plans were put in place to improve the situation earlier in the year. Management failure. It would have been a far better use of money that throwing it at billionaires to buy more  masks.

whining that it takes years to train medical  staff will no longer wash. Arrange to free up the best qualified to do what they do best and get more people in to support them. We have had 10 months to do that. All we get are students of useless subjects being conned into paying for degrees that are not being delivered. Train people to do useful stuff, pay then a reasonable wage and try to educate the youth to understand  they will not all be Kardashians or Presidents.

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1 hour ago, TheTeapot said:

When was the last time any one from the UK gov mentioned 'reaching the peak'? It was the kind of phrase that was all the rage back in the first wave, but I've not heard it used at all this time round.

It's hopefully been shelved, along with "flattening the sombrero", "whackamole" and "herd immunity".

Some are talking about wave 3 now too.

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7 hours ago, Flyingfemme said:

The real problem is provision of medical care and that is never sufficient in a normal winter; yet no plans were put in place to improve the situation earlier in the year. Management failure. It would have been a far better use of money that throwing it at billionaires to buy more  masks.

whining that it takes years to train medical  staff will no longer wash. Arrange to free up the best qualified to do what they do best and get more people in to support them. We have had 10 months to do that. All we get are students of useless subjects being conned into paying for degrees that are not being delivered. Train people to do useful stuff, pay then a reasonable wage and try to educate the youth to understand  they will not all be Kardashians or Presidents.


The strategy of the changes to suitable provision of beds, sufficient clinical staff and overall investment in the NHS has contributed in no small way to where the UK now find itself. 

Unfortunately this may accelerate the US health insurance companies with hedge fund investments behind them  increasing their presence in the UK health and social care markets that will unfold after this virus is under control.

OR - the UK NHS may embark on a totally public funded system with all the potential benefits that can bring, m especially at times of crisis. (like it said on the Brexit bus Boris)


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Be scared. Be really scared. Because it is not good for the immune system. Neither is becoming a couch potato. Neither is not obtaining natural vitamin D from sunshine. Countries which have been imposing mask laws for some time report an increase in bacterial respiratory system issues. And why oh why are masks not disposed of as toxic waste? Imagine it’s Ebola, would you discard the mask in public? How does the virus know if people are out after curfew. ( in place in some areas)? Why does no one mention looking after the immune system? Why is an inadequately tested vaccine the only answer? (Normally it takes several years to test. Long term effects are unknown).  Just a few matters that perplex me. (By the way I am in the ‘vulnerable’ group). Why is it ok to traumatize children so that they are afraid to engage with their grandparents and suffer nightmares and stress? Sounds like child abuse to me. Why are emergency teams trained to reassure, not to cause panic and stress? Yet governments seem to be doing their utmost to practice the latter? Just a few things going through my head. What I fear is the fix. The inadequately tested vaccine, or the Klaus Schwab reset. If you wish to live in fear and dread and protect yourself to the hilt, please do so. But other opinions should also be acceptable and not simply dismissed. Seems extremely dangerous to me when there is only one truth and only one acceptable set of experts. 

Btw. My father was a D day veteran, suffered injury in the war, Desert Rat etc. and I know exactly what his views on the present situation would be. And I understand why he thought that way.

Edited by boswellian
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No new UK infection and deaths statistics from Hancock today during his briefing (ongoing at this time), just an average daily deaths figure of 936 for the last week.

NHS covid bed cases now well over 32,000.

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Figures released now at 42,000 new infections and 529 deaths in last 24 hrs, numbers possibly beginning to fall but Tuesday often produces a correction with the lag in collating the weekend figures.

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