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2 minutes ago, quilp said:

"Pitchfork mob?" Are you for real yessir..? 

There are ways of managing inflows and outflows without resorting to imprisoning people and then charging them for their keep. I understand anyone can still get on the boat from the IOM to the UK and when they disembark they are trusted to do the right thing on arrival in the UK. But it looks to me that government in the IOM bended to a load of flat-earthers who don’t believe that people can be trusted to take prudent actions to protect them and their fellow countrymen. As I said I’m happy to play ball for an easy life just not to spend a grand on top of what I’ve already spent if I can help it. 

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13 minutes ago, Manx Expat said:

Thanks. I’m just trying to save a grand as been funding myself for six weeks in the UK now so money is getting tight. I don’t mind staying there to be honest I just resent shelling out for it. I understand why they did it because the pitchfork mob wanted the island shut down but don't see why they’re charging for it to be fair. It would be a lot cheaper if I could just go back and stay in my flat for 14 days. 

Well that is the comical thing here.

If I feel ill and think I might have it then I get tested. I go home and isolate. Waiting for the test result. It's positive say. So I stay at home and isolate.  I'm not imprisoned in the Comis.

Can't see anything different for people coming home.  They could test straight off the boat and have results in hours.

Statistically the vast majority will have nothing wrong with them. 


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15 minutes ago, quilp said:

"Pitchfork mob?" Are you for real yessir..? 

Its just ANOTHER account that is going to help drive the 'must open up NOW' push that has been going on.

On the bus, Mr Newbie et al.

Shilling for Alf


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24 minutes ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

There is zero evidence that would be the case.   

But evidence that there is no guaranteed immunity and there are some who've had the virus, even tested negative only to become re-infected. We shall see...

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25 minutes ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

If I feel ill and think I might have it then I get tested. I go home and isolate.

And in the time before you started to feel ill and thought about going for a test, which proved positive, how many people do you think you might have infected, considering that there is plenty of evidence to suggest that many people are asymptomatic? 

25 minutes ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

Statistically the vast majority will have nothing wrong with them. 

So far so good but it's a nasty and adaptable virus. A, B and C varieties. The flu pandemic was much the same a century ago, it seemed to be dying-off, people became complacent and within a month the death-rate almost doubled. 

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15 minutes ago, quilp said:

So far so good but it's a nasty and adaptable virus. A, B and C varieties. The flu pandemic was much the same a century ago, it seemed to be dying-off, people became complacent and within a month the death-rate almost doubled. 

I don't really know what you are talking about there.  As far as I can see the different varieties (I could only find A and B) all look pretty much like each other and differences are only useful to distinguish ancestry rather than meaning they operate differently.  This is good news as it would mean there would only need to be a single vaccine and there isn't any evidence that SARS-CoV-2 is adapting to humans as yet.

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1 hour ago, quilp said:

"Pitchfork mob?" Are you for real yessir..? 

Well you only have to look back at some of the earlier comments on the main Covid thread to see demands that anyone who dared to be currently outside the Island should immediately be cast into the outer darkness never to return.  I've no doubt that Facebook etc were worse.  Obviously Quayle and co should have ignored the minority of hysterics, but instead they spent time dithering for about a week, then set up an elaborate, confusing  and expensive system.  And added ridiculous touches of their own (fences! security guards!!).  And now are looking to find a way out of the corner they have painted themselves into.

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6 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

As far as I can see the different varieties (I could only find A and B)... 

Correct, my mistake. Strains 'L' and 'S'.

There is a saturation of confusing information out there. 

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6 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Well you only have to look back at some of the earlier comments on the main Covid thread to see demands that anyone who dared to be currently outside the Island should immediately be cast into the outer darkness never to return.  I've no doubt that Facebook etc were worse.

I'm not a facebook user but can imagine that there were some outrageous comments flying about. At the same time we did see blatant stupidity in the actions of those who flouted the lock down and now reside in Jurby. The way this has been reported and dealt-with surely a contributory factor to increasing public paranoia. Personally I thought the whole Comis plan was flawed and the security measures over the top, precautions thought necessary by an administration which assumed those responsible for their self-isolation couldn't be trusted. 

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7 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

Its just ANOTHER account that is going to help drive the 'must open up NOW' push that has been going on.

On the bus, Mr Newbie et al.

Shilling for Alf


The main pathetic aspect is the overly paranoid views that are in conflict with the actual evidence. 

Do you seriously expect there to be no change in activity until there is categorically 100% zero cases?

We need to accept this is something we will have to live with.  Of course on here anyone wanting things to reopen is bound to be shouted down given the vast majority of posters here are old men in the at risk category.

It'll bw interesting to see the vitriol spat on here when the tax increases come.

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21 minutes ago, quilp said:

Personally I thought the whole Comis plan was flawed and the security measures over the top, precautions thought necessary by an administration which assumed those responsible for their self-isolation couldn't be trusted. 

From what I read it wasn’t the administration doing it they were just trying to pander to a load of paranoid rubbish being spread on social media suggesting people will die if people are allowed to return and trusted to self isolate and so they came up with the Commis plan as it got people back and managed those issues in a way that Karen on Facebook couldn’t endlessly argue about it. As I said I’m happy to play ball with anything if it gets me back but I’m not happy to stump up a grand when I’m already paying £750 a month for a flat I haven’t lived in since the middle of March. I should just be tested and sent back to my flat to self isolate and so hopefully the right decision will be made later this week. 

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