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17 minutes ago, Manx Expat said:

From what I read it wasn’t the administration doing it they were just trying to pander to a load of paranoid rubbish being spread on social media suggesting people will die if people are allowed to return and trusted to self isolate and so they came up with the Commis plan as it got people back and managed those issues in a way that Karen on Facebook couldn’t endlessly argue about it. As I said I’m happy to play ball with anything if it gets me back but I’m not happy to stump up a grand when I’m already paying £750 a month for a flat I haven’t lived in since the middle of March. I should just be tested and sent back to my flat to self isolate and so hopefully the right decision will be made later this week. 

The 'Commis Plan' was done on the advice of the clinicians. Whether that included erecting fencing and charging the 'guests' for the privilege or not is another matter.

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1 hour ago, quilp said:

Personally I thought the whole Comis plan was flawed and the security measures over the top, precautions thought necessary by an administration which assumed those responsible for their self-isolation couldn't be trusted. 

I would agree with that it was over the top, in the main, but we do need to make sure people isolate, are formally tested and await their results. Some people have demonstrated that they cannot be trusted though, visiting other households for family or relationship reasons etc. or, perhaps many poor sods desperate to earn money who have fallen through the cracks of the support system, and even people with mental health and learning disabilities.

Part of the arrival process needs to include clearly spelling out the penalties and consequences of not self-isolating - with random checks on those required to self isolate. And that has to include anyone working away from the island and returning too (there are quite a few contractors/commuters).

Granted we are going to have to live with this as a risk for a year or more, but enforcing the rules and taking action on those breaching the rules can only help minimise that risk. It will also lead to the opening of far more businesses long before the UK. 

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16 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

The 'Commis Plan' was done on the advice of the clinicians. Whether that included erecting fencing and charging the 'guests' for the privilege or not is another matter.

Was it? That differs to what I was told. As you say though even if it was I doubt they recommended the charging of the Colditz fencing. Either way hopefully that will change this week I’ll keep my eyes peeled. Cheers. 

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29 minutes ago, Manx Expat said:

Was it? That differs to what I was told. As you say though even if it was I doubt they recommended the charging of the Colditz fencing. Either way hopefully that will change this week I’ll keep my eyes peeled. Cheers. 

I'm not sure why you use the word 'hopefully'.  Even though Toady is likely to change the policy this week after his usual soiling himself because of adverse comment on Facebook, that is a purely political decision and one that I'm sure will be at variance with what the medics say.  We have to be ultra-careful with people returning to the island so that what limited amount of virus that is here burns itself out.  That means that quarantine has to be strict.

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54 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

I would agree with that it was over the top, in the main, but we do need to make sure people isolate, are formally tested and await their results. Some people have demonstrated that they cannot be trusted though, visiting other households for family or relationship reasons etc. or, perhaps many poor sods desperate to earn money who have fallen through the cracks of the support system, and even people with mental health and learning disabilities.

Part of the arrival process needs to include clearly spelling out the penalties and consequences of not self-isolating - with random checks on those required to self isolate. And that has to include anyone working away from the island and returning too (there are quite a few contractors/commuters).

Granted we are going to have to live with this as a risk for a year or more, but enforcing the rules and taking action on those breaching the rules can only help minimise that risk. It will also lead to the opening of far more businesses long before the UK. 

Most people could be tested and result back in hours.  That places them as no more of a risk than me or you.

It is overly paranoid BS.  Comin know it.  It took a letter signed by I think every mhk outside of comin to actually get them to reconsider.


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23 minutes ago, Boo Gay'n said:

I'm not sure why you use the word 'hopefully'.  Even though Toady is likely to change the policy this week after his usual soiling himself because of adverse comment on Facebook, that is a purely political decision and one that I'm sure will be at variance with what the medics say.  We have to be ultra-careful with people returning to the island so that what limited amount of virus that is here burns itself out.  That means that quarantine has to be strict.

The fall out of that concentration camp style approach is going to backfire on comin.  

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The funny bit is that many of those protesting probably were unaware that they had neighbours who was self isolating due to the virus 

There was no security outside the door and no checks on whether they are going out .

Those who came back obviously were at far lower risk to them.

The easy way is to get those who want to come back to  do a formal declaration that they will self isolate with agreement of potential penalties if they breached the same .

From what I heard from some who were at the comis, they were even willing to be tagged if they could remain in their own homes.

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4 hours ago, Andy Onchan said:

The 'Commis Plan' was done on the advice of the clinicians. Whether that included erecting fencing and charging the 'guests' for the privilege or not is another matter.

I'm not sure that it done on the advice of these famed 'clinicians' or rather with their advice.  If the basic decision has been made anyway (to admit people, to formally quarantine them), then no doubt the best medical advice regarding the details will given within the practical restrictions there already are (such as how long people should be quarantined for).  But I do rather get the impression that whenever anything gets challenged, Quayle just starts blubbering "A big boy (in a white coat) did it and he ran away!"   You saw this in his exchanges with Caine last week as well.  He seems unable to either take responsibility or explain why the advice he was given is correct.

In fact a much better way to handle the quarantine of those arriving back on the Island would have been to force them to isolate at home and monitor this by random checks.  This is what was done in Malta for instance (see the end of this article) and there were hefty fines for those who broke the rules.

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1 minute ago, Roger Mexico said:

I'm not sure that it done on the advice of these famed 'clinicians' or rather with their advice.  If the basic decision has been made anyway (to admit people, to formally quarantine them), then no doubt the best medical advice regarding the details will given within the practical restrictions there already are (such as how long people should be quarantined for).  But I do rather get the impression that whenever anything gets challenged, Quayle just starts blubbering "A big boy (in a white coat) did it and he ran away!"   You saw this in his exchanges with Caine last week as well.  He seems unable to either take responsibility or explain why the advice he was given is correct.

In fact a much better way to handle the quarantine of those arriving back on the Island would have been to force them to isolate at home and monitor this by random checks.  This is what was done in Malta for instance (see the end of this article) and there were hefty fines for those who broke the rules.

Not sure if there is any other country in Europe quarantining people after travel in a facility taken over by the government.

Almost all that I know of have asked people to self isolate at home. 

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3 minutes ago, mad_manx said:

Not sure if there is any other country in Europe quarantining people after travel in a facility taken over by the government.

Almost all that I know of have asked people to self isolate at home. 

There isn’t. The calls for quarantine seem to be the small island mentality at its worst. I’m a taxpayer and I have to get back as I know that if I don’t I will lose my job pretty soon then I dread to think how I will support myself off Island. I’m remote working (just outside of Leeds) but really work have made it clear it’s not ideal so I think I only have this week to decide and I’d rather not have to go to the Commis. Firstly due to cost and secondly I have no idea what the set up there is for home workers as I would need to be online and able to access company systems via Citrix which my apartment is fully set up for. Does anyone know if people have home worked at the Commis? They all looked like pensioners to me. 

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5 hours ago, Andy Onchan said:

The 'Commis Plan' was done on the advice of the clinicians. Whether that included erecting fencing and charging the 'guests' for the privilege or not is another matter.

Was it? Or was it more like...

Doctors: You need to ensure that those returning to the Island are isolated from the the general population.

CS: Lets commadeer a hotel, put up fences, security guards and police escort, only allow them a small bit of luggage, keep time out of their room to a minimum and ban deliveries. That will keep us safe.

Treasury: Won't that be expensive?

CS: We'll get the returnees to pay - it will be cost neutral.

Quayle: Make it so.


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