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BoJo taken into hospital


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2 minutes ago, Rog said:

Well Omar Salem,  the mouthy parent just happened to be there?  OK possibly so, but the fact that he just happens to be the founder of a pressure  group demanding that the NHS is rebuilt sorta puts into question if it was purely serendipitous and when it turns out he is an occasional newspaper columnist of less than unbiased newspapers it does raise a whole lot of questions. Then there's the almost perfect recording of his every word.  Hard to see the hidden microphone though.  No  proof other than the quality of the sound track.

Dear me Roger, can't you take anything for it?

It does make me laugh when a right whinger talks about "unbiased" newspapers. What a joke that is.

It's NOT a perfect recording though because if you watch when Bozo lies he DELIBERATELY turns away from the assembled press pack so it comes up as (inaudible) which is EXACTLY why he was turning away.

Of course, he trotted out the VERY hackneyed "record amounts" excuse (laughable in it's inevitability!) but if they're not putting enough into the service, and they are not, then they're deliberately running it down.

God how I hate lying politicos....

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8 minutes ago, woolley said:

It was at least very dubious the way it was blown up, although Johnson did deal with it badly. He isn't good with when put on the spot and called to deal with something in the moment. Nobody emerged with credit.

Au contraire Woolster.

I thought Omar Salem emerged with a great deal of credit because he did to Bozo what an awful lot of folks would love to do themselves - hold Bozo to account for what can best be described as shameful policies towards our NHS.

Don't forget that out of all the entities in the EU for staffing and facilities our NHS comes second from bottom. That is a second from bottom capabilities for a population that is second from top in numbers!

Our NHS was stretched already. And then we have the virus to contend with...

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3 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

There's sod all wrong with him take it from me. And chinahand that's rather a biased site you are linking to there. Stories on how china disinformation led to more uk deaths but no stories on boris disinformation leading to more deaths. Laughable do keep it up old boy.

I can be cynical with the worst of them at times, but really? Perhaps he might snuff it to make it look really good?

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26 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

Even if he did snuff it I certainly wouldn't be taking his word for it. He'll be back I'd stick my reputation on it.

Totally correct. It'd be just like Benedict Cumberbatch in 'Sherlock'.

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58 minutes ago, woolley said:

Well, there are the economic arguments

The economy will be fine. When confidence returns. That means being able to declare the thing properly over. Until then it's better to be closed.

As much as 4/5 of the economy will quickly adjust anyhow. And the govt and the bank can create and destroy liquidity in order to maintain money supply meanwhile.

Anyhow - it's not all about the economy.

1 hour ago, woolley said:

More and more people over time simply would not put up with it.

Imagine if people had said they would not "put up" with the blackouts. Or had argued that it was a loss of freedom or some kind of conspiracy.

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2 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

Even if he did snuff it I certainly wouldn't be taking his word for it. He'll be back I'd stick my reputation on it.

I have a feeling you are right. It would certainly take the heat off a lot of flack that’s about to come his way. But surely not even a government of this day would decide to put that spin on it? 

Anyway, I hope you’re right. To coin a popular phrase, I like to think of him as a lovable rogue. 

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