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Braddan Commissioners Community Centre


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1 minute ago, Mercenary said:

There is plenty of parking at the hospital, it's just not where people want to park.


If you put more parking in, you'd have the same problem because

a) wherever you build it is going to be further than the existing main car park, which people will prefer to use (see rugby overflow car park)

b) the people who can walk further will still choose the closest spots, because it's more convenient/could be raining/whatever reason they like

c) more free, accessible car parking spaces will just mean less people get the bus / car share / whatever


Either bring in charging or some other form of parking controls (permits, ANPR, tickets, dedicated staff areas, whatever) if you want to address the problems. Unless you fancy turning the whole area into tarmac.

Well yes, the whole area might have to

be turned into tarmac.Not something most of us would would want but if it provides a solution so be it.

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11 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

The hospital administrators have a valid reason for attending/ visiting the hospital so why shouldn’t they use the hospital car park? Should they park in Douglas and pay £7 or £8 for a days parking and get a bus up to the hospital?

Seriously all of this should have been taken into account when the hospital was planned. 

A relative of mine was in fairly long time care in a Birmingham hospital and I often went to visit them. OK compared to the other costs ( ferry fares etc) the car parking charges were relatively inexpensive but in absolute terms quite a lot for those visitors who were closer.

Intuitively it just seems wrong to charge people to visit their friends or relatives in hospital. Not just wrong,but disgusting when it could aid their recovery.

Theres load of land around the hospital which could be used for parking. Would be a shame to lose these green sites but what is the priority ?

At the rate they are building up there, just broke ground on the Cancer Centre and no doubt new technology and treatments will bring more space requirements not to mention an ageing population requiring and demanding more bed spaces let alone the dream of 100k population, why not build a multistory carpark to future proof onsite parking before it becomes overwhelmed?

It's on a hill so you could even go subterranena for a few levels.

With enough spaces, they could be designated and barriered by staff cards by floor with lifts etc. and have footbridges to reduce foot traffic interface with traffic such as buses and ambulances. Hell you could even put a helipad on the roof and a lift down to A&E. That'd be handy TT week. Also free up ground space for further development.

Or is that too forward thinking?

One thing I would recommend is something I saw in Brussels. Sensors over each parking bay so you can see from a distance if there are empty bays and each level has a 'number of free spaces available' indicator to speed up finding a vacant space and maximising utilisation.

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5 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

The hospital administrators have a valid reason for attending/ visiting the hospital so why shouldn’t they use the hospital car park? Should they park in Douglas and pay £7 or £8 for a days parking and get a bus up to the hospital?

Seriously all of this should have been taken into account when the hospital was planned. 

A relative of mine was in fairly long time care in a Birmingham hospital and I often went to visit them. OK compared to the other costs ( ferry fares etc) the car parking charges were relatively inexpensive but in absolute terms quite a lot for those visitors who were closer.

Intuitively it just seems wrong to charge people to visit their friends or relatives in hospital. Not just wrong,but disgusting when it could aid their recovery.

Theres load of land around the hospital which could be used for parking. Would be a shame to lose these green sites but what is the priority ?

That sounds all well and good. But Nobles opened 21 years ago, and taking into account building time, and delay when the contractor collapsed, planning was over quarter of a century ago.

Fewer people had cars, necessarily more used public transport. We even had the short lived park and ride by the power station. Plus parking prisión was vastly increased over Westmorland Road.

Unfortunately no designated staff parking was built. Additional services, some with adequate parking, others not, have been added to the site. We are treating more patients with hospice, the expanded mental health unit, the breast unit, the oncology/chemo day ward.

Yes, there’s the overflow car park now. But everyone parks, or tries to park, on the roadways and the unmarked spaces in the car park

That being said, barrier control and tokens, or ANPR, and entering your number at each ward or clinic, could work. Every in patient entitled to two tokens of up to 2hours each per day for visitors. Outpatients and clinic attendees get a token at end of appointment.

if there are park and ride parkers they could soon be weeded out. Staff parking does need sorting. Additional and permit. Although I know one staff member in the accommodation at Mwyllin Dhoo, but working on the other side of the hospital, who drives, rather than walks.

The best solution I’ve experienced is Clatterbridge in Liverpool City Centre. There’s a multi-storey just up the road. Three floors for Clatterbridge patients and others for staff. Shuttle minibus service. Enter, get your bar code ticket, and validate after clinic. Free. However visitors have to pay or use public transport. Although I suspect many have passes of some sort.

Again passes for shuttle buses issued to patients to give to family and friends might be an option.

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6 minutes ago, CallMeCurious said:

At the rate they are building up there, just broke ground on the Cancer Centre and no doubt new technology and treatments will bring more space requirements not to mention an ageing population requiring and demanding more bed spaces let alone the dream of 100k population, why not build a multistory carpark to future proof onsite parking before it becomes overwhelmed?

It's on a hill so you could even go subterranena for a few levels.

With enough spaces, they could be designated and barriered by staff cards by floor with lifts etc. and have footbridges to reduce foot traffic interface with traffic such as buses and ambulances. Hell you could even put a helipad on the roof and a lift down to A&E. That'd be handy TT week. Also free up ground space for further development.

Or is that too forward thinking?

One thing I would recommend is something I saw in Brussels. Sensors over each parking bay so you can see from a distance if there are empty bays and each level has a 'number of free spaces available' indicator to speed up finding a vacant space and maximising utilisation.

Ah yes, lets spend £4m on a multistorey rather than consider any form of parking control. Manxonomics at its best.

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9 hours ago, Mercenary said:

Ah yes, lets spend £4m on a multistorey rather than consider any form of parking control. Manxonomics at its best.


If you want cheap, how about cutting down all the trees, bulldoze some hardcore and put up a few post and rail fences to make a couple of pedestrain routes? No need for parking controllers or charging or maintenance. Then let them have at it and devil take the hindmost. After all it's been good enough for the capital city all these years.

Rather invest money in a foreseeable need now than wait until its is an S-show up there and bodge something together and still pay through the nose for it.

For a start cut, the subvention to MR (plenty of advertising income from all the governemnt and affiliated arms length entities and monopoly on the TT that isn't mentioned as public money subsidising it) and you'd have car park bought and paid for in 4 years. 

Rather do that than fund a retirement home for ex-politicians.



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11 hours ago, Mercenary said:

Ah yes, lets spend £4m on a multistorey rather than consider any form of parking control. Manxonomics at its best.

if you need more spaces you need more spaces , limiting the amount of time you can park on site when there is every chance you don't get seen for your 2pm  appointment until 3pm isn't really a starter.

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Instead of going down the ANPR route, the £300.000 ticket machines that will not take cash and forever breaking down or the token(not even sure how that works). How about some person sitting in a booth pull up to the barrier show appointment letter, verifies time and date. If you are four hours early as you decided to make the day of it a leisurely lunch and a coffee told to sod off and come back 30 minutes before your appointment. If your scared they might be to much information on your letter, such as going to the camera up the ass clinic then a separate page with name date and time should not be a problem so as to be checked against appointment list. Likes of A&E will have to have there own parking system as this can only work for scheduled times. At night shut shed when starting in morning go round and ticket all vehicles left over night to try and circumvent parking control. Would also have to have a separate staff parking and control ie permit in vehicle. You would not even have to build any thing as porta-cabins are  easily craned into place. I know to easy and not expensive enough, and why the reliance on  expensive technology what is wrong with just employing part time people who would like to supplement their pension and get out of the house for a few hours.  

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16 minutes ago, Dirty Buggane said:

Instead of going down the ANPR route, the £300.000 ticket machines that will not take cash and forever breaking down or the token(not even sure how that works). How about some person sitting in a booth pull up to the barrier show appointment letter, verifies time and date. If you are four hours early as you decided to make the day of it a leisurely lunch and a coffee told to sod off and come back 30 minutes before your appointment. If your scared they might be to much information on your letter, such as going to the camera up the ass clinic then a separate page with name date and time should not be a problem so as to be checked against appointment list. Likes of A&E will have to have there own parking system as this can only work for scheduled times. At night shut shed when starting in morning go round and ticket all vehicles left over night to try and circumvent parking control. Would also have to have a separate staff parking and control ie permit in vehicle. You would not even have to build any thing as porta-cabins are  easily craned into place. I know to easy and not expensive enough, and why the reliance on  expensive technology what is wrong with just employing part time people who would like to supplement their pension and get out of the house for a few hours.  

You would need more than one person to cover holidays, weekends and sickness.   A health and safety evaluation and a manager.

The simplest thing is an ANPR barrier, perhaps with a bar code reader to read a bar code on your appointment letter or on a pass for staff, emergency and official visitors.  Everyone else pays. 

The last time I can remember a man in a booth was in the old Shaw's Brow car park. 

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What about using the Helicopter to ferry staff from Nobles Park!!!

Better still, a new  staff only park across the road, by the Hospice? They may have to walk a bit further but walking is supposed to be good for you!

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