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Music service and other extra services - expendable post corona?


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I think there could be reasonable reasons for them to request and receive the chance to work remotely from off-island. Not all teachers will be needed to supervise classes everyday, there will be those on Island not going into the school too (those living with vulnerable people). This feels like office jealousies ebing played out on MF to me. Leave that to the pink dog, he does it so much better than you.

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30 minutes ago, Destinymoon said:

Seems like a handy wee jolly away whilst on full pay................

I don't think leaving our relatively safe island to go and live on the adjacent island where things are pretty dire in terms of getting the virus under control could possibly count as a "wee jolly".


If it's even true that some teachers have left the island while receiving full pay, there could be valid reasons for them to go. Such as? Being the only adult child who could look after a vulnerable parent(s) or other family member. Or being the divorced or separated parent of a child or children whose resident parent has to physically go to work but has no reliable and/or practical childcare.

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53 minutes ago, Zarley said:

I don't think leaving our relatively safe island to go and live on the adjacent island where things are pretty dire in terms of getting the virus under control could possibly count as a "wee jolly".


If it's even true that some teachers have left the island while receiving full pay, there could be valid reasons for them to go. Such as? Being the only adult child who could look after a vulnerable parent(s) or other family member. Or being the divorced or separated parent of a child or children whose resident parent has to physically go to work but has no reliable and/or practical childcare.


1 hour ago, Declan said:

I think there could be reasonable reasons for them to request and receive the chance to work remotely from off-island. Not all teachers will be needed to supervise classes everyday, there will be those on Island not going into the school too (those living with vulnerable people). This feels like office jealousies ebing played out on MF to me. Leave that to the pink dog, he does it so much better than you.

Whereabouts do you two teach then?

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10 minutes ago, Destinymoon said:


Whereabouts do you two teach then?

Nowhere. I work in the Private sector. My employer has tried to be flexible and accomodate colleagues in simillar situations, and I've been happy to support that. Why should teachers be different?

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  • 2 weeks later...

http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=55480&headline=Cannan to seek extension to financial support&sectionIs=NEWS&searchyear=2020

fairly strong responses from the large majority of comments in the article asking why the civil servants aren’t taking a hit too and getting furloughed like everyone else......seriously are our teachers, MNH, tram workers council workers who are off at home really working?

so maybe my original post was not a single view but as time has passed we can see things as they really are........

Here’s a couple of examples for those not bothered to read.

I work in the private sector and haven't stopped working since Covid. I count myself lucky in many ways but I'm also working 11 -12 hour days from home so I think i'm earning my security. I work from home at my dining room table and have to watch my neighbour who works for Douglas Borough either gardening or sunbathing all day everyday. If i go out to hang out the washing I have to endure him bragging about doing zilch. It's not on and time it stopped
It's also time to start considering furloughing hundreds of govt employees, such as in MNH, railways and other non-essential areas. The private sector should not be paying the price for this pandemic alone nor lacking financial support just to keep non-front line govt employees in clover. Also, it's time to switch to zero based budgeting and stop the likes of Longworth wasting money converting steam engines and diesel engines. Any payment over £5000 should be being approved/cleared by treasury and much larger expenditures being revisited by Tynwald.


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Hopefully MNH folks will be taking the time to blog to the interested world about the treasures on offer when you visit this most perfect of offshore holiday islands, & what it is they do to make everything look as good as it does

Edited by Donald Trumps
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1 hour ago, Donald Trumps said:

Hopefully MNH folks will be taking the time to blog to the interested world about the treasures on offer when you visit this most perfect of offshore holiday islands, & what it is they do to make everythong look as good as it does

Thong Donald, ooh Mrs!

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1 hour ago, Destinymoon said:

I’ll just leave this here as an example of what our taxes are paying for. Nice sentiment, but is there an almost sneering look of satisfaction at the prospect of having 6 months off work on full pay........ ironic tune to be singing.


As someone who knows these people:

This was a project done entirely in their own time outside of working hours as a nice gesture and a bit of fun.
You are literally trying to slate a group of work friends for having a hobby outside of work you uninformed, ignorant human being.

They are all still delivering education online - just like any other teacher.
They are all still working from 9am to 3:30pm, if not longer - just like any other teacher.
They are all on call and have been going in to work in hub schools - just like any other teacher.

Each member is a qualified teacher with at least a Bachelors Degree in their subject and QTS. Several of them hold Masters Degrees in their subject and have performed professionally across the world. The music service is a rare gem that we are lucky to have on the island and we are very fortunate to have such highly skilled and dedicated people working for them. They are under the same scrutiny as any school or service within the DESC and are held to the same high standards with an ongoing yearly inspection cycle.

You come across as a very angry person and I hope you find peace.

Edited by RedSkyAtNight
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50 minutes ago, RedSkyAtNight said:

As someone who knows these people:

This was a project done entirely in their own time outside of working hours as a nice gesture and a bit of fun.
You are literally trying to slate a group of work friends for having a hobby outside of work you uninformed, ignorant human being.

They are all still delivering education online - just like any other teacher.
They are all still working from 9am to 3:30pm, if not longer - just like any other teacher.
They are all on call and have been going in to work in hub schools - just like any other teacher.

Each member is a qualified teacher with at least a Bachelors Degree in their subject and QTS. Several of them hold Masters Degrees in their subject and have performed professionally across the world. The music service is a rare gem that we are lucky to have on the island and we are very fortunate to have such highly skilled and dedicated people working for them. They are under the same scrutiny as any school or service within the DESC and are held to the same high standards with an ongoing yearly inspection cycle.

You come across as a very angry person and I hope you find peace.

Oops, seemed to have hit a bit nerve there..... no need to hurl insults as my view is something that perhaps will be agreed by many others in that there is need for a clear out of many who simply are not worth their money. No one is discounting the worth of music, but perhaps a different way of doing it, like setting up an independent service outside of govt, not including taking of taxes to pay for it, would be a better way of doing things. Since you know so much about this red sky how many kids do the service actually teach as a percentage of the whole school population?, when we’re they last inspected externally as teachers outside of an inside DEC monitoring system? (If that is what they are) and where have they been teaching?

oh and by the way there are many organisations who do videos in their own time, non-argument.????

Over to you. Try to be a bit nicer though.

Edited by Destinymoon
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Destinymoons world! where music is banned,and all art works are painted over with emulsion,Kim Jung -Un is on the way out,perhaps you could put your name down for his job ? ..What is your occupation?  It must be so important?..A few musical instrument instructors, make a video on Skype for fun ,sending each other tracks over the internet,and you mock it? The problem with that is, someone has to go first and lay their part down,then send it to each other,its always going to sound poor, compared to musicians playing as one.( I was involved in one, on a internet platform 2 weeks ago and got 10,000 views in 2 days ,and it was quite poor quality) If your complaint is that music tuition could be better done privately, then the whole of the education system UK wide, has it wrong too, however, if a new exceptional talent is found going through the schools music system ,then usually this is "flagged up" in the system and often the pupil needs extra tuition, outwith what a school can provide.As a second generation professional musician, i find that "music is a waste of time" a totally ignorant,naval gazing view,( i must tell my mother that when she gets her next PRS cheque) There are countless people involved at many levels in the music industry .You need to stop worrying what the neighbours are doing and go and get a life and a fish supper.

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8 hours ago, Destinymoon said:

I’ll just leave this here as an example of what our taxes are paying for. Nice sentiment, but is there an almost sneering look of satisfaction at the prospect of having 6 months off work on full pay........ ironic tune to be singing.


All of a sudden,perforated eardrums seems like a good thing

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