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Corkill Back In Government


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The Don has appointed Corkill to the DOT in the re shuffle


Don Gelling not going for another term at the next elections then? Talk about the biggest mistake one man could make in his political life. Ask yourself is Corkill realy the best man he could have picked for the job? Answer is no. So then ask why did he pick Corkill for the job? And there you have it. Manx politics in the 21st century. God help us all :(


Never mind getting rid of Corkill, we need to get rid of Gelling. This latest act of jobs for the boys is an out right demonstration of what is going wrong in the Isle of Man Government. Shame on you Mr Gelling.

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Edie Teare to Treasury

Gawn to DAFF

Duggann to Mome Affairs


Why the hell has he kept Bell in Treasury


Eddie Teare to Treasury to take the blame for Bell's mistakes or maybe to stop Bell making more mistakes? Bell should have been replaced by Teare. Teare is a good man in my books.


Gawne to DAFF, well, someone's got to do it...


But Duggan to Home Affairs! This is the man who falls asleep during sessions of Tynwald and can't ask a question to save his life. Bloody good at representing his constituants but Home Affairs? He's also a bloody good funeral director, but HOME AFFAIRS??? Christ all mighty!

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Utterly sickened that Ned was able to 'do a Mandelson' and be returned as if nothing had happened. But, as I've pointed out before, it was Don who first made him treasury minister and 'anointed' him as CM, so it's hardly surprising.

I couldn't agree more that Eddie Teare should have replaced Bell, but it would probably be too much of a novelty, now, to have someone there that knew what they were doing.

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This is taking the xxxx, how can he appoint a person to a post of responsibilty when he is being sued and investigated (Tynwald select Committee)


Was it not Mr Gelling that set up the investigation into Neds Dealings of Grant aid and now appoints him back into Government


The list

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Yes, it really does show how out of touch our CM is with people's opinions and desires.


I know a few families from Onchan. They've been wise to the whole Ned affair well before it was publicised. Lets wait fot the next election.


(Maybe it will be proved that the electorate really do want to keep some of the politicians we love to knock).

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