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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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1 hour ago, Out of the blue said:



Assume that Covid does come back, as I expect it will later in the year when border restrictions are lifted. Their stated ultimate response is to essentially mirror the lockdown that we have just been through. I had thought that given what we have learnt about the virus, its virulence amongst sections of the population and how best to treat it, and also the fact that our NHS is now better geared up to deal with it, that we would deal with another outbreak in a more targeted manner than ultimately going into another full lockdown. 


It's pretty bizarre to see the Government talk about imposing a second lockdown when the Government has shared no scientific evidence that the first lockdown actually made an impact on the disease. Since the Government is keeping its scientific advice secret, it's going to be difficult to have a meaningful discussion about future plans.

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Spot on Josem. 

We have been made aware of 2 maybe 3 cases or so that were brought to the Island.
For that to rise to over 300, on an Island such as ours, is unforgiveable (certainly not worthy of the OBE's or whatever that are being polished up for Ashy and Howie).

OK, if the cases were spread to family members and close friends and colleagues we know where we stand. How many, or rather, what proportion were picked up in the community (Tesco, Shoprite or wherever).

We need to know, otherwise the second lockdown is going to be a case of 'fuck it' as far as many of the Manx public (or any public) are concerned

Edited by gettafa
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28 minutes ago, Josem said:

It's pretty bizarre to see the Government talk about imposing a second lockdown when the Government has shared no scientific evidence that the first lockdown actually made an impact on the disease. Since the Government is keeping its scientific advice secret, it's going to be difficult to have a meaningful discussion about future plans.

Their stated rationale was to protect the NHS and allow it to prepare. The NHS is as prepared as it is can be and Covid is no longer a new and unknown disease, so the economic and societal damage created by another, or indeed the fear of, another lockdown is to my mind unnecessary and counterproductive. Surely there has to be a better way of managing the inevitable future cases, or are we pinning our hopes on a vaccine?

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13 hours ago, Golfer said:

Pubs opening 4/7 UK with SD down to 1m should be announced tomorrow!

No doubt you'll be outside Government offices calling for our borders to be opened 5/7...

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19 hours ago, x-in-man said:

IOM Bank protecting their customer from a second wave.

My 2nd wave relating to IOM Bank came when I waved them goodbye for crappy service and their insistence on my making it difficult to move my money around to where I wanted.


I think I'm going to join you - absolutely hopeless service when almost everyone has got things going again.

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In regards borders reopening:

I read that the UK Government is set to possibly announce (29 June) air bridges to & from Schengen countries that have the spread of the virus under control, effective mid-July.

Playing devils advocate, if that were true, it would heap an enormous amount of pressure on Messrs. Quayle, Ashford, Allinson etc to lift restrictions.


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Nah! They will wait and see. No point opening boarders. UK never closed their borders. Jersey is asking for trouble. We may get flights between here and Guernsey with no quarantine. Maybe a few other safe holiday destinations. However, Spain is already starting to close some popular beaches and attractions due to risk of spread. 

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Ashie said that paper setting out border opening will be published this week and it will give guidance on how borders will be opened in stages, I'm guessing mid July for residents to be able to travel and come back to certain areas like Ireland.

Guernsey also do trial starting 7/07 for test after 7 days isolation and if negative you get released https://guernseypress.com/news/2020/06/23/condor-to-run-two-sailings-from-the-uk-in-early-july/

so every jurisdiction moving on and IOM needs to do same and stop pandering to a few old worriers.

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