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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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5 hours ago, P.K. said:

It's well known I don't suffer fools gladly...

Unconscious humour? Since the wise man suffers fools gladly.

Either way, it's a cliché which never works in the first person. It's not something people can say of themselves surely.

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9 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

I've already pointed out to you that the level of unemployment isn't particularly high by historic standards.  On several occasions, each time with links.  And you've simply ignored this and gone back to repeating the same stuff that simply isn't true. 

You're not really interested in facts are you?  You're not really interested in reality.  You want everyone else in the world to behave in a way that makes you feel good, irrespective of their interests or what is actually happening or the laws of nature.  And what makes you feel good seems to be feeling permanently annoyed at everything and permanently feeling hard-done-to - even if you're not really sure about what.

You haven’t got a clue what’s happening locally in manufacturing, industry etc. do you even live here?

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9 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

I was referring to 2012-2014.   Unless I've suddenly turned into Rip van Winkle, that's a bit more recent that 50 years.   And they were equally high up to 2010.

That ignores the several thousand still on MERA who may well not have jobs to go back to. Or who may be going back to very different jobs than they had pay wise. Never mind though. I think this forum should probably change its name to the IOM Covid Support Group. 

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2 minutes ago, Southfork said:

That ignores the several thousand still on MERA who may well not have jobs to go back to. Or who may be going back to very different jobs than they had pay wise. Never mind though. I think this forum should probably change its name to the IOM Covid Support Group. 

If there's going to be a name change, how about Whingeing Gammons?


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31 minutes ago, Southfork said:

That ignores the several thousand still on MERA who may well not have jobs to go back to. Or who may be going back to very different jobs than they had pay wise. Never mind though. I think this forum should probably change its name to the IOM Covid Support Group. 

Several thousand?

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21 hours ago, wrighty said:

A common enough phrase, and fairly innocuous in my opinion, akin to 'nuthouse', or talking about 'men in white coats'.  Are these phrases now considered offensive, even in a colloquial setting?

You and I know you already know the answer to that one.

As we saw on another thread (BLM) the use of terminology can make people feel uncomfortable and I am sure that is not the intention. Some of the terms used on here in recent weeks referring to people's health could now be considered to be of an age gone by, as mental and physical health are to be regarded as equally relevant to each other - i.e.depression with long term back pain ?

It won't do any harm to maybe lose references to looney bins, or nutters, or lunatics taking over the asylum, crazies, pyscho's and similar references. There are many posters here that can articulate their 'passions' for each other and the outside world without the comparisons to people who unfortunately have or have experienced unwanted  circumstances they have no power over.

As far as I know John Wright sits on the Mental Health tribunals and so is suitably placed to make informed judgements about what goes and what doesn't any more. I support that.


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