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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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50 minutes ago, winnie said:

I would do the following, and i think most people returning would accept it.

Test on arrival and isolate until result - if clear you can go outside and food shop, but no pub, office etc. Basically you can go outside away from your property.

Re-test after 7 days - if clear you can go to office for work, but no pub until 14 days are up. I feel the pub is too uncontrolled, and on a busy evening you could come into contact with 30 odd people very easily. 

But for that to work the testing would have to be free otherwise some folk will just ignore it, unless you're going to have an army of tracers who do physical visits.

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1 minute ago, Andy Onchan said:

So what's your plan?

I can't see our government making many changes for the foreseeable future, whilst our cases are very low/non existent. The situation across is going to get worse in terms of UK govt additional restrictions and confusion, and I can see the pendulum swinging away from general support for these measures to disobedience. It isn't going to be the lovely sunny spring lockdown this time and I can see a lot of push back from a fed up and sceptical UK public over the coming months. As a consequence I think our government will wait it out. 

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10 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

But for that to work the testing would have to be free otherwise some folk will just ignore it, unless you're going to have an army of tracers who do physical visits.

I think it should be free as we shouldn't accept any excuse not to be testing. In the scope of things, the cost is bugger all comparred to the cost of some-one in intensive care or off work for a couple of months. 

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Jersey seems a good compromise but would require some sacrifices here. They have 1m social distancing, mask wearing, table service only in bars and a restriction on social gatherings.

To bring that in our population would have to give up some of their current freedoms and there would have to be a tangible benefit for them. I'm not seeing one other than a small number of moaners on here want to visit family.

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3 hours ago, Out of the blue said:

I can't see our government making many changes for the foreseeable future, whilst our cases are very low/non existent. The situation across is going to get worse in terms of UK govt additional restrictions and confusion, and I can see the pendulum swinging away from general support for these measures to disobedience. It isn't going to be the lovely sunny spring lockdown this time and I can see a lot of push back from a fed up and sceptical UK public over the coming months. As a consequence I think our government will wait it out. 

The US is showing the way with armed militias. It won’t get to that stage in the UK but there is absolutely no way on earth Johnson (who is a grossly incompetent PM and God knows why he is still in situ) can enforce a second lockdown without riots happening. Most people are totally fed up with the mess he’s created and they will literally have to send the troups in order to enforce a second lock down. They know it too hence all the new useless and stupid rules coming in. Outside of vulnerable groups there’s a hardcore of people who don’t give a shit about Covid and are more worried about their employment situation and general wealth. The furlough scheme ends October and October, November and December is where the shit is really going to hit the fan and they know it.

i wouldn’t actually rule out Boris doing a runner after he signs a no deal Brexit and just fucking off out leaving this giant turd he’s uncoiled left behind him as he’s a cowardly piece of crap who has never properly faced the music for anything he’s done ever, 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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According to the centre for disease control (who ought to know this stuff) a "case" requires "clinical features". What is currently being reported as a "case" is an infection with zero clinical features. Infections are all around us; some progress into "cases" of disease and many don't. The infection will not miraculously disappear and more testing will uncover more infections. Properly targeted testing will result in lots more infections being found - as it rightly should. Shutting down the world because there's a new bug in town bodes ill for the future. I'm very glad I have lived most of my life in more sensible times and will not miss out on many facets of life because people cannot/will not accept that everyone dies of something...........currently in the UK less than 1000 covid cases are in hospital.

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I listened to Hopeless Hancock being interviewed by JH-B on talkradio this morning.  He first started with the condescending line 'basically I've got access to the data (I'm being fed by Witty et al) and you haven't' but the more he was pressed for any form of justification or the apparent idiocies of his new regulations, the fluster meter started to go off the scale.

One of the main reasons the politicos are able to get away with this fraud is the total absence of any, serious questioning.  The MSM, with a few exceptions, have rolled over and taken the government terro campaign hook, line and sinker.  But news of a toilet that has gone unisex in Ilford that has gone 'trans' and you'll never hear the end of it.

I commend watching the first 10 minutes or so of this in which Prof Henighan presents everything Hancock (and Mr Toad) won't tell you and don't want you to know.




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3 hours ago, Andy Onchan said:

So you haven't really got a plan at all.... just copy Jersey. Well done.

Yes. His suggestion is test on arrival, bring back social distancing, limit the size of gatherings indoors and out, close all night clubs, cinemas and similar venues, wearing of masks in retail outlets, and live on a wing and a prayer that the virus does not get back into the community, which will happen because it is uncontrollable, according to nom de plume.

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38 minutes ago, Flyingfemme said:

According to the centre for disease control (who ought to know this stuff) a "case" requires "clinical features". What is currently being reported as a "case" is an infection with zero clinical features. Infections are all around us; some progress into "cases" of disease and many don't. The infection will not miraculously disappear and more testing will uncover more infections. Properly targeted testing will result in lots more infections being found - as it rightly should. Shutting down the world because there's a new bug in town bodes ill for the future. I'm very glad I have lived most of my life in more sensible times and will not miss out on many facets of life because people cannot/will not accept that everyone dies of something...........currently in the UK less than 1000 covid cases are in hospital.

Very, very sage words.

They’ll be dismissed of course.

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