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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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21 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

I reckon tomorrows UK data (29th Sept) will be an important milestone coming as it does just after the start of the new academic year. The numbers to watch in 14 days time will be hospitalisations and 14 days after that the stats on deaths. 

This seems very much the Covid scaremonger mantra.

It’ll be next week, or the week after, then two weeks after that or in a few weeks time.

The data suggests otherwise. The UK have been witnessing huge rises in new infection rates for weeks now. Hospital admissions have increased (slightly) but the mortality rate remains low.

My opinion (shared by many btw) is shield the elderly & vulnerable, the rest must crack on. If it means chatting to my parents through a window for a year or so then that’s what we’ll do.

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1 minute ago, Nom de plume said:

This seems very much the Covid scaremonger mantra.

It’ll be next week, or the week after, then two weeks after that or in a few weeks time.

The data suggests otherwise. The UK have been witnessing huge rises in new infection rates for weeks now. Hospital admissions have increased (slightly) but the mortality rate remains low.

My opinion (shared by many btw) is shield the elderly & vulnerable, the rest must crack on. If it means chatting to my parents through a window for a year or so then that’s what we’ll do.

Yet again you have deliberately turned my comments into being "scaremonger mantra." Nothing could be further from the truth. Think through what I've written.

And, by the way, it was me that pointed out to you that the most vulnerable were the ones that need more protection but when challenged you failed to come up with a cogent suggestion, it was above your pay grade, I think you said. 

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I do not think your opinion is shared by many at all especially as the new cases are mostly people between 30 and 50. The old and the vulnerable are quite capable of taking responsibility for their own lives it is the young students and other young people who seem hell bent on spreading the infection regardless of the consequences.   Universities will be closed by Xmas if this madness goes on, not a bad thing as most of the work is being conducted online atm.   The union bars are closed so they are going into town to drink.  Anyway we are where we are and I hope  our Government continue to keep the Island safe.

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5 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

I do not think your opinion is shared by many at all especially as the new cases are mostly people between 30 and 50. The old and the vulnerable are quite capable of taking responsibility for their own lives it is the young students and other young people who seem hell bent on spreading the infection regardless of the consequences.   Universities will be closed by Xmas if this madness goes on, not a bad thing as most of the work is being conducted online atm.   The union bars are closed so they are going into town to drink.  Anyway we are where we are and I hope  our Government continue to keep the Island safe.

The young are intelligent people.

Perhaps they’ve formed their own opinions. Maybe they think, do you know what, it’s all bollocks. Maybe they are more scared of their future livelihoods or their unborn children than actually catching the virus.

Maybe they think the economy is more important & if the elderly & vulnerable can shield the world can start spinning again.

Maybe, just maybe.

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57 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

I reckon tomorrows UK data (29th Sept) will be an important milestone coming as it does just after the start of the new academic year. The numbers to watch in 14 days time will be hospitalisations and 14 days after that the stats on deaths. 

I’m not sure it’s going to translate into deaths in correlation but let’s see. As you say it will be interesting. I would bet that transmission mainly stays within the student groups which are relatively young and can probably take the impact. As was said the other day there’s only around 300 deaths under the age of 65 in the entire country since the start of this. If the students aren’t mixing with their grandparents then I can’t see how the death rate is going to spike massively. 

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22 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

I do not think your opinion is shared by many at all especially as the new cases are mostly people between 30 and 50. The old and the vulnerable are quite capable of taking responsibility for their own lives it is the young students and other young people who seem hell bent on spreading the infection regardless of the consequences.   Universities will be closed by Xmas if this madness goes on, not a bad thing as most of the work is being conducted online atm.   The union bars are closed so they are going into town to drink.  Anyway we are where we are and I hope  our Government continue to keep the Island safe.

I don't understand why the Student Uni bars are closed. Anything that reduces the risk of the virus getting out into the community should be considered? 

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33 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

I do not think your opinion is shared by many at all especially as the new cases are mostly people between 30 and 50. The old and the vulnerable are quite capable of taking responsibility for their own lives it is the young students and other young people who seem hell bent on spreading the infection regardless of the consequences.  

As has been pointed out several times the total number of deaths in the under 65 group since all this started is just over 300 out of a population of 65,000,000 so I can’t see many of those 30 to 50 demographic people ending up in hospital or dying. Blaming students is just buying into the poisonous misinformation being spread by the Tory party to hide their own incompetence. Boris Johnson sent them back to University as otherwise the universities would have gone bust with no overseas students and everyone else taking a year out and not paying either tuition fees or accommodation fees. It’s brought in hundreds of millions for the uni’s. The second they got back Johnson’s poisonous spin doctors then blamed them for spreading the virus and shut many of the universities down. If you want to fall for that load of old flannel then that’s your watch out but most people with half a brain can see what’s really going on. 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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4 hours ago, Gladys said:

I heard or read somewhere that transmission within the home of those isolating was relatively low (possibly last week's govt briefing).   That may be because the majority follow the guidance, or because those isolating don't have the virus.  If that person had a positive test, then those actions are irresponsible.  

Mostly it will be because the returnee(s) didn't have have it in the first place.  The infection rate has only started to rise in the last month after all and the number of returnees hasn't been that high.  And many will have been whole households - individuals, couples or families living on their own who came back together.  So the chances of household transmission will have been low.

But normally household transmission is one of the main routes of infection and if infection rates are rising, then returnees are more likely to carry the disease and give it to those they live with.  Some households will have the ability and will to isolate the returnees for the required period, but even then there will be some risk if any spaces are shared - even if not at the same time.  But it may shock members of CoMin to discover that not everyone has a guest wing. 

The rule about the household not needing to co-isolate is extremely dangerous if infection rates in the UK rise.  If they are serious about bringing students home (either at Christmas or as things get worse) then they ought to look at some way in which they can be safely isolated on return.  We know from the recent New Zealand outbreak that it only takes one infection to start things off again.

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31 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

I do not think your opinion is shared by many at all especially as the new cases are mostly people between 30 and 50. The old and the vulnerable are quite capable of taking responsibility for their own lives it is the young students and other young people who seem hell bent on spreading the infection regardless of the consequences.   Universities will be closed by Xmas if this madness goes on, not a bad thing as most of the work is being conducted online atm.   The union bars are closed so they are going into town to drink.  Anyway we are where we are and I hope  our Government continue to keep the Island safe.

Many of the old and vulnerable are not capable of taking responsibility, that is why they must be protected  but in a humane and measured way. 

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56 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

I’m not sure it’s going to translate into deaths in correlation but let’s see. As you say it will be interesting. I would bet that transmission mainly stays within the student groups which are relatively young and can probably take the impact. As was said the other day there’s only around 300 deaths under the age of 65 in the entire country since the start of this. If the students aren’t mixing with their grandparents then I can’t see how the death rate is going to spike massively. 

They were talking about it on TV this morning. The person said that of the 42,000 who died, only 309 were under 60 and without pre existing medical conditions.


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