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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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Its going to be very interesting watching the Donald. 

If he gets bad and suffers or even dies (what a shame) I think Americans,  even the world will take it seriously. 

If he sails through we can look forward to him bleating about false news, just a sniffle etc.

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9 hours ago, trmpton said:

So why all the stupid restrictions?  Why can’t I go and see my mum and test on return and go back to work without being isolated for what is near enough a years holiday?

Why can’t she come and see me snd her grandkids and be tested and stay in my house for a few days?  Jesus, she can’t even come here if she agrees to isolate for a month!  What sense is there in that?

Testing isn't 100% accurate, with both false positives and false negatives, and the efficacy of the test is much reduced early on in the infection. Arrival testing will give people a false sense of security.

Non-residents can't come here because the restrictions are about controlling numbers into the island. People living with someone who is self-isolation are not restricted in what they can do. People in self-isolation are supposed to keep themselves away from the rest of the household, but this fairly obviously cannot be enforced.

With the best will in the world, if you've not seen your mum for nine months, you're not going to shut her in the spare room and see her in two weeks. You're going to hug her, you're going to sit next to each other with a glass of wine. And if she's got it you'll get it and you can walk into the community with no restrictions.

The rules make perfect sense. The alternative is that we allow non-residents but *everyone* in the household has to self-isolate with them. That doesn't solve your holiday issue though.

Remember that, unlike Jersey, we don't have the protection of social distancing here, so the consequences of a false negative and giving people a free pass could be more serious.

Everything is a compromise. I'm happy with no social distancing and a restricted border. The border is a hardship but the benefits of no social distancing in everyday life far outweigh the negatives. Boris has just made it a criminal offence to sing in a pub, ffs. I don't want that here.


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2 minutes ago, tetchtyke said:

Testing isn't 100% accurate, with both false positives and false negatives, and the efficacy of the test is much reduced early on in the infection. Arrival testing will give people a false sense of security.

Non-residents can't come here because the restrictions are about controlling numbers into the island. People living with someone who is self-isolation are not restricted in what they can do. People in self-isolation are supposed to keep themselves away from the rest of the household, but this fairly obviously cannot be enforced.

With the best will in the world, if you've not seen your mum for nine months, you're not going to shut her in the spare room and see her in two weeks. You're going to hug her, you're going to sit next to each other with a glass of wine. And if she's got it you'll get it and you can walk into the community with no restrictions.

The rules make perfect sense. The alternative is that we allow non-residents but *everyone* in the household has to self-isolate with them. That doesn't solve your holiday issue though.

Remember that, unlike Jersey, we don't have the protection of social distancing here, so the consequences of a false negative and giving people a free pass could be more serious.

Everything is a compromise. I'm happy with no social distancing and a restricted border. The border is a hardship but the benefits of no social distancing in everyday life far outweigh the negatives. Boris has just made it a criminal offence to sing in a pub, ffs. I don't want that here.


Well I rather listen to the compromise suggested by an experienced medic than some like you who would take no risk whatsoever.

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Risk is the critical factor. 

As Comin are not moving to 3a while the U.K. is high and their reason for doing this is to limit the risk of Covid being brought over by increased numbers of residents relatives. 
This concern for numbers is so that the IOM can keep its ‘bubble’ normality  and allow the hospital and clinics to work at max capacity to provide maximum care with the backlog from lockdown.

With no change ref 3a the next involuntary increase in incomes will students returning at Xmas. This will indicate if increased numbers kicks more positive tests after 7 days or cases in the community.

I would like to know if Comin examines Guernsey which now allows anyone to visit  as long as they quarantine for 14 days or if they qualify for 7 day test ( anyone north of Watford does not). IOM no quarantine.

Guernsey has similar issues to IOM so why are they not concerned about an increase in visitors risking their ‘bubble’ and care services.




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5 minutes ago, Major Rushen said:

Risk is the critical factor. 

As Comin are not moving to 3a while the U.K. is high and their reason for doing this is to limit the risk of Covid being brought over by increased numbers of residents relatives. 
This concern for numbers is so that the IOM can keep its ‘bubble’ normality  and allow the hospital and clinics to work at max capacity to provide maximum care with the backlog from lockdown.

With no change ref 3a the next involuntary increase in incomes will students returning at Xmas. This will indicate if increased numbers kicks more positive tests after 7 days or cases in the community.

I would like to know if Comin examines Guernsey which now allows anyone to visit  as long as they quarantine for 14 days or if they qualify for 7 day test ( anyone north of Watford does not). IOM no quarantine.

Guernsey has similar issues to IOM so why are they not concerned about an increase in visitors risking their ‘bubble’ and care services.




The questions regarding Guernsey & Jersey process & plan’s should have been put to Howie by the media yesterday and will hopefully be put next week.

Probably get the usual Howie response Manx solutions for Manx problems etc

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1 hour ago, NoTail said:

Its going to be very interesting watching the Donald. 

If he gets bad and suffers or even dies (what a shame) 

If he dies part of his soul will return to haunt you.

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2 hours ago, NoTail said:

Its going to be very interesting watching the Donald. 

If he gets bad and suffers or even dies (what a shame) I think Americans,  even the world will take it seriously. 

If he sails through we can look forward to him bleating about false news, just a sniffle etc.

If he dies, the type of Americans who believe coronavirus is fake will say he was poisoned.

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I wonder if tge people who are pinning g their hopes on a vaccine realise it will take years to fully role out. It won't be released on the Thursday and by Friday everything is fine.

A lot if the uk forums I read people were happy to put their lives on hold for a short time so the nhs cold get ready for an onslaught. The good weather helped. Now though more people are getting fed up. The mayor of Middlesbrough has come out again st the enforced restrictions and the effect they will have on jobs mental health etc. I doubt he will be the last.



Edited by thommo2010
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5 minutes ago, HeliX said:

If he dies, the type of Americans who believe coronavirus is fake will say he was poisoned.

I wish no physical harm or illness for anyone.

However, if true, this does seemingly conveniently solve a major problem for him and his GOP. It means for at least two weeks he's not able to repeat the embarrasing fiasco that was the first Presidential debate.

Did anyone else witness megalomania with such a vibrant and nasty example the other night.  

Trump is ridiculously bloody dangerous!

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18 minutes ago, Sentience said:

I wish no physical harm or illness for anyone.

However, if true, this does seemingly conveniently solve a major problem for him and his GOP. It means for at least two weeks he's not able to repeat the embarrasing fiasco that was the first Presidential debate.

Did anyone else witness megalomania with such a vibrant and nasty example the other night.  

Trump is ridiculously bloody dangerous!

I agree I would be amazed if it actually has it. It’s just another Trump high-stakes lie to win the election. His performance with Biden was an appalling display of narcissism and abuse but now he’s self isolating he won’t have to do another. It’s the perfect excuse. He was far too nice about Hope Hicks giving it to him for it to be convincing. If he really had it he’d be going absolutely berserk at whoever passed it to him as he’s a germophobe and an aggressive narcissist.  

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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11 hours ago, trmpton said:

So why all the stupid restrictions?  Why can’t I go and see my mum and test on return and go back to work without being isolated for what is near enough a years holiday?

Why can’t she come and see me snd her grandkids and be tested and stay in my house for a few days?  Jesus, she can’t even come here if she agrees to isolate for a month!  What sense is there in that?


Have you or your mum tried to get her an Entry Certificate on compassionate grounds?

If not surely worth a try.

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