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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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11 minutes ago, Max Power said:

I would really like to know if the minute number of passengers arriving on the island are properly warned about not mixing in the community and heading straight to isolation? I'll bet a pound to a pinch of sh*t that nobody bothers their ass to make it clear, when it would be so bloody easy to do so! A friend returned recently on the SPCo, no advice or anything formal was broadcast on that loudspeaker thing that always wakes you up to tell you the shop and food outlets are closing! Otherwise, people coming from the UK will think we are applying the same rules, and why wouldn't they!

If our legal system wishes to be taken seriously then we should be consistent and take the fact that we have some lazy bastards in our midst who don't bother to make anything clear! 

Max , see my post above . there’s no warnings whatsoever anywhere before, during and after journey 

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9 minutes ago, monasqueen said:

What about the documents that people have to complete and sign?

As I understand it, these give advice about rules and restrictions.

Yes, I imagine that this is the cop out but how many people read what they sign these days?

In something as potentially serious as this, it is obviously beyond the mindset of government workers to understand this, all they are interested in is that they are covered for liability because they have a signature on a piece of paper. Cold comfort indeed if the island suffered a serious second wave! 

It should be explained properly what our stance is, and the consequences of breaking the rules!

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Just now, Nom de plume said:

How many other countries jail people for Covid isolation breaches?

Serious question.

Is it time to consider hanging homosexuals again?

Which leads me onto the HIV / Aids pandemic in the eighties & nineties (ongoing).

Did we test every person that was promiscuous & ban travel to Africa where infection rates were rocketing?

Serious question.

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45 minutes ago, trmpton said:

There wasn’t exactly world wide travel in 1918 though was there and the wild population was roughly one quarter what it is now, and we have significantly better treatment and sanitation.

Not really like for like is it?

And I bet there wasn't total lockdown, with people working from home!

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3 hours ago, Nom de plume said:

Is it so difficult for the Steam Packet or Airlines to remind travellers on disembarkation of the Manx policy on isolating?

I think added to that people from across don’t know how insular it is here and how a good percentage of the population just seem to have turned into covid frenzied curtain-twitchers just waiting to drop people in the shit. They might think “no harm done popping into the Spar for some tinnies nobody will ever know and I’ll wear a mask” and then find out 10 minutes later some snitch has put you in the Jurby Hilton. Even in the wildest Royston Vasey-esque backwater hillbilly towns in the UK they don't expect anyone to actually operate like that and that you’ll actually be jailed for it. The boat needs to have WW2 style pamphlets In bright red typeface all over the place and videos warning people that this place is that psychologically screwed in relation to outsiders that if you do anything at all against the rules you will end up in jail. I’m sure many just don’t get it as it’s a completely abnormal situation to be in. They probably just think “The place can’t be that fucked up that I’ll go to jail for just going to a shop” but - yes it is and you will! 

We must have jailed close to 30 people now. That’s getting on for Mugabe levels of zero tolerance. I’m not sure many people from the UK get the general culture of fear of outsiders and the completely totalitarian court system that operates here. 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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6 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

Which leads me onto the HIV / Aids pandemic in the eighties & nineties (ongoing).

Did we test every person that was promiscuous & ban travel to Africa where infection rates were rocketing?

Serious question.

No.  Hygiene measures around medical procedures changed and everyone was encouraged to use condoms (which up until then were called Johnnies, but then they got respectability).

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5 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

I think added to that people from across don’t know how insular it is here and how the population in general are just covid frenzied curtain-twitchers just waiting to drop people in the shit. They might think “no harm done popping into the Spar for some tinnies nobody will ever know and I’ll wear a mask” and then find out 10 minutes later some snitch has put you in the Jurby Hilton. Even in the wildest Royston Vasey-esque backwater hillbilly towns in the UK they don't expect anyone to actually operate like that. The boat needs to have WW2 style pamphlets In bright red typeface and videos warning people that this place is that psychologically fucked up that if you do anything at all against the rules you will end up in jail. I’m sure many just don’t get it as it’s a completely abnormal situation to be in. 

At least we haven't jailed any no-tail key workers.

I see three big issues:

1. Possibility on appeal that the convictions were wrong in law or fact, and consequent compensation claims.

2. A human rights challenge against the IOM Govt and consequent compensation claims.

3. No external service provider will send their staff here either at all, or without huge cost premiums and/or pretty bullet proof indemnities from the client for on costs. 

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9 minutes ago, Gladys said:

At least we haven't jailed any no-tail key workers.

I see three big issues:

1. Possibility on appeal that the convictions were wrong in law or fact, and consequent compensation claims.

2. A human rights challenge against the IOM Govt and consequent compensation claims.

3. No external service provider will send their staff here either at all, or without huge cost premiums and/or pretty bullet proof indemnities from the client for on costs. 

Yes I agree. If I’d have been jailed I’d have had it appealed already like a number of people seem to have done. I wouldn’t be accepting a kangaroo court judgement. I don't think they can stand by many of them to any great degree. But it’s a costly process and only a few will be able to afford to do it. I also think we may end up in some Human Rights problems. But again it relies on people having the money to contest. On 3 I’d be amazed if after the Doncaster 5 many service providers won’t be re-writing contracts or giving a great big “fuck that” to any contract work in the IOM. Unless they’re paying massively over the odds by way of a huge risk premium why would you risk your staff being jailed and having to cover the contract with even more replacement workers just because someone bought a bag or crisps or a tin of pop on the way to the hotel. 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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