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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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My guess is that anybody on the island running a business be it retail or hospitality is quite happy with the way things are. Those wanting anything other than what we have now obviously have no business that could potentially be decimated

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On 9/30/2020 at 2:48 PM, P.K. said:

But Covid-19 isn't mutating much at all.

Very good news for those working on a vaccine.

It seems to have mutated several times already.

From what I have heard, it mutated when it reached Italy and then did the same again when it got to the USA.

When that mutation got back to China, it started to reinfect them again.

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2 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

My guess is that anybody on the island running a business be it retail or hospitality is quite happy with the way things are. Those wanting anything other than what we have now obviously have no business that could potentially be decimated

My guess is that you clearly don’t speak to anybody if that is your assessment. 

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I think the next big step will be when a household catches it from someone. That'll stir things up for a lot of people. And might make Quayle decide to make whole houses isolate again. I reckon by November as other posters have said.

Lately, the rumour mill suggests that people self-isolating away from the rest of the house, aren't quite managing that, merrily socialising in the garden, or in some cases, hopping into bed after being away from their beloved for quite some time.

I think we are in a very lucky spot to be in, but as time goes on, it is less and less sustainable. I've got friends and family who would class as severely vulnerable, and it is only by virtue of our current situation we can spend a lot of time together, without any social distancing or real precautions.

The problem is, and the MHKs are finding, that there's no way to keep everyone happy, so actually, the easy approach is to keep the status quo.

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7 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

I think the next big step will be when a household catches it from someone. That'll stir things up for a lot of people. And might make Quayle decide to make whole houses isolate again. I reckon by November as other posters have said.

Agreed it’s all going to kick off again soon. But secretly it’s what the doom mongers really want anyway. SECOND WAVE!!!!!! Another few months off work, more pay for nothing! Schools shut and government can shut down for another 6 months. That will take many through to Easter sat on their arses again and really fuck the economy once and for all. 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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