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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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7 hours ago, Lxxx said:

With all due respect, and I mean this sincerely, to lie awake contemplating a horrible painful demise is no way to live a life. 

I can assure you no-one thinks you’re life is worthless however we need to move ahead as a society using a risk based approach. For everyone.

There are also a lot of things you can do personally to your general health in relation to improvingyour robustness against respiratory viruses, raising your viramin d levels being one that has received a lot of research. There are others. 

Living in fear will also depress your immune system though, which is the main point. Granted society needs to do more to safeguard our older generation but don’t let this period of your life be a write off. 

This must rate as the patronising bullsh*t post of the year .

With all due respect ,and I  mean this sincerely telling someone to fuck off is seldom appropriate but this is one of those times . Hope this helps:flowers:

 I'm of an age to be considered in the 'vulnerable category and accept that I have to make my own decisions to minimise  the possibility of  becoming infected but please spare me the fake concern have a f in word with yourself🤣


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44 minutes ago, Hard Truth said:


There are still many questions about the way in which this happens, but one cannot deny the evidence. New York is just another example (graph below as of today).


Whatever your views, the internets are full of graphs that will seemingly back them up.

Youtube is good too. There are plenty of doctors, real or imaginary, who can support any particular views. And if you can't find a qualified scientist, then there will be a film or rock star celebrity to do the job.

It's super.

Oh and as for wiki, @Debbie,I look forward to your wiki page, and will be pleased to contribute.

(I'm not sure where I stand on all this but it is all very interesting)

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7 day testing reintroduced for patients and key workers. Shows the withdrawal was just a knee jerk cave in to the pitch forkers on FB.

Howie has long term Covid loss of taste and smell. Hope he gets better. But the old “how does he smell” joke went through my mind, if only fleetingly.

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5 minutes ago, doc.fixit said:

Thank you for all of your replies and personal e mails. I'm so sorry if I upset anyone but I thank you all for the support, it honestly has helped so much and we will sleep better thanks to all the support and good suggestions. Thank you.

Ulterior motives at play here fella....... you do realise most are waiting for an update on the sex bit, don't you? :lol: 

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54 minutes ago, John Wright said:

7 day testing reintroduced for patients and key workers. Shows the withdrawal was just a knee jerk cave in to the pitch forkers on FB.

Howie has long term Covid loss of taste and smell. Hope he gets better. But the old “how does he smell” joke went through my mind, if only fleetingly.

7 day testing was stopped by the politicians with little or no regard for some of the implications. They got it wrong. Lets keep the responsibility where it belongs.

Correction -Howard Quayle says he has lost sense of taste and smell. There is a difference. 

Edited by Apple
fat fingers and and day at work.
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Just for clarity, key workers have been entering the Island for some weeks under a day 7 test policy, even whilst it wasn't available to residents. It's not new news, to those who have taken advantage.

If you think the Island has an exit-strategy to the borders, it does not.

For anyone that thinks we are still at Level 4 of our border framework, it simple is not true. Refer to the below, this 'new step' under Level 3 is already taking place.


Allows Isle of Man businesses, such as construction firms, to bring in workers with specialist skills under their sponsorship. Workers will still need to remain isolated from the community in accommodation, with the only exception being supervised activity at the workplace, away from other workers

We have signage companies from the UK on the Island fitting vinyl stickers for a bank. We have lift engineers on a building site having completed 7 days isolation + test, it's already happening. The only thing we don't have yet is:


Enables residents to host close family and friends. Also provides for some tourism accommodation to be used for such visitors

So when they announce 3A/B finally, it won't be a surprise, we are already there.

Whilst I agree it was sensible - if not slightly knee jerk - to close the Guernsey Air Bridge, it shows a complete inability to handle risk by the Government. The Guernsey infection rate was at peak during the last few weeks 5/100K of population. Yet we expect to be moved to Level 2 of our border framework when the UK hits 20/100k?

Level 2 - Resident and Hosted Travel Major change to allow more freedom of movement by removing requirement to self-isolate upon arrival Requirement for Isle of Man residents and businesses to sponsor visits will remain in place – including knowing the individuals and being able to account for their movements while on-Island Self-declaration of health and landing details maintained for contact tracing purposes


Level 2 - Resident and Hosted Travel

Major change to allow more freedom of movement by removing requirement to self-isolate upon arrival Requirement for Isle of Man residents and businesses to sponsor visits will remain in place – including knowing the individuals and being able to account for their movements while on-Island Self-declaration of health and landing details maintained for contact tracing purposes


There is no strategy. It's a farce and sooner or later, our curent positive economic situation will feel the ripples of our neighbours. When people stop gambling less because they have less money, when the wealthy have less cash to entrust to others and much more. We're heading on a very dangerous path.


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2 hours ago, paswt said:

This must rate as the patronising bullsh*t post of the year .

With all due respect ,and I  mean this sincerely telling someone to fuck off is seldom appropriate but this is one of those times . Hope this helps:flowers:

 I'm of an age to be considered in the 'vulnerable category and accept that I have to make my own decisions to minimise  the possibility of  becoming infected but please spare me the fake concern have a f in word with yourself🤣



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35 minutes ago, yootalkin2me said:


Thank you for your honesty , a view held by those who fail to self isolate on returning to the island  , and perhaps percentage of the younger members of the community ?

I read somewhere that medics unilaterally decided to instruct DNR procedure ( or TLC rathe than ICU) on those Covid patients over the age of 60 or 65 , fair enough if it's a choice between saving the life of someone like myself  and say a young mum with a family.

I've been lucky and had a good life so far and I have no complaints if I go tomorrow , but it's not part of the 'plan'🤣

Years back I was a Public Health Inspector taxed with dealing with , amongst other things, the investigation of outbreaks of Infectious disease (including Polio/TB/ Anthrax/ Typhoid  and we tracked/traced/ investigated outbreaks .

Way back when Covid started ( early Feb) a UK politician was heard to remark that it would cull the elderly so the pension funds would benefit as would the NHS (oldies dying rather than needing treatment) and the state would win with the Inheritance tax as every elderly homeowner was mortgage free and every house in London is worth at least a million . He may have been an uncaring individual but he was being honest .

I believe that initially those in power thought it wouldn't affect them and it was only when it was pointed out that "those who die would be dying anyway" would be dying in a few weeks  rather than over a year and "plague pits" would have to be dug to accommodate the corpses when they had a rethink . 

I'm expecting a few more 'amused' responses to this post  probably from the same posters , do I care , not really , just saying:flowers:


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