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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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18 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

I’m not sure how anyone of sound mind can think that would be entirely reasonable. It would be a complete over-reaction just as the Comis hotel fiasco was a complete over reaction. There’s so many covid-loonies around though trying to corral government into making increasing over reactions to everything now though you can actually see something similar happening. 

Honestly, my view is the opposite. I'd sooner see the world just unlock and we get on with life.

But thats exactly how COMIN will be thinking about it.

But I also disagree with the decision not to have a border testing regime to facilitate more freedom of movement. The Government have demonstrated to me that they're going to try and ride this the easy way through to the election and make the tough decisions someone else's problem.

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3 minutes ago, jaymann said:

Honestly, my view is the opposite. I'd sooner see the world just unlock and we get on with life.

But thats exactly how COMIN will be thinking about it.

But I also disagree with the decision not to have a border testing regime to facilitate more freedom of movement. The Government have demonstrated to me that they're going to try and ride this the easy way through to the election and make the tough decisions someone else's problem.

Which some of us said back in June!

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8 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Our systems have proved robust over the last 8 months, for key workers, people being repatriated and allowing travel. If it’s not broke don’t fix it.

Plus we’ll very likely have community transmission by then anyway. We’ve had 6 months to come up with a more robust policing system that falls well short of internment but we seem to have prioritized resourcing choo choo tracks and the prom works etc instead of more staff knocking on doors and checking up on people. Sadly the default position when every covid-loony in the island kicks off will be - let’s lock all the students up! We’re living in a redneck state worse than Texas. 

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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

Thing is they aren’t all coming back on the same day, not even the same week. It’ll be a drift over the next 6 weeks.

Its safe to assume, with the English lockdown, that there’ll be fewer Manxies travelling to UK, and none travelling further afield, and then returning. Certainly until early December.

This.  My own son came back already on the announcement of English lockdown - he may as well be here and (in 2 weeks) able to go out and about, than stuck in over there for the next 4-5 weeks and then a further 2 weeks isolation here.  The whole course including assessments is doable online.  Just a bit sore about paying his accommodation charges there.

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14 hours ago, trmpton said:

I hope government are looking at relevant support for local businesses? I assume there is a robust plan in place for if/when the Uk went back into lockdown?

I have had emails from several of my suppliers today informing me they are closing or going to skeleton staff (my industry is basically closing in the Uk through lockdown). I assume the civil servants will assume I can still make money because they aren’t stopping me getting work.  Difficult with all suppliers and support channels etc closed.

I am basically destined for four weeks minimum of not being able to work and with I assume no gov support (yes there is work I can do, admin, quotes etc, but nothing that brings money in, unless I gamble and second guess what stock we might need to get through a month when we normally order every two days, and invest tens of thousands up front)

I don't agree. The uk is not in lock down. England is going into lockdown just as Wales is coming out of lockdown. Scotland are not in lockdown and NI come out of lockdown next week. Construction and other outdoor industries are exempt this time. There will be plenty of demand, so any supplier thinking of shutting down would be a fool. 

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7 minutes ago, Cambon said:

I don't agree. The uk is not in lock down. England is going into lockdown just as Wales is coming out of lockdown. Scotland are not in lockdown and NI come out of lockdown next week. Construction and other outdoor industries are exempt this time. There will be plenty of demand, so any supplier thinking of shutting down would be a fool. 

You might want to reply to the four who have been in touch this week to say they are then.

For whatever reasons, and likely understanding their own businesses better than you do, they have determined it’s not viable to keep warehouses and distribution centres open.

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1 hour ago, Cambon said:

I don't agree. The uk is not in lock down. England is going into lockdown just as Wales is coming out of lockdown. Scotland are not in lockdown and NI come out of lockdown next week. Construction and other outdoor industries are exempt this time. There will be plenty of demand, so any supplier thinking of shutting down would be a fool. 

And that shows you don't have a clue.  Even during the first lockdown construction in the UK was allowed to continue although some sites saw a reduction in the number of people to enforce social distancing measures and admin/support staff working from home (on major projects).

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3 hours ago, John Wright said:

I think you’re assuming a bulge of arrivals with returning students. I think that’s a false premise.


It is still a bulge. That can't be gotten over Your assuming that someone thinks they're all coming back on the same boat/same weekend (as it was back in the day - the bar on the boat was bouncing with students.



3 hours ago, Nom de plume said:

Which some of us said back in June!

There are a lot of Covid tough guys who only think of themselves.

When you, or your elderly neighbour or work colleague gets Covid and they have to go into hospital, will it be members of your family who will have to nurse them, with the fear of 'catching it?

No it won't.

So you go ahead and be the tough guy and ignore this silly 'flu', or is it just another fucking cold?

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38 minutes ago, Barlow said:

It is still a bulge. That can't be gotten over Your assuming that someone thinks they're all coming back on the same boat/same weekend (as it was back in the day - the bar on the boat was bouncing with students.



There are a lot of Covid tough guys who only think of themselves.

When you, or your elderly neighbour or work colleague gets Covid and they have to go into hospital, will it be members of your family who will have to nurse them, with the fear of 'catching it?

No it won't.

So you go ahead and be the tough guy and ignore this silly 'flu', or is it just another fucking cold?

I agree we need to crack on with some proper testing and less restrictions on travel (obviously Boris has thrown his own spanner into the works on that one for now) but it’s a perfect opportunity for us to have a sensible and well though our borders policy for when the English Lockdown begins to ease.

I actually worry that we have zero residence over here given it was allegedly eradicated.  I can’t help thinking that leaves us more vulnerable (especially heading into winter) than if we had maintained a level of virus through the summer and used leading edge track and tracing.

And I am not some nutter tough guy.  I have several immediate family who are front line nurses and more very close friends.  I can probably name about 15 people up there who I would be personally devastated if they were seriously ill or worse.

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38 minutes ago, Barlow said:

It is still a bulge. That can't be gotten over Your assuming that someone thinks they're all coming back on the same boat/same weekend (as it was back in the day - the bar on the boat was bouncing with students.

But if it’s spread over 6 weeks, or longer, and, as wrighty has said, some are already home, it’s not a bulge.

Somewhere I saw a figure of 500 quoted. I think that’s low. I think it’s around 1,000.

That’s between 12 and 24 a day. And there will be fewer travelling due to the English lockdown. OK, some patients still, but fewer than normal, and key workers and compassionates, but a big drop in returning residents who’ve gone away to see family or go on holiday.

No bulge.

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