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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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If the MBE comes on today and says there's no rush to vaccinate, then there'll be a shitstorm waiting for him and the rest of COMIN because it's been in the community probably since middle of last month, if not before. You really don't need to be a genius to work that out.

Get those vaccines in people's arms before it's too late.

I can't tell you how fucking angry I am that they thought testing was a waste of time.

I'm afraid I no longer have any faith in the Public Health advice being given to COMIN.

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Paul moulton just tweeted 

Getting reports that a member of the covid tracing team have themselves contracted COVID-19 IOM Government asking people working in Markwell House since 4th January to take a test. It’s being classed as a low risk issue of transmission

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5 minutes ago, Banker said:

Yesterday was day 12 from last day of panto in case you can’t count !

Kipper said they started feeling ill towards end last week. So Thursday would be 7 days. But if it’s in family one may have had it on 30th and passed on to other family members in the intervening period.

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22 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:


It's no use imposing a (well intended) lockdown if it's shot full of holes, exemptions, and self-applied non-applicables.

The Island could reattain its virus-free status IMHO, but it's going to take a rigorous application of no-debates conditions, legally enforced by the authorities if necessary. To include wearing of masks and not being outside your property without reasons contained in the conditions. It's harsh but necessary and I can hear the whingeing already.

Otherwise, the virus is in through an open gate and given carte blanche to spread. As it would appear to be already doing.


Getting people to do a proper lockdown will be impossible though.

They have already said stay at home unless essential and yet a huge number of people seem to be leaving their house various times a day for all sorts of unnecessary reasons.  Loads of businesses trading that shouldn't be etc

Usually the ones shouting loudest who can't be arsed to make the effort as well.

Until we run out of food my only interactions with the outside world are through the Internet and through the window and I can't say I am seeing much evidence of  people doing what is expected of them.  I actually think the masks have given people a false sense of security.  It appears people think its ok to go to the shop as many times as you want if you wear a mask.

Edited by horatiotheturd
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9 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Kipper said they started feeling ill towards end last week. So Thursday would be 7 days. But if it’s in family one may have had it on 30th and passed on to other family members in the intervening period.

If it’s true maybe connected to the COVID tracing team member that moulton tweeted 

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23 minutes ago, John Wright said:

In percentage terms then what is the chance of someone infected,  and being randomly tested, testing positive on any day. I’m assuming it’s not 7%, but between 30-35%? 

Don’t quite understand the question John. It varies as to the time from infection. If you treat that time itself as a second random variable (fair, since it’s unknown) what you’d have to do would be to integrate the probability distribution over time - how long, perhaps 14 days, perhaps 21, not sure - and divide your result by that length of time. At a guess, 2/3 - but I’m not sure I’m answering what you’re asking. 

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6 minutes ago, horatiotheturd said:

  I actually think the masks have given people a false sense of security.  It appears people think its ok to go to the shop as many times as you want if you wear a mask.

This. I’ve never been a massive fan of mask wearing in general. Why do we do so in surgery I hear you ask? Because they’re different masks, fitted properly, combined with other infection control measures. Not a cut-up T-shirt worn under the nose. 

I accept any face covering is better than none, but if say your home made mask is 50% effective, and you’re out wearing it 3x as much as you would be otherwise, thinking of it as some sort of sterility shield, then it’s detrimental. 

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Exactly.  Its in the community and all you see all day are idiots asking if its OK to do this, ok to do that, and bigger idiots replying that its ok if you wear a mask and socially distance.

STAY AT HOME unless emergency, essential shopping, or to work if you can't work from home (unless you are in one of the many low risk trades that have been closed full stop for no logical reason)

Would personally love to see Howard get tough and close all takeaways, close garden centres etc, and limit exercise and trips to the shop.

Difficult to enforce but should at least put a clearer message out to those who can't grasp stay at home if at all possible.

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10 minutes ago, horatiotheturd said:


Getting people to do a proper lockdown will be impossible though.

They have already said stay at home unless essential and yet a huge number of people seem to be leaving their house various times a day for all sorts of unnecessary reasons.  Loads of businesses trading that shouldn't be etc

Usually the ones shouting loudest who can't be arsed to make the effort as well.

Until we run out of food my only interactions with the outside world are through the Internet and through the window and I can't say I am seeing much evidence of  people doing what is expected of them.  I actually think the masks have given people a false sense of security.  It appears people think its ok to go to the shop as many times as you want if you wear a mask.

No one moving around where I live. We get milk, butter & eggs delivered. Tesco deliver today and I’ve slots every Sunday until early February. 

I’ll go to Nobles tomorrow for my blood tests, leukaemia remission test and a test of my immune system to check if I’m ok to receive the Covid vaccination.

Cars are full of fuel. I’ll drive to the letter box if there’s anything work wise I can’t do electronically. I can post at our nearest one through car window.

I think you are being hysterical.

Most transmission is in the home, or work, or school.  Non essential work is closed. Schools are closed, except key worker/special needs.

The circuit breaker should eliminate, but it may take 6 weeks rather than 3. Much like in April May.

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14 minutes ago, horatiotheturd said:


Getting people to do a proper lockdown will be impossible though.

They have already said stay at home unless essential and yet a huge number of people seem to be leaving their house various times a day for all sorts of unnecessary reasons.  Loads of businesses trading that shouldn't be etc

Usually the ones shouting loudest who can't be arsed to make the effort as well.

Until we run out of food my only interactions with the outside world are through the Internet and through the window and I can't say I am seeing much evidence of  people doing what is expected of them.  I actually think the masks have given people a false sense of security.  It appears people think its ok to go to the shop as many times as you want if you wear a mask.

They haven't put a limit on how long you can be out of your house though and masks are advisory. Like in March / April this advice seems to come straight from Public Health England. If they truly want to pursue an elimination policy the measures are going to have get tougher; and they are going to have to stop following the failed PHE nudge strategy enough people simply don't follow it.

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19 minutes ago, wrighty said:

This. I’ve never been a massive fan of mask wearing in general. Why do we do so in surgery I hear you ask? Because they’re different masks, fitted properly, combined with other infection control measures. Not a cut-up T-shirt worn under the nose. 

I accept any face covering is better than none, but if say your home made mask is 50% effective, and you’re out wearing it 3x as much as you would be otherwise, thinking of it as some sort of sterility shield, then it’s detrimental. 

This was one of my original objections to the widespread wearing of masks because to be effective they have to be properly fitted and once they become wet they lose their effectiveness.  I see so many people wearing them over big beards where the mask is nowhere near the persons actual face.

I also see plenty of people wearing them incorrectly including upside down, under their nose, around their chin etc.  Then there are the people who will pull them down to talk to someone or those who constantly fiddle with them.

If mask wearing/face coverings are going to be part of the solution then people need to be told how to do so correctly.


ETA:  And yes, lots of people seem to think that wearing a mask makes them invincible and forget about the other measures such as social distancing and hand washing.

Edited by manxman1980
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1 minute ago, Ham_N_Eggs said:

They haven't put a limit on how long you can be out of your house though and masks are advisory. Like in March / April this advice seems to come straight from Public Health England. If they truly want to pursue an elimination policy the measures are going to have get tougher; and they are going to have to stop following the failed PHE nudge strategy enough people simply don't follow it.

Exactly.  No limit, but also telling people to stay at home.

The lack of a limit is making people think they are ok to be out and about when they shouldn't be and the addition of masks is making it worse

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