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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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9 minutes ago, Max Power said:

I'd suggest that those expressing panic on facebook are in the vocal minority, although I accept that they are probably giving the wrong impression. Most people are more fearful of going into lockdown than they are of the virus itself. 

Social media has an amplification effect which I think government certainly listens to. I’m also not sure they are the vocal minority to be honest. We live on an Island where as a % of the population lockdown has financially impacted fewer people than in the UK due to the large numbers of people in public sector employment and of course our large retired population living on fixed incomes. I believe even Mr Cannan was surprised how much money they didn’t have to shell out during the first lockdown. 

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18 minutes ago, CowMan said:

I’m not sure that is the case to be honest. I had a good chat with a friend in the UK the other day who said he had now blocked all his IOM friends from school and university on Facebook as he was sick of seeing posts from ‘gloating w@nkers’ (his words not mine I’m afraid). I think the final straw was reading about how tough a three week lockdown had apparently been for his IOM friends when he had been in lockdown since last October and the fact that he hasn’t been able to see the child he has with a partner who returned here for over a year because most of his friends seemed to think that ‘outsiders’ should be cleansed from our shore at all cost. 

I think you need to have a good look at your 'friends'.

Yourself too, maybe.

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2 minutes ago, CowMan said:

Social media has an amplification effect which I think government certainly listens to. I’m also not sure they are the vocal minority to be honest. We live on an Island where as a % of the population lockdown has financially impacted fewer people than in the UK due to the large numbers of people in public sector employment and of course our large retired population living on fixed incomes. I believe even Mr Cannan was surprised how much money they didn’t have to shell out during the first lockdown. 

Bear in mind, furlough here didn't apply to a significant number of sectors. https://covid19.gov.im/businesses/funding-support/salary-support-scheme/

Plus, the UK scheme covers up to 80% of salary, up to £2500 a month. Significantly more than the Manx scheme would. The Manx scheme is up to 75% of a living wage, £1120 a month.

And in either jurisdiction, the self employed get done over.

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17 minutes ago, CowMan said:

lockdown has financially impacted fewer people than in the UK due to the large numbers of people in public sector employment

And, more importantly, many others working in finance, tech, services and gaming. None of which are typically impacted by travel restrictions. And many of which are perfectly well set up for work-from-home. Generating income which then supports those working in the local economy.

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19 minutes ago, CowMan said:

Thanks for your advice but I don’t think I do to be honest. I think more likely the IOM has to look at itself and the insularity it’s breeding. 

Your previous post sounded so implausible it could have been one that gets made up and read out by the presenter on Manx Radio Mannin Line these days.

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4 minutes ago, Barlow said:

Your previous post sounded so implausible it could have been one that gets made up and read out by the presenter on Manx Radio Mannin Line these days.

How so? It was based on an actual conversation I had a week or so ago. Do people still listen to the Mannin Line? I didn’t know it was still a thing. 

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4 minutes ago, CowMan said:

How so? It was based on an actual conversation I had a week or so ago. Do people still listen to the Mannin Line? I didn’t know it was still a thing. 

Well, you have a friend in UK who said he had now blocked all his IOM friends from school and university on Facebook as he was sick of seeing posts from ‘gloating w@nkers’. 


I assume he went to school here as he has school friends on Facebook. That's fair enough, but to block them all is ridiculous, unless he has/had a lot of gloating friends. If he has then he may be the sort of person that needs a good gloating at. It's a sensitive issue - maybe he is interpreting 'gloat' where it isn't intended.

It's possible, well likely actually, that he has mental health issues. I say that genuinely, a lot of people are suffering with lockdown etc.

Perhaps his partner should take the child over to UK to see him. Or has he blocked her from Facebook too?

I think there is probably more to your friends life he is not telling you or you are not telling us.

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1 hour ago, CowMan said:

Additionally I know a good few people in the UK who genuinely think Facebook friends in the IOM have some sort of mental illness for the way they seem to genuinely believe that the rest of the world is dirty and should be kept away at all costs and who clog their feeds basically wetting themselves about the need to keep the real world at bay at all costs. I would also expect those relationships will be hard to recover after all this as well in that when we do open up the rest of the world may well remember us as the country that didn’t want them and elected to save ourselves.

Isn’t that what the U.K. is now, belatedly, doing with its own border policy?

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Just now, Barlow said:

It's possible, well likely actually, that he has mental health issues. I say that genuinely, a lot of people are suffering with lockdown etc.

My friend has no mental health issues rest assured he runs a very successful business which has adapted to covid brilliantly. And as a general assessment of IOM social media activity I thought his comment was reasonably fair from what I see too. As a casual observer it generally seems to be the people over here who are losing it every time there is a cluster not the folk in the UK who have seemed to have climatized to living with covid.

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3 hours ago, Nom de plume said:

Looks like the Government have finally seen a bit of sense with this current cluster (outbreak).

The 70’s are jabbed, they are the at risk group - let’s ride it out.

The meltdown is strong in some it is.

Not all of the 70's are yet jabbed. Letters have gone out but AFAIK there are still many to get an appointment.

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