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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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16 minutes ago, Nomadic Raptor said:

It’s easy to say lock down lock down when you have a pension income etc.....and you can say Iv worked all my life for that pension it’s my right....


I just want to be able to work, pay into my pension and look after my family without needing to go to food banks etc into extreme and a lockdown doesn’t allow me to do thst

Nobody with any sense is asking for an immediate or automatic lockdown.

The majority of people want this over with, so we don't crack on in and out of restrictions indefinitely like in the UK.


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12 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Nobody with any sense is asking for an immediate or automatic lockdown.

The majority of people want this over with, so we don't crack on in and out of restrictions indefinitely like in the UK.


Well if we have another lockdown we’re on number 3 , isn’t that the same as UK? And 2 in 2 months is probably a record!!

Edited by Banker
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1 hour ago, asitis said:

I've lost track of the inoculation policy, are we sticking to the two jab time scale or are we getting on with it ?



She Who Speaks Must Be Obeyed is in the +70 cohort and received her invitation to register two weeks ago and this morning received a call to attend Chester St Hub on 8th March, with the second dose scheduled for 17th May. So that's about 10 weeks. The AZ jab will be administered.

According to The MBE I should have both of my jabs by end of May. So based on the above I hope my letter is in the post otherwise I can't see me getting both of mine by end of May.

Edited by Andy Onchan
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3 hours ago, Nomadic Raptor said:

When is this insane madness going to end....


so two people have unexplained COVID so whole island is advised to stay home everything is cancelled.


we have vaccinated the most vulnerable didn’t they quote 20k?

come may or June when borders open there will be unexplained cases it will happen in general life.  We cannot close everything down every time somebody gets something.   

In my opinion we just have to get on with now keep vaccinating but life really has to go on, if your ill self isolate but it’s insane all of this 

Totally agree with everything you say but despite being 20k vaccinations done, we still haven’t vaccinated all our vulnerable. Health workers, dentists, social workers, GP receptionists and god know who else, but haven’t  got round to vaccinating vulnerable 70 year olds yet.

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4 hours ago, snowman said:

The reason why the pop up took place wont answer your question 


The cost of Chester st us unrelated to anything else

Interestingly my sister is doing injections to people who allegedly cant leave home and cant believe the set up at Airport and Chester street. She is going into peoples homes with another nurse and giving out injections in whatever enviroment they find and its fine yet the great and good decided in there wisdom we needed to spend loads of money on temporary facilities   

Edited by Numbnuts
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2 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

She Who Speaks Must Be Obeyed is in the +70 cohort and received her invitation to register two weeks ago and this morning received a call to attend Chester St Hub on 8th March, with the second dose scheduled for 17th May. So that's about 10 weeks. The AZ jab will be administered.

According to The MBE I should have both of my jabs by end of May. So based on the above I hope my letter is in the post otherwise I can't see me getting both of mine by end of May.

Interesting. We were told that Chester Street is administering 'Pfifefezer' only. Things must have changed.

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11 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

The link with schools may be relevant though.  I wonder if there is a possibility of schoolchildren passing on the virus without testing positive themselves, at least at first.  The recent Auckland cluster may have a similar example.  Given that we know a high percent of those involved in the local cluster are under 19, maybe that is a possible thing to check out.  

11 hours ago, wrighty said:

I think it’d have to be a false negative test or a sampling error.  I can’t see how it’s possible to pass on a virus that isn’t detectable by PCR - if there’s none on the swab how can you give it to someone else by coughing on them or whatever?

I can think of some remote possibilities.  The case in Auckland cluster was one announced yesterday[1]:  The case, known as Case M, is an older sibling of a Papatoetoe High School student who was a casual plus contact. The student had returned 3 recent negative tests and is asymptomatic.

(There are some similarities with our cluster including the initial infection (probably) coming from a non-resident transport worker and the main route for inter-household transmission being secondary school children).

One possibility is transmission on surfaces - clothes, school bags and so on, with the student bringing the stuff into the house somehow escaping or being immune.  The other is that the student being infected, but the infection not showing in the throat and areas being swabbed.  There have been some such cases reported, but mainly in elderly people clearly already suffering from Covid.


[1]  In New Zealand you get these sort of details from the Health Ministry.  Here we have to rely on Karen Off Facebook.

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