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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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no time to draft legislation? What the actual fuck? Did they not foresee any potential need to do this over the past 12 months? Last time they had to enact emergency legislation- surely that was a sign they had to plan ahead for further possible events? The implementation of reactive after the proverbial horse has bolted rather than proactive policies beggars belief. Inept.

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1 hour ago, TerryFuchwit said:

The people panic buying are not doing so because they will be staying home.

They're doing it because they're thick as shit and think pasta and toilet rolls will run out.

I have to agree with you on that one, Terry.  I still do not understand the logic; didn't understand it in the first lockdown and definitely not after.

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14 minutes ago, manxst said:


no time to draft legislation? What the actual fuck? Did they not foresee any potential need to do this over the past 12 months? Last time they had to enact emergency legislation- surely that was a sign they had to plan ahead for further possible events? The implementation of reactive after the proverbial horse has bolted rather than proactive policies beggars belief. Inept.

If legislation was on the shelf to implement then we would be living in ‘police state’. 

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3 minutes ago, Major Rushen said:

If legislation was on the shelf to implement then we would be living in ‘police state’. 

He just means ready to be enacted or issued in accordance with whatever legislation it is under.  Hardly a police state, just a prepared state. 

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4 minutes ago, Major Rushen said:

If legislation was on the shelf to implement then we would be living in ‘police state’. 

Hardly. There is legislation ready to be enacted for any number of emergency reasons- disasters, wars, famine etc. To have legislation that could be implemented for this purpose would make sense seeing as we have been living in a world wide pandemic for over a year. It doesn’t have to be permanent- just time restricted. 

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14 minutes ago, Major Rushen said:

If legislation was on the shelf to implement then we would be living in ‘police state’. 

It seems that Saturday gone 27/2, a good proportion of the civil service were working that date. Legislation could have be drawn very quickly and signed, despite the whinging  and protestations of Ashie. It seems it’s okay for these pathetic politicos to whinge, whine, hector and lecture, impose rules and regulations under the guise of public health. This weekend they were like the boy that cried ‘wolf’. Can we believe the authorities next time a possible outbreak within the community?’

In many aspects of Island life we are already living in a police state. Many would point to the way rules and regulations we interpret and implement regulations, arrest, charge, sentence and incarnation. Does the current punishment fit the crime? For the people being arrested and charged / its water off a ducks back!

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Similar legal processing excuses were used near Christmas for delays - before they could start vaccinations - putting the start of vaccinations two weeks to the right.

Not sure if they cried 'Wolf!' yet on Saturday - see what the next few days brings. Two unexplained/unlinked cases is worrying and might just be the potential tip of an iceberg. Only time and testing will tell.


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1 minute ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Similar legal processing excuses were used near Christmas for delays - before they could start vaccinations - putting the start of vaccinations two weeks to the right.

Not sure if they cried 'Wolf!' yet on Saturday - see what the next few days brings. Two unexplained/unlinked cases is worrying and might just be the potential tip of an iceberg. Only time and testing will tell.


What do they mean "unexplained'cases. 

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1 minute ago, Billy kettlefish said:

Sorry be abit on slow side but, is it from the crew or crew members family that have caused this. 

That is the unexplained bit as apparently not on contact tracing.  If only the virus had something like a barcode that you could read and link, or not, to other known cases. 

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43 minutes ago, manxst said:


no time to draft legislation? What the actual fuck? Did they not foresee any potential need to do this over the past 12 months? Last time they had to enact emergency legislation- surely that was a sign they had to plan ahead for further possible events? The implementation of reactive after the proverbial horse has bolted rather than proactive policies beggars belief. Inept.

Yes, that particular excuse was pathetic. The amount of waffle he came out with on Saturday must have been his all-time best.

HRH the CM and his PR people haven't yet worked out that sometimes less is more. And the over-use of Fastyr Mie is excruciating. 

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1 minute ago, Gladys said:

That is the unexplained bit as apparently not on contact tracing.  If only the virus had something like a barcode that you could read and link, or not, to other known cases. 

What difference would that make. Even if linked there is still a missing link in the chain so the person(s) who infected them are still out and about.

If not linked then again the person(s) who infected them are still out and about.

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3 minutes ago, Gladys said:

That is the unexplained bit as apparently not on contact tracing.  If only the virus had something like a barcode that you could read and link, or not, to other known cases. 

I just don't understand how it's getting from one area to another, unless it's being spread  recklessly  by irresponsible people. 

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Just now, Billy kettlefish said:

Sorry be abit on slow side but, is it from the crew or crew members family that have caused this. 

It seems not - as no possible contact links to that crew or crew member chain can be identified.

If everyone in the SP chain is telling the truth - it's more likely to have come from another potential source such as a traveller or key worker breaching the rules.

But with these two cases that are not linked together by venues of potential infection, it suggests two potential breaches elsewhere.

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