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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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Vaccination shouldn't need ramping up they always should have been going at maximum capacity. There is gallons of the stuff in the UK. My wife is a St John's volunteer for assisting with vaccinations and ordinary people have been trained in a day to administer the vaccine. In her one station alone they administer over 1000 per day.

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On 4/22/2020 at 5:17 AM, Filippo said:

The title of the posting makes it clear where I stand; I see the lockdown as a politically motivated act of social and economic vandalism. There is little evidence that the lockdown is achieving much as concerns limiting the direct damage from the pandemic: countries that have introduced social-distancing on a mostly voluntary basis (Sweden, The Netherlands, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea) while keeping most of their economies open and afloat are having much lower Covid-19 deaths per-capita than us. It tells about the competence (or lack thereof) of our authorities to achieve anything apart from crashing the economy and depleting public coffers.

The evidence of that bonehead failure is staggering (figures as of the 20th of April):

                              Cases     Deaths
    Isle of Man       300           9
    Singapore         8,014       11
    Hong Kong       1,206        4

The population of Hong Kong is 7.45 million versus 86K on this island. It means that on this island, the per-capita fatality of Covid-19 is 7,450 / 86 x 9 / 4 = 195 times that of Hong Kong. Same virus, but nearly 200 times more deadly on these shores! Hallelujah.

Yes, I know that IOM’s population is older on average. But also note these other circumstances. In Hong Kong, Singapore and South Korea the pandemic started nearly two months before us; the authorities here had nearly two months to prepare, and did nothing or very little about it. Furthermore, it is enormously more difficult to control a pandemic in such densely populated regions as Hong Kong and Singapore (the land surface of this island is nearly as much as Singapore’s, think). In Singapore, most of the contagion has come from immigrants’ dormitories where ten people sleep in a room; we don’t have here that kind of unmanageable problems on the IOM. It should have been comparably much easier for us.

Basically, the authorities here have been good at crashing the economy and stopping us from living our lives; while achieving very little as concerns mitigating the direct damage from the pandemic. They have little to show for the sacrifice imposed on us.

Listen to the pathetic speech of our politicians: I protect the island, I protect the island and I protect the island. Brainless. Brainless justification for trashing civil liberties, endangering our economic, physical and mental well-being, imposing on us a busybody police state. The politicians succeeded in positioning themselves such as to deflect or take the least blame for the situation of the pandemic. The police succeeded in jailing for months some low-lifers for having parties (keep reading about those sentences nearly every day now on IOM Today and Manx News and it makes me cringe). Good job.

Still of the same opinion ?

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Lots of anger on here and I so get it totally. But can I just say my thoughts are with any on here that are financially affected  by this latest lock down. If also you dont meet criteria for any or some of the help available I feel your pain. I know whats its like to really struggle , no heating and scrimping on food just to get by . I was on my own going through bad times so if any on here have families to support then it really magnifies the issues. I know talk is cheap but sincerely mean what I say . Stay strong guys and so hope you all get through this ongoing pandemic .  

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1 hour ago, Non-Believer said:

"One of the cases hasn't been out and about very much". Hetty.

I wonder if it is that poor man who goes into the pub and sits in a corner on his own nursing his pint all night, rather than join in the karaoke?

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45 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Honestly, I wouldn't even put it down to malice on the part of individuals.

It could literally be popping for a coffee and promptly forgetting all about it. Or not being able to place which day you were in a certain place etc.

There is no excuse for not knowing where you have been during a pandemic, although clearly a simple diary is too much for most people, based on their shopping receipts or card payments. 

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32 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

HQ addressing Tynwald. Hoping to ramp up vaccination. Questions now about prioritising vaccination of handling crew at SP and airport from Quine. And vaccinations lagging now.

Question about why IoMG's view of genomic tracing varies so differently from the rest of the world, including UKG and USCDC. Howard says he's not an expert....and dodges it.

Ah the Artful Dodger!

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7 minutes ago, Barlow said:


There is no excuse for not knowing where you have been during a pandemic, although clearly a simple diary is too much for most people, based on their shopping receipts or card payments. 

I disagree as I really really struggle to remember what I did earlier in the day and as for a week ago no chance. Maybe it's an age thing , im 67 , but theres not a chance if I was asked today my movements and whereabouts over a week or so could I do it . And yes as I'm not the most organised a diary wouldnt work either 

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32 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

HQ addressing Tynwald. Hoping to ramp up vaccination. Questions now about prioritising vaccination of handling crew at SP and airport from Quine. And vaccinations lagging now.

Question about why IoMG's view of genomic tracing varies so differently from the rest of the world, including UKG and USCDC. Howard says he's not an expert....and dodges it.

We know he isn't an expert, all the more reason not to be led by the CS mantra of excluding all who are not part of their cosy little world! 

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1 minute ago, Numbnuts said:

I disagree as I really really struggle to remember what I did earlier in the day and as for a week ago no chance. Maybe it's an age thing , im 67 , but theres not a chance if I was asked today my movements and whereabouts over a week or so could I do it . 

Plus not everyone who enters a shop buys something so receipts are not always the answer.

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Howard says new circumstances are totally different for this lockdown, under question from Hooper. SP was a "misunderstanding with no criminality".

Waffling now under question about public transport to vaccination hubs from North of Island. Unconvincing, Howard.

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2 hours ago, manxst said:


Eomer to Theoden,  the assembled Rohirrim, Hobbits et al at Isengard after the Ents trashed it.    Sorry, I'm a massive Tolkien nerd and had to show off there for a minute. 

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21 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Howard says new circumstances are totally different for this lockdown, under question from Hooper. SP was a "misunderstanding with no criminality".

Waffling now under question about public transport to vaccination hubs from North of Island. Unconvincing, Howard.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse. 

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59 minutes ago, Max Power said:

Lots of chuffing, conspiracies and anger here, you'd almost think that people believe that our government wanted this to happen! They've been trying to keep us as normal as possible for crying out loud. 

Something has gone wrong, the first is due to SPC crews somehow mixing when they shouldn't have, compounded by what appears to have been an unworkable isolation plan. There is a responsibility here, which someone should hold their hands up to, but I agree that prosecuting individuals who are doing a job to preserve our lifeline is counter productive! 

We need to find the weak link and cause of the second outbreak though, that will probably end up being linked to our transport links as it's bound to be. What's the answer, stop sailing/flying anything in? 

I think we need to grow up, yes it's bollocks but we either live with it until everyone is vaccinated, or we continue to lock down every time we have half a dozen cases!

Max - that's sensible talk. No need for it.:D

Where's that pitchfork??

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