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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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1 minute ago, Blackajah said:

We don't expect our government and administration to be perfect.    But we do expect them to be open and accountable when things have gone wrong.      They'd be more worthy of respect if they came out and said ' really sorry folks, we've ballsed it up but we'll do our utmost to plan to make sure it really doesn't happen again'   Too much to expect in an election year?     

They are spinning at such a rotational velocity at the moment I fear for their health.

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1 minute ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

I don't think anyone wants a lockdown. You're suggesting that anyone who might be questioning why on-island expertise is being passed over, at the expense of reducing insight into transmission chains, clearly wants one. I think you've got that backwards.

No I’m not I used two sentences separated by a full stop to address two separate points. The Glover issue has got nothing to do with wanting a Lockdown it was a poor point to make really in the reply to my post. Although I’m sure many people like Annonymouse do really believe that if Dr Glover was at the helm we’d all be living in a utopia ten times better than Arderns New Zealand where we’d have even forgotten his to spell the word Coronavirus. 

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1 minute ago, CowMan said:

No I’m not I used two sentences separated by a full stop to address two separate points. The Glover issue has got nothing to do with wanting a Lockdown it was a poor point to make really in the reply to my post. Although I’m sure many people like Annonymouse do really believe that if Dr Glover was at the helm we’d all be living in a utopia ten times better than Arderns New Zealand where we’d have even forgotten his to spell the word Coronavirus. 

Well, here's a quite simple follow-up question.

Do you think our present situation was avoidable, and why?

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4 minutes ago, Holte End said:

What would be the harm to let Dr Glover help?

Cutting you nose to spite your face is standard practice for Comin.


She seems as bad herself to be honest. From her Twitter attacks she sounds basically like a female Donald Trump where it’s either “My way or the Highway” I’m sure government has been to blame for a lot to do with the issues but you get the impression of someone who literally screams “Not a team player” from the rooftops in literally everything public facing that they do. So I’d say some of the reasons why they won’t let her help are perhaps her own despite her being eminently qualified to input. 

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28 minutes ago, Barlow said:

No-shows are in the main shits.

No-shows cost the UK NHS many £100millions per year. The dentist sort it out ok over here, mine charge £20 if you don't turn up without good reason. Same needs to be done for doctors and this vaccine. The problem is usually because people feel ok when they know they should be at appointment and can't be arsed. Many genuine reasons too of course and many of those can be sorted by a courtesy phone call.

No-shows are in the main shits.

Rather than thinking all of those missed doses are due to the patient it's just possible that there might be something wrong with the method of the appointment system. Dates and times given over the phone are likely to be misinterpreted/misheard or confused when you are dealing with elderly people which, in the main, these people will have been.


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3 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

It's not going to happen.

It's all about saving face on the international stage.

If the world discovers that we've been running on luck and balls ups, they get a bit twitchy about investing here.

I think you're being too kind.  If they were genuinely worried about the Island's reputation, they'd behave better and respond faster.  This is entirely about their own egos. 

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54 minutes ago, Billy kettlefish said:

I heard that because of selfish no shows, they had to get rid of 15 vaccine shots. 

Yes, some may be  selfish, some may have a genuine reason for not turning up, particularly with the age range being done atm, but you would expect some no shows for a variety of reasons, so would have a reserve list. 

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48 minutes ago, TerryFuchwit said:

You're right.  It is a global pandemic. And there's not a single country in the world that hasn't made a mistake or wished they had done something slightly different.

You seem to forget, it's people like you and me etc that are handling this.  We don't have 500 people that have been on a "how to handle a global pandemic " course.

It's difficult.  With lots of people trying their best.  Working long hours. Under duress.  

Whilst people like you constantly berate, moan, criticise and think YOU know better.  It's tiresome.

People will generally accept mistakes providing they are given respect from the mistaken by being open and admitting it rather than hiding behind pseudo-science and bullshit.

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13 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Well, here's a quite simple follow-up question.

Do you think our present situation was avoidable, and why?


By not instilling fear of travel in the population because of a failure in testing strategy in December.

By regularly monitoring and reviewing the Steam Packet protocols in line with cha going risk levels and making sure they were being adhered to.

By having a proper vaccination program in place with all the facilities ready to go the day the first doses arrived on island.  By vaccinating as many people as possible and by rapidly adapting the dosage schedule in line with the risk of spread on island and new I formation regarding efficiency of single doses.  Get them open 24 x 7 we could have half the population done by end of March.

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1 minute ago, CowMan said:

Oh right I get it now you’re another member of the Dr Glover cult. Enough said. Perhaps they should put up some Dr Glover posters around the island now she’s not here to watch over us for a week? You are literally willing this to be a worse Lockdown that previous ones just to suit the doomsday plan in your head. 

Yes I’m a member of the Dr Glover fan club, she says she could draw a clear line of transmission from the Genomics and I’d like to see that happen. I personally don’t believe this cluster is solely down to one Steam Packet Crew member, there is unfortunately no way to prove it without the Genomics being traced though.

I’m certainly not willing it to be worse, I hope it’s only 2 weeks and not 3. My ‘doomsday’ theory is based on the current rate of positive cases, the type of locations involved including schools, supermarkets and even a GP surgery. I think the biggest concern is schools because children are more likely to be asymptomatic, which means waiting for someone else in the household to be symptomatic before getting tested to draw a true picture of past events, in that instance we are always at least a week behind.

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18 minutes ago, CowMan said:

She seems as bad herself to be honest. From her Twitter attacks she sounds basically like a female Donald Trump where it’s either “My way or the Highway” I’m sure government has been to blame for a lot to do with the issues but you get the impression of someone who literally screams “Not a team player” from the rooftops in literally everything public facing that they do. So I’d say some of the reasons why they won’t let her help are perhaps her own despite her being eminently qualified to input. 

I don’t know that she is eminently qualified, she has no medical training and all her publications are to do with plant viruses!

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