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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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5 minutes ago, TerryFuchwit said:

Yes but they're wearing PPE.  So the risk is minimal. I can understand why they are not at the top of list given the strategy we have employed.

Yes, we know you've posted it  before.  That doesn't make you any more correct than last time.

Of course not. I wouldn’t dream of suggesting what our government has done up to this point has been a complete fuck up. Not at all. Absolutely no change needed in any of their strategies, policies, directives, attitudes or abilities, you’re right. My bad, sorry. 

Edited by manxst
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1 hour ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

You can, from an economic perspective, understand why the pubs in question stayed open, ignoring the potential outcome. Things could've been a storm in a teacup, and hindsight is a wonderful thing.

Equally, Ramsey pubs announced they had all agreed amongst themselves to shut as advised.

..and of course by the following day (Sunday) we were told to go about our own business as per any other normal day...

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14 minutes ago, pongo said:

I'm surprised that you don't see this as something of a success. Given that you have been more or less arguing that we should just open up and let Covid run its course.

Psssssst ... I haven’t voted.

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2 minutes ago, Twitch said:

..and of course by the following day (Sunday) we were told to go about our own business as per any other normal day...

Let's not forget on Monday when all the kids were told to go back to school on Tuesday too. Like lambs to the slaughter.

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2 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

Let’s have a little fun.

Rate our Governments handling of the pandemic & communications since the turn of 2021 on a scale of 1 to 10.

1 - total incompetence, heads should roll

10 - wonderful, arise Sir Howard

About a 5, Latest lockdown has been half assed and complacent, an example will be the further measures that will no doubt be slowly increased over the course of the next week as positive cases increase, I expect we will see a restriction on unnecessary travel/movement shortly and an all island speed limit on the back of that. Quite honestly at the start of this I thought they were just going to accept it’s in the community and that we need to live with it, social distancing/mask wearing, simply due to the lack of any action.  I think the grating thing is using ‘lessons will be learned’ as an excuse for things that should have already been learnt in lockdown 1 and 2.



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19 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

Let’s have a little fun.

Rate our Governments handling of the pandemic & communications since the turn of 2021 on a scale of 1 to 10.

1 - total incompetence, heads should roll

10 - wonderful, arise Sir Howard

6. Mostly OK. Some decisions wrong but then its a new world and a new problem. Small no of decisions very poor and I think they would admit that.

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8 minutes ago, horatiotheturd said:

Well I give them a 1 out of 10, and am going to phone the state of the art COVID line right now to tell them.

Incidentally the Mrs is still trying to book her vaccine.  1hr 20 and counting and not been cut off this time.  Only 11 ahead of her now apparently.

The times I've been ringing no input as to where you are in queue . In fact the whole set up seems to be not working correctly 

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39 minutes ago, pongo said:

Measures should have been in place weeks ago. Before this became an issue. By Sunday - Monday it would have been too late. And the virus doesn't care whether the source of infection is known.

That said - you've got a vocal mob constantly opposing sensible controls to various degrees - often for short term and / or bogus economic reasons.

And don't forget, hindsight is a wonderful thing. We were celebrating no case last Monday then wallop

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5.  It's been (and still is) a massive learning curve for everybody, public, Govt. and medical science alike. Plus a political balancing act between science and the economy that has veered too far in favour of the latter and backfired which is why we now are where we are. Mistakes were always going to be made.

But lessons that should have been learned along the way have been too quickly forgotten (or what was learned not applied) too, which is why our 6+ months of normality has ended.

Plus politics and egos (which I personally believe is what it will be shown to be in time) taking precedence over Dr Glover's qualified advice and offers of assistance. 

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21 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

1 - total incompetence, heads should roll

10 - wonderful, arise Sir Howard

Started off as a 7 then has slowly dropped throughout the year. Now at 1.

We have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

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51 minutes ago, jaymann said:

I'm hearing that construction likely to be reigned in next week.

If not sooner sadly. They have shot themselves in the foot this time. Very poor behaviours. Managers say one thing, Foremen and workers do another. Such a shame, everyone knows its hard......but you could at least try FFS

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6 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

The times I've been ringing no input as to where you are in queue . In fact the whole set up seems to be not working correctly 

The countdown only starts when yiu get to number 30.

She has now spoken to a very polite lady, and someone is going to phone her back to make an appointment now that she has phoned them to confirm she got the letter they sent out telling her she is entitled to an appointment.

You couldn't make it up.

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