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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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9 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

Haha. If you are not a doom merchant or fiercely anti government, you will never be welcome on here. 

I just don’t understand how not automatically defaulting to doomsday scenarios in absolutely every post you make results in a claim of trolling. Half the problem is this bubble that’s been created. We seem to think that we’d be immune from a global pandemic forever and we aren’t and we won’t be. We’re all going to have to get used to living with this whether we like it or not. I see on BBC news this morning talks of the UK slowly opening back up and schools opening again tomorrow. It was always going to be that the IOM was going to be locked down just as the UK was opening back up because they’ve gradually learned to live with it an we haven’t. 

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24 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

Well here is confirmation that the bus drivers haven't been done. I genuinely believe that the chief constable reference to transport workers was only referring to the SPCo. Could be wrong of course.


And Mezeron.

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17 minutes ago, CowMan said:

I’m neither crowing or trolling but it seems that any comment on this forum that doesn’t transmit a persistent sense of doom and gloom is seen as such. Somebody may well die yet but it’s equally far too early to call the doom and gloom scenarios either. By far our main fatalities last time were care home related. Hardly anyone actually died in hospital. Still a few more in hospital and the death surfers are straight out with their end of the world predictions.  

I think the main worry is that we were 'caught off-guard' on this one and that many 'vulnerables' of all ages were not in isolation. That includes a lot of people, including a few kids with pretty severe asthma etc.

Most parents and people are risk-averse when it comes to protecting kids....it is human nature.

You should allow for that.

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3 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

I think the main worry is that we were 'caught off-guard' on this one and that many 'vulnerables' of all ages were not in isolation. That includes a lot of people, including a few kids with pretty severe asthma etc.

Most parents and people are risk-averse when it comes to protecting kids....it is human nature.

You should allow for that.

Thats a very valid point. We were told to carry on as normal and many did. 

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9 hours ago, Southernman said:

Guernsey recorded 569 active cases in this outbreak and one death. We are heading for something similar.

Guernsey peaked at 56 daily cases 8 days after they locked down. We hit 71 4 days later, we will surely see this rise. Guernsey locked down as soon they detected unaccountable cases. We gave the virus a few days extra to spread in the community. 

When this outbreak is brought to an end I would expect our numbers to be significantly higher than Guernsey's with the duration of lockdown having been fairly similar. It has taken Guernsey 5 weeks to see consistent days with no cases, they are only now gradually lifting restrictions. 


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2 hours ago, Manxtoffee said:

Total test numbers is pointless I certainly don’t care how many cases we’ve had since this all began. It confuses matters. Just have it up on the website for people to google if they so wish. 

Agree - we only really important things we need to know are how many daily new cases and of them how many are of unexplained lineage. 

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13 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

Gotta love cowman. Deliberately states that there is only 2 in hospital, then when corrected in a reasonable way, completely loses his shit and accuses everyone of being hysterical. Not seen him this bad since he hid under the duvet like a dribbling wreck post brexit. Absolutely bonkers

Also assumes the hospital cases are old. It must make the mother posting about her daughter in hospital due to civic really fucking old then. 

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1 hour ago, CowMan said:

I’m neither crowing or trolling but it seems that any comment on this forum that doesn’t transmit a persistent sense of doom and gloom is seen as such. Somebody may well die yet but it’s equally far too early to call the doom and gloom scenarios either. By far our main fatalities last time were care home related. Hardly anyone actually died in hospital. Still a few more in hospital and the death surfers are straight out with their end of the world predictions.  

Why don't you just ignore the doom and gloom merchants, Sultan?

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6 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

Why don't you just ignore the doom and gloom merchants, Sultan?

He is the doom and gloom merchant. A terrified little boy who turns on everyone to cover the fact that's he's sat there crying in a state of absolute terror. But it's everyone else who is hysterical of course. We've been here and seen it all before.

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1 hour ago, CowMan said:

Half the problem is this bubble that’s been created. We seem to think that we’d be immune from a global pandemic forever and we aren’t and we won’t be.

Who's this "we?" By this stage in the game I would suggest that most, if not all people realise this virus isn't going to just dematerialise and precautions will have to remain in place, at least until the efficacy of the various vaccines have proved able in containing or reducing transmission.


We’re all going to have to get used to living with this whether we like it or not.

Same answer, for the sake of repeating myself I'd again say that awareness of what the future holds is generally accepted, as you say, whether we like it or not. 


I see on BBC news this morning talks of the UK slowly opening back up and schools opening again tomorrow.

When this happens the results will be definitive. Any procedures undertaken at this moment in time are purely experimental, the outcome unknown but it has to be done. Whatever protocols are introduced in the UK will be reflected here. Our administration is dependent on the results of the UK experiment before considering how to move forward. In the meantime all we can do is carry on with the vaccination program and hope that it will reduce transmission and infection to a level that is, for want of a better word, acceptable.


It was always going to be that the IOM was going to be locked down just as the UK was opening back up because they’ve gradually learned to live with it an we haven’t.

We are behind the curve, no doubt, but I'd suggest that the UK population hasn't yet learned to live with it, exemplified by certain sections of society still breaking the rules and adopting a devil-may-care attitude toward their fellow citizens. If they'd all learned to live with the virus their behaviours wouldn't be so capricious, they'd do their level best to reduce any possibility of transmission by acting in the interests of the common good. Which many of them aren't, as we've seen with some ethnic minorities and covid-deniers reluctant to have the vaccines.

Quite honestly, you're displaying a doom and gloom attitude to this crisis by your continued assertions that we are all stupid and backward but the Manx population has been mostly compliant and understanding, following to the letter the instructions given out. Maybe you'd do well to limit your involvement on social media platforms and avoid the solicitations of the 'facebook Karens' before your meltdown is complete and irretrievable. 

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Personally I don't think that UK has "learned to live" with it at all yet. It's taken a 2+ month lockdown (observed to one degree or another) to bring things down to the current level, under some sort of control.

If they can keep it there, learning to live with it is what comes next.

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2 hours ago, CowMan said:

The ability to doom surf here is quite spectacular. Amazing even. I didn't say say it was ok did I? I’m assuming your grasp of the English language is enough to realize that I didn’t say that. But it’s hardly a cause for mass panic is it? We got to 10 at one stage during the first lockdown and you have no idea at all whether any underlying conditions or age related factors are at play here. Most admissions last time didn’t result in deaths either. But no, let’s all just automatically pee our pants and spread panic as there’s been an increase in hospital admissions. 

In the words of Bart Simpson, “don’t have a cow, man”. 

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