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IOM Covid removing restrictions


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28 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Especially given that there were daily briefings (sometimes week-round) last year.  I think Quayle is now too scared to face the media and too insecure to let anyone else do it.  There are all sorts of things that need asking or making clear to the public, yet no will to communicate during what looks to be a far worse outbreak than a year ago.

Once the figures don't start adding up. and the trust and confidence goes then for me the feeling has become "what is the point anymore".

7 minutes ago, horatiotheturd said:

The vaccine policy appears to have changed to more first doses which is good so as long as they keep delivering as promised that's fine.

Most of the rest has become a bit tedious and pointless .

Now the direction of the strategy has been pointed out then all there is to do now is wait. It seems the Govt has fired all it's bullets and there is no more ammunition to throw at it. Covid fatigue is setting in. 

As for the aftermath, the human and economic costs will have to be accounted for at some point. 

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11 minutes ago, Out of the blue said:

I am not sure it matters anymore though, the bubble has been burst and Gef will have a lot of surplus Howie and Ashford tee shirts on discount. 

The bubble has well and truly burst. Just been out and lunchtime traffic was rammed. Nobody really gives a toss really. The Gef team are quite resourceful when it comes to merchandise though. It will be Howie and Ashie bog roll next! 

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2 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

Judging by what I’m reading & being told, it seems the virus is everywhere.

The hospital admissions ‘should’ be off the scale soon*

*hoping it’s not.

The minute it hit the school population they were screwed really. A lot of the kids will have had no symptoms and were happily infecting their households for a week or so. Most people I know who have got it we’re linked to the school clusters. Ironically it seems the kids haven’t had it that bad either so not sure hospital visits will spike. Most people with school age kids are going to be under 45/50 so aren’t high risk. 

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13 minutes ago, Nom de plume said:

Judging by what I’m reading & being told, it seems the virus is everywhere.

The hospital admissions ‘should’ be off the scale soon*

*hoping it’s not.

In principle those who have tested positive and do not have breathing problems shouldn't need to go to hospital. They should be able to ride it out at home (circumstances permitted, like looking after kids etc). I'm guessing the Nobles triage staff are going to be busy.

Edited by Andy Onchan
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8 minutes ago, CowMan said:

The minute it hit the school population they were screwed really. A lot of the kids will have had no symptoms and were happily infecting their households for a week or so. Most people I know who have got it we’re linked to the school clusters. Ironically it seems the kids haven’t had it that bad either so not sure hospital visits will spike. Most people with school age kids are going to be under 45/50 so aren’t high risk. 

This is very true and a sensible observation - However, not that I should, but this makes me worry about the UKs strategy of opening schools on Monday last. I wonder if they cast an eye over here to see what has happened. Its strange that in the Autumn second wave in the UK schools were still not seen as a major issue. 

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27 minutes ago, horatiotheturd said:

Is it a worse outbreak than are year ago?  I don't think so, if we had done all the testing we are doing now last year then the figures would have been very different.

It's too soon to tell yet (hence my "looks to be") but the signs aren't good.  We actually did a lot of testing by then international standards last Spring, around 90 a day and we were getting positive rates in the high teens.  Currently we're doing many more, perhaps 500+ tests a day, but the positive rate is still in the low teens.  If the underlying rate in the community was the same as then we should see a bigger drop.

Most of the testing seems to be based on people reporting Covid symptoms as it was in the Spring.  So if more people are wanting tests that suggests more people have it.  The numbers awaiting testing are actually higher than previously, so it's not that people are getting tested quicker than then.

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7 minutes ago, Banker said:


The U.K., Jersey & Guernsey populations will be happily moving around Europe by June 1st & we’ll be still asking Nan to self isolate for two weeks on her visit from Bournemouth to see the grandkids.

CoMin are fucking cranks.

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6 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

This is very true and a sensible observation - However, not that I should, but this makes me worry about the UKs strategy of opening schools on Monday last. I wonder if they cast an eye over here to see what has happened. Its strange that in the Autumn second wave in the UK schools were still not seen as a major issue. 

There’s no excuse after the vaccine roll out. We’ve just got to learn to live with it and some people will sadly die. The same will apply here by September assuming they don’t further screw up our poor vaccine roll out. All over 50s will be vaccinated in the UK by end on May I think which is almost every person likely to be in a grandparent category. Under 50s and kids are lower risk anyway so they’ll just have to see what happens following the schools going back this week. I would guess that they’re hoping vaccine effect is already coming on stream which the data seems to suggest it is. 

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14 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

This is very true and a sensible observation - However, not that I should, but this makes me worry about the UKs strategy of opening schools on Monday last. I wonder if they cast an eye over here to see what has happened. Its strange that in the Autumn second wave in the UK schools were still not seen as a major issue. 

Surely most a huge number of the UK have either had it (tens of thousands a day - that we know of) or have now been vaccinated 

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